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In addition to "No Re-entry" on our tickets, we were individually told by an attendant as we walked in. There were also signs posted near our gate saying the same thing. Not sure what else they should do, unless you think TV should.call everyone personally to let them know.


Its okay to have complaints about things. How else would anything be improved? I don't think they'll change the re-entry rule, but they shouldn't close that bathroom when everyone is still tailgating. There's more bathrooms than those two. The one next to the hill should be open to tailgaters until around 5:15.

Posted (edited)

I could get NO cell service inside the stadium. That's my only complaint.

Never had an issue in Fouts. Took forever to get texts out last night. I had a little less of that last year in Little Rock, but chalked it up to 60,000 people.

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999

Perhaps UNT could consider what OU does - they encourage everyone to park at Lloyd Noble (miles from the stadium) and use the OU bus system - at $1 - for a round trip to the stadium. I saw so many older fans trying to make that trek from Fouts and worried some of 'em weren't going to make it.

I disagree about encouraging everyone to park away from Apogee. I think the ability to tailgate so close to the stadium will seperate us from alot of D-1 schools. However, I think they should encourage parking at Fouts, for those who don't have parking passes, and then run shuttles for EVERYONE from Fouts to the different points around Apogee. I have no problem charging for it either. That was my biggest frustration yesterday. My mom took the shuttle from Fouts, but the guy dropped her off by the Alumni Pavillion, nowhere near where our tailgate was. I'd suggest running the shuttle around the stadium to drop off people and just making a continous loop starting, say 6 hours prior to kcikoff.

This would also solve the problem of getting back to Fout's after the game. I was trying to get my mom back to her car afterwards and we weren't allowed to drive to Fout's, forcing us to park, and walk from the PEB to Fouts just to get her car.


Never had an issue in Fouts. Took forever to get texts out last night. I had a little less of that last year in Little Rock, but chalked it up to 60,000 people.

I have this problem at Ranger and Cowboy games. I had a sports tear when this finally happened at a UNT event.

Whether its because of having a real stadium or because of the crowd size, its a problem I am more than happy to deal with.


I talked to a security guard about the cell phone issue at the half. (I was trying to get 2 tickets to someone walking up). He told me that with mobile technology today, any game being televised blocks cell phone signals with 4G and 3G technology. Too many video phones, etc. So cell reception is purposely blocked to prevent pirate broadcasting. Its the media that does it...not the school or security Some older cell phones could still work (however traffic caused them to be slow as well) i dont know, Makes sense to me.

As for the no re-entry he also told me that more and more stadiums are going to that policy, especially new stadiums.

He was really nice and really helpful, even as he got cussed at by two morons wanting to come and go as they pleased.

  • Upvote 1

Kram, thanks for the info on the alumni pavilion. I did not know it wouldn't open for half. It was just a thought, but I can see why they wouldn't want to do this. I love unt and unt football I was just wanting to grab a drink at half not that I HAD to have a beer (emmitt). Anyways 1st game at an amazing venue I knew things would be different so now I'll know! Not a big deal! Gmg!


I talked to a security guard about the cell phone issue at the half. (I was trying to get 2 tickets to someone walking up). He told me that with mobile technology today, any game being televised blocks cell phone signals with 4G and 3G technology. Too many video phones, etc. So cell reception is purposely blocked to prevent pirate broadcasting. Its the media that does it...not the school or security Some older cell phones could still work (however traffic caused them to be slow as well) i dont know, Makes sense to me.

As for the no re-entry he also told me that more and more stadiums are going to that policy, especially new stadiums.

He was really nice and really helpful, even as he got cussed at by two morons wanting to come and go as they pleased.

They block 4g and 3g is silly mine worked just slow, like any place with thousands of people that is not equipped properly like an air show. He was clueless. Can you imagine the liability if a stadium blocked calls and they prevented emergency calls. They just need to add some mini towers placed in and around the stadium. Data is not needed to make and take calls.


UH has no re-entry and will have a parking garage next to the stadium. We have permanent pavilions next to the stadium where the main tailgating goes on. You'll have fun at Robertson next year and we had a good time at Apogee last night. I wish we'd brought a pep band and cheerleaders. That would have coordinated our cheering since we were all pretty spread out. I guess budgets are very tight.


There are certainly procedures and policies that are going to be reviewed, and possibly modified.

Please remember that security was extra tight with this being the tenth anniversary of 9-11.

Can the stadium fenceline be modified to include the alumni pavilion during the games? Sure, why not? It would improve the gameday experience for fans and increase the incentive for our alumni to join the alumni association.Why can't that whole northern patio become a giant Alumni Association Beer Garden during halftime? There shouldn't be an NCAA issue as long as fans are restricted from carrying their beer back into the stadium.

  • Upvote 1

Buy a flask and keep it concealed

I know it's not open, I'm saying it would be nice to be able to grab a beer at halftime. I know we want to keep people in the stadium but now I'm afraid people won't come in at all


I didn't find parking a problem. I thought it funny that the lights weren't on in the first men's room I used. When my girl friend came out of the ladies she said the same thing.

I'm sure it was just a first game problem, but "what up with the sound system." I can understand an issue with the ref's mike. But they had a terrible time just playing music. Something wasn't grounded and it was NOT the ref's mike unless they just leave that open for 20 minutes at a time. There seemed to be a video playback issue as well. Again, I'm sure it was first game issues but other than mikes just set up for that game, there is no reason everything else should not have been checked out first. If something isn't grounded right, they should have caught that hours before and just not opened that circuit unless absolutely needed. It wasn't needed for 20 minutes plus of 60 Hertz buzz.

My Sprint cell service was fine. I was sending and receiving text messages and I got two (unwanted) phone calls. My girl friend on ATT had no problem checking other scores on her phone.

It was a little funny that my seats on row 13 of Sect 105 were among the few without chair backs. The old chair backs at Fouts were so uncomfortable for me that I preferred to do without. My girl friend who had never been to a NT game before doubted my strategy until we got there and row 13 was the last row and you can lean back against the wall. In fact, when people walked by, we could just lean back while those with chair backs had to stand or even move. There is also a small space where you can set you drink behind the seat if you don't have a chair back and it won't get kicked over!

The Alumni pavilion needs to rent a couple of port-a-lets for game day!

I saw my first NT football game back in 1976. This is the first real home game where I felt like we are a real top level college team!


I know it's not open, I'm saying it would be nice to be able to grab a beer at halftime. I know we want to keep people in the stadium but now I'm afraid people won't come in at all

You are kidding, I hope. Agree on the beer at halftime thing. It would be nice if beer was sold in the concession stands, but I don't see that coming anytime soon. Apogee is no where near the only stadium with a no exit/re-entry rule.

I am thinking that several things will get tweaked and reviewed after the first game. Might see some changes. Who knows, but I do know that athletic staffers were asking for opinions and issues and were very open to hearing what folks had to say. Am pretty sure there will be a big sit down review this week to go over such things before the Indiana game. Everyone may need a bit of patience, but things will soon enough take on a sense of normalcy. It was the first game for everyone! And, what a great experience it was...the "issues" I have heard seem to be legit and well intentioned. No big "rock throwing" that one might have expected. That says a good bit to me about how well this first game was planned and thought out. Let's be patient enough to see where it goes.


Only a few minor complaints about an overall great experience:

1) Leaving the parking lot. It only took 20-30 minutes to get out of the Fouts lot after the game, but since there were only 7 cars in front of me, I didn't think it should take that long

2) Live microphones. The sound system is great. Sounded awesome the week before watching the FIU game there. But that microphone static needs to be fixed

3) The stadium announcer. I have never heard someone butcher so many names in my life. Casey Keenan (aka Case Keenum) did not throw the ball to Tyson (aka Tyron) Carrier. It's not like those 2 guys are unknown players. David Piland did not make a tackle. Some sympathy for that one because we have more than one player with that number, but a QB who is redshirting this year is probably not making too many tackles on special teams.


I know things will get all worked out, that is why I am not worried. And honestly, it isnt a big deal that we have a no re entry policy. I just was unaware of this policy, but no biggie. This had an actual college game day atmosphere that was so awesome, I never should have made a complaint ha. Anyway, hopefully the pavilion makes an attempt to serve drinks at half, if not its not the end of the world. Go mean Green, and next time I will bring a flask...just saying...


Only a few minor complaints about an overall great experience:

1) Leaving the parking lot. It only took 20-30 minutes to get out of the Fouts lot after the game, but since there were only 7 cars in front of me, I didn't think it should take that long

2) Live microphones. The sound system is great. Sounded awesome the week before watching the FIU game there. But that microphone static needs to be fixed

3) The stadium announcer. I have never heard someone butcher so many names in my life. Casey Keenan (aka Case Keenum) did not throw the ball to Tyson (aka Tyron) Carrier. It's not like those 2 guys are unknown players. David Piland did not make a tackle. Some sympathy for that one because we have more than one player with that number, but a QB who is redshirting this year is probably not making too many tackles on special teams.

I love Stan Keaton (it should be Stan Kenton). Pretty sloppy.


Only a few minor complaints about an overall great experience:

1) Leaving the parking lot. It only took 20-30 minutes to get out of the Fouts lot after the game, but since there were only 7 cars in front of me, I didn't think it should take that long

2) Live microphones. The sound system is great. Sounded awesome the week before watching the FIU game there. But that microphone static needs to be fixed

3) The stadium announcer. I have never heard someone butcher so many names in my life. Casey Keenan (aka Case Keenum) did not throw the ball to Tyson (aka Tyron) Carrier. It's not like those 2 guys are unknown players. David Piland did not make a tackle. Some sympathy for that one because we have more than one player with that number, but a QB who is redshirting this year is probably not making too many tackles on special teams.

I noticed the mispronunciation too, but I thought it was all part of the psychology of the game. :) My only (slight) frustration was that I thought the Mean Green march was supposed to start at 4:00. We left our tailgate at 3:45 to start heading over, and when we arrived at 3:50, it was to see the last few coaches walking by. I understand timing is challenging, but maybe a few announcements over a loud speaker or two to let everyone know they need to start moving towards the march a little earlier? Maybe make the announcement when the players load up on the bus to head over. Again, not a huge issue, but I was hoping to get to see all the players as they walked in.

Posted (edited)

I noticed the mispronunciation too, but I thought it was all part of the psychology of the game. :) My only (slight) frustration was that I thought the Mean Green march was supposed to start at 4:00. We left our tailgate at 3:45 to start heading over, and when we arrived at 3:50, it was to see the last few coaches walking by. I understand timing is challenging, but maybe a few announcements over a loud speaker or two to let everyone know they need to start moving towards the march a little earlier? Maybe make the announcement when the players load up on the bus to head over. Again, not a huge issue, but I was hoping to get to see all the players as they walked in.

They announced it several times from the stage that Spacemonkey was playing on. I got there around 3PM and they announced it at 3PM and at least 2 other times after that. I know not everyone could hear everything from that stage though. I guess you can listen for the police sirens escorting the buses and hurry up after that.

Edited by NTXCoog

They announced it several times from the stage that Spacemonkey was playing on. I got there around 3PM and they announced it at 3PM and at least 2 other times after that. I know everyone could hear everything from that stage though. I guess you can listen for the police sirens escorting the buses and hurry up after that.

We tailgate in the Red lot, so we were a good ways from the Hill. We couldn't even hear the sirens for the buses.


We tailgate in the Red lot, so we were a good ways from the Hill. We couldn't even hear the sirens for the buses.

Bummer. It was pretty cool, but it did go pretty quick. If you weren't there early, you weren't going to catch it. I was lined up in front of the stage where they made the announcement, but the walk actually went to the side and behind the stage so there was plenty of scrambling from one side of the stage to the other to watch.


Were those 3 port-a-potties near the confluence of the Red and Blue lots the only bathrooms on the East side? I walked up to the hill and didn't see any others, nor were there any toward the south end of the lots.

They had more than that at Fouts (prior years) and that wasn't near enough.

Should be an easy fix, but they never fixed it at Fouts.


I'm starting to think we don't need a fanbase. Maybe our team should play to an empty stadium on purpose. We have waaaay waaaay too many things that will "cause people not to come inside stadium at all." We get LITERALLY all day to drink, eat, and play during our tailgates. Hell, you can drink all Friday night if you want...I did. And we are, seriously, complaining that for three hours we're forced to endure the torture of college football...our Alma mater's football team by the way...without beer????!!! And here I was thinking it was the product on the field that needed fine tuning.

Kram and I were talking at the Coach's show last night, and he suggested I meet you if I wanna camp out at a game.

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