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Please put McNulty in...


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Okay... I do have to question the logic of dumping McNulty cold - AT Alabama - in the 4th quarter on the 2 yard line. A fumble, a penalty, and two TERRIBLE throws later..... why flip flop so much? Osborn got us down there, right?

That was the stupidest handling of quarterbacks I have ever seen. Osborn guides the only drive of the night into the redzone and is proptly pulled for the true freshman.... then re-inserted after the freshman fumbles the snap, then pulled again after one play which resulted in the ball being placed on the three? In Bama's house in front of 101,000 screaming fans?

Moronic... purely moronic.

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Putting McNulty in was crazy. I thought Thompson played very well and really didn't like McCarney putting Osborne in, McNulty I don't understand all. Finally get a great chance to score on a drive by Osborne and you put a player who has not been in the game thinking I guess that he was going to run it in against Alabama.

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I understand wanting to get the other QBs some playing time, but not the way they did it tonight.

I think Thompson did a good job for what he had to deal with. It looked like he got better at reading the defenses and making adjustments. Alabama is the #2 team in the country. Against Indiana and the other Sun Belt teams Thompson, and the offense should look much better.

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I understand wanting to get the other QBs some playing time, but not the way they did it tonight.

I think Thompson did a good job for what he had to deal with. It looked like he got better at reading the defenses and making adjustments. Alabama is the #2 team in the country. Against Indiana and the other Sun Belt teams Thompson, and the offense should look much better.

I agree. We should know something about our capabilities by this time next week.

Edited by eulessismore
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Again, who ever started this thread be careful what you ask you. I guess McNulty has shown a lot in practice, but he had one or two good runs against UH and has yet to throw a good pass. I wonder about those complaining about Thompson, he looked the best he has this year to me. Our receiving corp thus far has been suspect and the offensive line though improving is not giving anybody a lot of time very often.

I can't believe we had three games and now apparently have not two but three QB's being rotated.

Edited by GrandGreen
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I respectfully disagree. Thompson does not appear to be the answer. His throwing motion and speed appear to be the culprit. I felt like Ozzy got robbed after leading a nice drive and 15 getting the ball. McNulty will be good in time as will Thompson. Who (which QB )can best get us the wins so we can recruit?

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I respectfully disagree. Thompson does not appear to be the answer. His throwing motion and speed appear to be the culprit. I felt like Ozzy got robbed after leading a nice drive and 15 getting the ball. McNulty will be good in time as will Thompson. Who (which QB )can best get us the wins so we can recruit?

I thought Osborne had a real nice drive and didn't make the bad decisions he did against FIU. However, he only completed 2 out of 6 passes and was going against more second stringers than Thompson. Thompson did go 11-22 with no intercepts and no sacks and I thought he got much better as did the whole offense in the second half.

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I think its more about what Thompson hasn't done.

But to put a 6'1" true freshman in that I can't remember having thrown a pass this year before tonight? Is he going to run the option against Alabama? Just a huge knee jerk reaction IMO. DT hasn't been horrible this year, he's had one really bad throw last week and he was off on a handfull early in this game. Give him time to fail, then call for a change. People always think the backup is better than the starter...give me the coaches opinion over any of ours.

Now, hopefully the 6 or so chances he had to score from inside the 5(2 of which were horrible passes) will curb some of this talk, but I doubt it.

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To me, if the game is pretty much lost anyway, it would appear that the coaching staff is getting a "real world" look at how their various QB's respond to pressure situations. I didn't watch any of this game, but when I observed McNulty in the Houston game, he seemed very confident. Osburn looked more confident too, than when I observed him in spring practice.

Folks, you can work on mechanics, but you can't coach confidence/leadership ability. You either have it (Jordan Case, Joe Stevenson, Greg Carter, Scott Davis, Mitch Maher, Scott Hall) or you don't (I'll refrain from providing a don't list).

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Osborne has looked better than DT in his extremely limited time. You would expect to see them give more time to Osborne and Mcnulty if they weren't sure that DT was their guy. All of our games have been blowout losses by the start of the fourth quarter, so you'd think they'd use that entire quarter to get our backups some PT...but instead they keep DT on the field to, I assume, get more practice reps. I think those of you wanting to see other QBs are going to be waiting awhile...

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To me, if the game is pretty much lost anyway, it would appear that the coaching staff is getting a "real world" look at how their various QB's respond to pressure situations. I didn't watch any of this game, but when I observed McNulty in the Houston game, he seemed very confident. Osburn looked more confident too, than when I observed him in spring practice.

Folks, you can work on mechanics, but you can't coach confidence/leadership ability. You either have it (Jordan Case, Joe Stevenson, Greg Carter, Scott Davis, Mitch Maher, Scott Hall) or you don't (I'll refrain from providing a don't list).

Exactly and it should be done this way, what are the rest of you crying about good god.

Nice post Silver

Dan did it right

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Thompson AND Osborn are head and shoulders better than McNulty. It's not even close.

Depending upon what you mean by this, I might agree or disagree with you. As a true freshman, there is no way he can be as ready for the college game as either. On the other hand, he has (according to those who know him best) those tangibles that you look for in a QB...mostly the ability to move the sticks and win games....something neither Thompson nor Osborn have PROVEN (not saying they don't or won't have it) to have yet. From what I have read, McNulty has a big upside in terms of being a real field leader. Not saying he will actualize that or even be our starter someday, but it is something I take VERY SERIOUSLY in rating QB's.

I've seen too many QB's over my too long period of following football who had all the talent, but who just could not get the job done when push came to shove. And, I've seen lots of QB's, who on paper shouldn't even be playing, who were big time winners. QB is far more than just being able to throw a good pass.

So, I say. Let's wait awhile before we make a final judgement on Thompson, Osborn or McNulty. As far as I am concerned, any of them could turn out to be what we are looking for....or turn into disappointments.

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