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McCarney on Why He Started McNulty


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If you're not happy with the coach's decision, perhaps you should have applied for the job. I'm sure with your NCAA whatever year experience on PS3 and building UNT to the most prestigious team in the land will serve you well.

Last time I checked, this dude knows what he's doing. We do not, as we are grasping at straws and assuming we would make better decisions. Or, if you don't like the idea of you being in the hot seat, perhaps you can create a "circle of champions" similar to what SMU did, buy out McCarney, and hire a big name out of work head coach at a maximum salary that would cripple the athletic department for years.

Don't be surprised, though, if Tulsa wins C-USA. The teams that matter the most and will map out our progress more accurately will be the Sun Belt team. Obviously, we can't do anything about FIU, but we can sure as hell beat the rest of the teams.

Apologies for being somewhat snippy this morning, but the complaining has become out of hand. It was comical at first, but crucifying a coach for not making the decision you would have made is a bit ridiculous.

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If you're not happy with the coach's decision, perhaps you should have applied for the job. I'm sure with your NCAA whatever year experience on PS3 and building UNT to the most prestigious team in the land will serve you well.

Last time I checked, this dude knows what he's doing. We do not, as we are grasping at straws and assuming we would make better decisions. Or, if you don't like the idea of you being in the hot seat, perhaps you can create a "circle of champions" similar to what SMU did, buy out McCarney, and hire a big name out of work head coach at a maximum salary that would cripple the athletic department for years.

Don't be surprised, though, if Tulsa wins C-USA. The teams that matter the most and will map out our progress more accurately will be the Sun Belt team. Obviously, we can't do anything about FIU, but we can sure as hell beat the rest of the teams.

Apologies for being somewhat snippy this morning, but the complaining has become out of hand. It was comical at first, but crucifying a coach for not making the decision you would have made is a bit ridiculous.

Maybe I did apply for the job? How the Hell would you know? You're probably one of those miniscule few who still worshipped TD in year four. This board is for expressing opinions, and if you don't like opinions that differ from yours, maybe you should get back to the safety of your precious PS3. Bet you didn't even see the game.

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Wow, we sound like we're Florida fans- let's start the website www.firecoachmac.com.

You can't expect kids who are so used to losing for some time now to not step on their cranks in the process of trying to win. They're going to do dumb things. We're going to look horrible this year at times. For every Indiana first half, we're going to have another Tulsa game. Expect four or five wins this year. Considering where we came from, that's pretty damn good. Anything sooner, you have unrealistic expectations. It will get better, but next year is when UNT will begin making some serious noise.

If you'd like to continue to crucify the coach, go ahead. But you and entirely too lofty of expectations are to blame. Not a dude who is using game situations to test his horses. And, if you think one win or competitive game would allow us to out recruit Tulsa, please read my above statement regarding unrealistic expectations. Now, commence with your overbearing retaliation of my comments.

Are you even reading the comments? I don't think anyone thought we would be 5-0 or 4-1 at this point. I know I didn't, but I did expect us to be competitive with Tulsa after watching us beat Indiana. The issue is that an illprepared freshman is starting over another player that has shown the ability during games to effectively move our team down the field. This illprepared freshman is also being inserted into games at odd times, and it is starting to look like he has been inserted to score TD's after the other quarterbacks on the team have driven us into scoring position. Oddly, this quarterback is the son of one of our head coaches good friends, so good, that a recent newspaper article states he has photographs taken with this players Dad after two wins that are important to him. If this doesn't, at best, seem odd to you then you must be blind.

Edited by UNTLifer
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Can you explain why we continue to play DE's and DT's that cannot get sacks or QB pressure consistently, or CB's that continue to give up 40+ yard TD's every week? Oh wait...

You know LongJim, some of our players currently have more sacks after 5 games than they had all of last year. We also seemed to get pressure on Keenum, especially during the first half, and on the IU QB's throughout the game. The defense has been inconsistent, and I don't think anyone expected any differently, but at least we are seeing improvement from week to week. Also, the freshmen that have been inserted in the games have performed well with little to no difference in production. Some freshmen are obviously being given a redshirt year to develop, hence the complaint that McNulty has started or been inserted into games at critical points when he obviously is not ready to play and more qualified people are not getting the same opportunity.

There is no way to predict how the Tulsa game may have played out differently had the two pick six's not been thrown, but nothing takes the wind out of a team than a turnover that turns into an immediate touchdown.

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I don't agree with the "killing attendance" comment about McCarney. However, setting school attendance records for two continuous games is absolutely nothing to be proud of. A brand new stadium and two great opponents and NT can't average over 25k, that is something to lament not brag about.

You would have rather UNT didn't set the record in those first two games? I know, I know, you wanted 25K average for the two...me too, but that isn't what happened and the student turnout was not what I expected after all the work Coach mac put in to trying to get them to turn out. Yet, they still stay outside and tailgate. Also, there was some drop off in the Alumni side for game two...perhaps that could be expected as well, but I am still more than pleased to have set that record. I "lament" nothing.

Now, let's see what happens this week after that Tulsa game and a 1-4 record. I'll be there...I hope the same for you and all the Mean green nation. It should be great fall weather and it's UNT football...co-eds, tailgating, the Green Brigade, the UNT Alumni Pavilion, friends, etc., etc. Doesn't get much better than that...well a win helps as well. I think UNT wins Saturday over FAU.

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You would have rather UNT didn't set the record in those first two games? I know, I know, you wanted 25K average for the two...me too, but that isn't what happened and the student turnout was not what I expected after all the work Coach mac put in to trying to get them to turn out. Yet, they still stay outside and tailgate. Also, there was some drop off in the Alumni side for game two...perhaps that could be expected as well, but I am still more than pleased to have set that record. I "lament" nothing.

The alumni deserve just as much blame as the students. I am both alumni, and a student, so I am neutral in the argument. We had about 10k students show up for the Houston game, and for them to come back, they need to see something good happening (and by good, I mean wins). It has been soooooo long since we have had a winning team, that Coach Mac going around is not going to get the job done. I'm sorry, but that is just where the program is at. The win against Indiana will help, and I think we will see an equal if not bigger student crowd than showed up for the Indiana game. Winning at home is very, very important.

The alumni are just as fickle. As you said, they dropped off as well for the Indiana game, and should share equal blame.

The real problem here is the city of Denton, who has never, even during the bowl years supported this team. Instead, the City is catering to OU fans on NT game day. I understand the need for the city to generate revenue, but it is an insult nonetheless. If they would put that kind of effort into promoting NT (other than their generic proclamation every year to wear green on Fridays), maybe things would be a little different.

Sorry for the rant. :) Go Mean Green!

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The alumni deserve just as much blame as the students. I am both alumni, and a student, so I am neutral in the argument. We had about 10k students show up for the Houston game, and for them to come back, they need to see something good happening (and by good, I mean wins). It has been soooooo long since we have had a winning team, that Coach Mac going around is not going to get the job done. I'm sorry, but that is just where the program is at. The win against Indiana will help, and I think we will see an equal if not bigger student crowd than showed up for the Indiana game. Winning at home is very, very important.

The alumni are just as fickle. As you said, they dropped off as well for the Indiana game, and should share equal blame.

The real problem here is the city of Denton, who has never, even during the bowl years supported this team. Instead, the City is catering to OU fans on NT game day. I understand the need for the city to generate revenue, but it is an insult nonetheless. If they would put that kind of effort into promoting NT (other than their generic proclamation every year to wear green on Fridays), maybe things would be a little different.

Sorry for the rant. :) Go Mean Green!

Look Denton definitely isn't perfect and there's issues I have with the city but let's not soley blame Denton for bad attendance etc. Do you see our historical track record in athletics? Blaming the city of Denton is a complete copout stance because we know that it starts with our own alumni and students. If they don't come and support then we're probably going to lose the battle either way.

That being said it is really tough when you have very little to no relevance in athletics and always field losing football teams. Yeah yeah we've had some good years but on the whole it hasn't ever all clicked at once. Are we on the right path now? Yes I think we are but it will take time because we have had the apothetic and losing culture for so long and its been so bad that it is something that will take time. When that is fixed then you will see the fans coming. I love my school and will support them no matter what generally but I really don't blame other alumni and students for not taking interest. It is what it is....there are other options and things to do. If you have the options to spend your money and one of them is going to a game and seeing your team get their ass handed to them on a weekly basis then more times then not they will opt out for something else to do.

As for Denton being the OU headquarters...it is not an insult at all. What difference does it make? This doesn't affect UNT one iota and I just don't get all the hoopla on something so minor. Get over it.

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really, did he really say that the only reason Osborn did well was because he played against the back ups. i don't think i have ever heard a coach call out the success of a player simply to make sure his decision is not seen as a bad one. I am really starting to doubt this man is the answer. CHICO was teh answer now he is simply having his strings pulled by a coach that is forcing Mcnulty into the starting line up. Hope he learns quick and can do it, because like it or not he will be our starting QB for the next 4 years

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really, did he really say that the only reason Osborn did well was because he played against the back ups. i don't think i have ever heard a coach call out the success of a player simply to make sure his decision is not seen as a bad one. I am really starting to doubt this man is the answer. CHICO was teh answer now he is simply having his strings pulled by a coach that is forcing Mcnulty into the starting line up. Hope he learns quick and can do it, because like it or not he will be our starting QB for the next 4 years

WOW....the amount of crap that MAC is catching right now is amazing. 5 games in and people are already calling him out, bashing him, doubting him, quiting on him, pretty much asking for him to leave already. It's simply amazing. This is a bad team. And I think we're lucky to have even won 1 game at this point. This is a 4-5 win team. We have no receivers, no qb, rebuilt O-line which has been without JJ. The only reason we put up numbers late last season was the run threat that Riley provided. I have to imagine that a viable QB is at the top of the priority list of MAC, Chico and company.

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WOW.... thats not the point. he just needs to admit it was stupid to stick with mcnulty so long, or even start him for that matter. AND not take the easy way out and lessen Osborns accomplishment. Mcnulty was not ready and he basically told the upper classmen he did not care if we lost.

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WOW.... thats not the point. he just needs to admit it was stupid to stick with mcnulty so long, or even start him for that matter. AND not take the easy way out and lessen Osborns accomplishment. Mcnulty was not ready and he basically told the upper classmen he did not care if we lost.

Sorry 1990, that wasn't aimed at just you, pretty much the entire gmg board. The reason he started is bc he and Chico saw him as the better option. Does anyone remember the Spring and Fall scrimmages and how bad Osborne was? The coaches saw that every day in practice too. You have to trust that what they've seen trumps the small sample size that we've seen.

Also regarding the 1st vs 2nd team D of Tulsa. It's not as though we're talking about UT or OU here. Those teams have 4 and 5 * recruits as backups. Tulsa does not. You're going to see a dropoff from 1st to 2nd teamers.

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WOW.... thats not the point. he just needs to admit it was stupid to stick with mcnulty so long, or even start him for that matter. AND not take the easy way out and lessen Osborns accomplishment. Mcnulty was not ready and he basically told the upper classmen he did not care if we lost.

I think some of you are reading way too much into this.

It has already been established that Coach Mac did not make this decision alone. He obviously has veto power when such decisions are made, but there is no reason to automatically assume he did in this case.

Coach Mac has said that McNulty outperformed Osborn in practice the preceding week. Unless you are one of the privileged few who get to see practices, you can't disagree.

I still think Osborn should have gotten the start. He has more experience, he had already shown something against Alabama. Coach Mac made his decision based upon other factors, and he will have to live with criticism of it for now.

But we have no right to say that McNulty started because of nepotism or because "he did not care if we lost." :whip:

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Our alleged second team QB should have been given an opportunity to show what he has got, but we still don't really know how good he is because he has barely been allowed to play.

Yes we have. Did you already forget? He lead the team down the field against Alabama, one of the best defenses in the nation, in front of 102,000 home fans and put the team in scoring position only to be pulled in favor of Mcnulty. We got Zero points.

Something here just doesn't make sense.

Edited by meangreenbob
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Ya'll have the same discussion every year at this time. I don't remember the last time NT had a winning OOC record in the last 12-15 years.


I do like Mac as I did Canalas, Dodge, Dickey, Simon, and all the rest. For once NT has an excellent coach, with credentials, an excellent staff, and a new stadium. I have full trust in what he does is correct. He did help win a "National Championship," is at practice, reviews the films, inspects the injured, and plays those who can contribute for the down, series, and game. He has my confidence vote.

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Our alleged second team QB should have been given an opportunity to show what he has got, but we still don't really know how good he is because he has barely been allowed to play.

Yes we have. Did you already forget? He lead the team down the field against Alabama, one of the best defenses in the nation, put the team in scoring position only to be pulled in favor of Mcnulty. We got Zero points.

Something here just doesn't make sense.

Osborn has been given ample opportunity to prove himself in practice. Leading a drive late in the game against the reserves of one of the best defenses in the country when they have a big lead is not impressive.

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Osborn has been given ample opportunity to prove himself in practice. Leading a drive late in the game against the reserves of one of the best defenses in the country when they have a big lead is not impressive.

but you're impressed by McNulty throwing 2 pick sixes, nearly 3, not scoring from inside the 5 twice against Tulsa, not scoring against AL when inside the 10, what has he done that is so impressive other than score against UH?

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