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Jumbotron and the Net?

Pen Yan Fan

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First of all the new stadium is awesome. It was a very proud moment to walk into the stadium for the first time. A couple of complaints. Why do we spend all of that money on a jumbotron and then put a big net in front of it? It really is distracting and distorts the view. Is there no way to just raise the net before a field goal attempt?

I also don't understand why all the audio problems for the entire game?

Both sides need more ATMs.

I love the new stadium but hate the fact we put a net in front of the jumbotron.

Edited by Pen Yan Fan
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Canon crew flubbed the firing a few times (to mark the end of the 1st quarter and the half)

But damn when it did go off... it rocked the joint!

Was in Sec. 203, 26 rows back and it sounded nothing like it did when I walked over to the student section mirroring my seat location for the final blast. I jumped out of my shoes on that one.


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The scratchy audio problems seemed to involve wireless microphones.

i'm happy the speaker feedback was just about the only gameday issue i had besides "guns n roses" at kickoff and the eagle not being on the side of the helmet. :)

boomer was nice to hear a few times and i can't say enough about how great my pre-game tailgating experience ended up being. i'll do my best to get more family/friends out there for indiana.

the score didn't matter tonight... i won

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Canon crew flubbed the firing a few times (to mark the end of the 1st quarter and the half)

But damn when it did go off... it rocked the joint!

Was in Sec. 203, 26 rows back and it sounded nothing like it did when I walked over to the student section mirroring my seat location for the final blast. I jumped out of my shoes on that one.


One of the first shots left an impressive smoke ring.

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Canon crew flubbed the firing a few times (to mark the end of the 1st quarter and the half)

But damn when it did go off... it rocked the joint!


Just like it takes time for the new O line to gel and get their timing down so does a new cannon crew have to learn to work together and learn how to load quickly and fire. They will get better. I too enjoyed hearing it as well.


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I love the green helmets.

I just don't understand why they have face masks. Makes it tough for me to see the player's faces; really distorts my view.

Yeah, and those "mouthpieces". Seemed like you only used to hear about mobsters having those. Back in the day, you could see the missing teeth so much better.

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