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NCAA hits Boise State with major violations


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The big universities/athletics programs have no issues with this. Look at the money they get due to people donating not just in athletics but the rest of the other schools programs for research etc. That is fine call me unethical. the fact is that it is unethical on some dinky little document which we know the NCAA rarely every truly enforces. Despite their scandals, USC and OSU and countless other schools will have packed stadiums with die hard fans and will keep on receiving donations not just to athletics but to everything else. So yes I have no problem with cheating...of the 120 or something schools....EVERYBODY cheats or bends the rules greatly in some capacity or another maybe minus the academies maybe.

Athletic directors, coaches etc aren't scared to death because everybody knows what is truly going on. They realize that its basically an arms race and you have to keep up. That is the way these things go now.

This isn't necessarily about mine or your businesses. Call me a loose cannon all you want...at the end of the day I am and will always think like a businessman. College athletics is a completely different ballgame and yes that is a complete business as well and if you think otherwise then you're a lost cause.

I'm just hoping that you are a gazillionaire and get the party started.

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Let me be just straight-out honest here - and I hope the University of North Texas Athletic Department officials, coaches, AND the President of our university read this - and I hope they care:

If the athletic department at this university should choose to operate a program that is based on cheating in order to be successful........I, along with my contributions to this program, am out of here!

Pure and simple - no ifs, ands, or buts!

We win with ethical behavior, pride, and class or this athletic program can follow your suggestion without me.


On this I am in 100% agreement. Win with ethical behavior, pride and class. It certainly can be done.

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You're more than welcome to leave and never look back. While you're leaving, in return we'll be getting a lot more donations and a lifetime/generations of fans that bleed green and love UNT. So I am quite fine with that. Obviously if we're going to cheat then we need to cheat right and win in the process.

This is really a sad comment, and says a great deal more than just about football. If this represents the current thinking of even a minority of the people in this great nation of ours then God help us as no one else can.

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Call me a loose cannon all you want...at the end of the day I am and will always think like a businessman.

Thank you, sir, for the response.......and for making my point for me.

Now, what company did you say you represent?

As for the following quote, might I suggest that you did not listen to the good advice of mom and dad back when:

"EVERYBODY cheats or bends the rules greatly in some capacity....."


Your statement reminds me so much of my logic as my high school prom date approached - told Mom and Dad that I wanted to get a hotel room in Downtown Dallas with my girlfriend and another couple.

They said "absolutely not."

My response: "Why not, everybody else is doing it."

Lessons learned:

1. "Everyone" else WAS NOT staying in hotel rooms; not by a long-shot!


2. Four girls in the senior class got pregnant that night......and for them and their impregnators, attending college either occurred years later, or did not occur at all - they paid a helluva price.

Might I emphasize again - Everyone else WAS NOT doing it, and I do believe there are clean athletic programs that are successful.

But to each his own..........

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