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b12 votes to invite tcu


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I think a key issue that sometimes gets overlooked especially with these major conference moves is reputation on the field of play. Part of this is due to ESPN and TV network contracting leverage. Also the Big 12 is trying to woo Missouri to stay as opposed to joining the SEC. I think you could argue TCU would beat A&M on the field and power rankings can factor into those TV contract negotiations. I think this is a real smart move for the Big 12.

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So, if I am to buy the assumption that TCU will be on the bottom of the Big 12 moving up, then UNT should be at the bottom of CUSA or MWC should we move up.

I'm sorry that I don't buy into that theory. TCU will recruit and win big in their new conference. They will be competitive from day 1 and Fort Worth will be one of the top locations to recruit to in the Big 12.

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While Miami isn't a huge university they still have about 15K students. Just win and have kickass administration support and it will take care of itself regardless of what conference you are in.

Don't forget to mention their great alumni $upport...

This is great. TCU earned this. They may not win the conference for a few years, but they will be able to sell playing in the Big xii to recruits. They will be just fine. As for the conference, bevo t.v. agreed to not show high school games and the conference's members will be sharing tv reveune equally. Basically, t.u. just lost, in that regards.

Mizzou is going to stay in the Big xii, and watch for them to raid the Big East, thus killing them as a football conference. This most likely eliminates SMUt from becoming an AQ team. Hopefully, all these dominoes just gave NT a few years to improve our perception on the field.

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Last spring didn't the Big East invite Temple and Villanova to join ? Both turned them down.

No. Temple was kicked out of the Big East for football and there was some thought of re-inviting them since they have improved but no invite as of yet. Villanova is already a full member of the Big east but plays FCS (1-AA) football. They were offered an invite to upgrade but not sure they want to spend the money plus their small football facility is an issue.

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Don't forget to mention their great alumni $upport...

TCU has wealthy alums but not a huge alumni base nor fan base compared to upper tier Big 12 state schools. They rarely sold out 42K Amon Carter while being Top 10, only for biggest TV games.

The Big 12 will bring more opponent fans, but tougher competition than the MWC week to week.

Most programs are only as good as their QB and TCU rode Dalton to big wins. They have struggled with a new QB, as most programs do until they find the next great one. I see them falling back to mid-level in the Big 12.

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TCU has been (for the most part) civil with UNT. They scheduled us at Fouts when many would not. Then they showed up by the thousands as if they were going to a game at UT's DKR Memorial Stadium or something.

A Mean Green link and thread to congratulate the Horned Frogs. After all, they are our neighbors, right?


Bump, bump...

Some more love below from Horned Frog Country from TCU2000....toss them back a bouquet from the above link if you have time.

user_green.pngTCU2000 Posted Today, 01:20 PM (#2)

Thanks Mean Green. You all have the student body population to do something great. Keep supporting your team!


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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The SEC's $2.25 billion TV contract with ESPN and $825 million TV contract with CBS make it the richest conference by a sizable margin.

There's more to it than TV revenues. Texas is by far the richest school in college sports--do you think they do that by TV alone? But as for conferences, the Big 10 is still the richest.

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