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EIA is who my source is. ...and basing your global or national understanding of the oil business based on what is going on in Midland, Texas is a bit narrow-minded.

Domestic oil production is up under Obama, whether he can "take credit" for it or not, he can't take any blame for some false narrative that his administration does everything in its power to stop domestic drilling.

So whats your hard-on for drilling on federal land anyways?

Posted (edited)

The facts are that under the Obama administration, federal drilling is down 11%. Facts are that the private & state lands are producing the oil increases. Facts are that his numbers are through 2010. Since 2010, there has been a drop, and the federal numbers haven't caught up, but the industry numbers sure have.

A recently released (and revised) report from the U.S. government's Energy Information Administration (EIA) indicates that whether 'America is producing more oil' depends on which land is being drilled.

The EIA report revealed a 12-percent decline in production for coal, oil, and natural gas on federal and Indian lands from fiscal 2003 through fiscal 2011, its lowest point in nine years.

Yet during that same time frame, production on state and private lands has increased, boosting overall production numbers for the United States.

While oil and gas production is up in the United States on private and state land, it is down on federal land, which falls under President Obama's direction.

Here are four more steps Obama has taken to limit U.S. oil production:

Withdrew areas offered for 77 oil and gas leases in Utah that could cost American taxpayers millions in lost lease bids, production royalties, new jobs and the energy needed to offset rising imports of oil and natural gas.

Cancelled lease sales in the Western Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic coast and delayed exploration off the coast of Alaska and kept other resource-rich areas off-limits.

Finalized rules, first announced by Secretary Salazar on January 6, 2010, to establish more government hurdles to onshore oil and natural gas production on federal lands.

Withdrew 61 oil and natural gas leases in Montana as part of a lawsuit settlement over climate change.

I have no doubt production on private land in West Texas is up. GREAT!!! ...but this Administration IS actively blocking energy production that it can control under current regulation and law. It is clear as day.

...and the Pipeline route was modified in a way that made all interested parties satisfied, yet it was still struck down. Sorry, but that argument simply doesn't hold water.

The 10 year disaster in the gulf is virtually a non issue now about a year after the accident. The Gulf's economic driver is the Oil Industry. Without them, the other supporting industries don't thrive. You can't shut down the single biggest economic driver in a region and not have massive impact in related or supporting fields. We should resume drilling in the gulf YESTERDAY if not sooner.

I got my last statement from the EIA.

Based on the percentage of the burden they already cover, I think it is MORE than fair. FAIR would be we all pay the exact same rate or percentage of income, from top to bottom on EVERY DOLLAR so everyone has a vested interest in what the government is doing with OUR money. You in?

Well, it is actually, as it accounts for the fact that nearly 50% of the population pay nothing. Note, the stat is the top 1% of income earners earn 16% of the income, yet pay 34% of the burden, more than twice as a percentage of what they earn. So, if the top 1% percent are earning paying 36%, the middle 49% of us are paying the remaining 64% of the burden while virtually half the population pay nothing. ...yet YOU seem to think THAT is fair?!?

FWIW, my numbers come from www.irs.gov.

Sorry to take the jab at you but I always find it amazing that those who beat the drum that the rich should pay more can NEVER answer this very simple and basic question. When is enough enough?

pipeline.... it has now been approved... after the changes.

Gulf drilling... It is taking place.... it was temporary.... until they were sure that better controls were in place. so only oil people mattered... not recreation and fishing etc.

My mother [far from poor, even owned taxed ranch land] did not pay income tax her last few years (retired).... in her case it was mosly about the interest rate falling so much that she no longer earned enough to put her over even with her social security payments..... Just remember now $500,000 in CD money now earns often less than $5000 .... which puts a lot of rather well off retired people are not paying income tax.. There are a lot of odd explanations for people not paying income tax .... example if they have the money in Municipal bonds... no tax there either ( I have some). It does seem strange and maybe not entirely fair that so many don't pay ... but a lot of the very old, very young, and very poor just don't have to pay because of low income or income not taxable.. includes Roth IRA money too..

Taxes... am I in... ?? Those making almost nothing plus the retired should not be hit very hard or at all ..... 15% (or whatever) of their income may mean a lot to them ... but 15% of mine is not a big deal. I am sure 15% to Buffet means about nothing. The retired and often the poor do pay taxes .. property tax (perhaps as part of their rent), sales tax, gasoline, and a lot else... just not income tax.

Some argue federal drilling is down because it is not needed because of oil on privately owned land and that it being held in reserve and not being used up. It actually does make some sense to think of future generations. .

As for Midland, not unique.... check EVERY oil place in America... same thing going on... all about the price of oil..

When is enough enough....??? When they pay about the same rate as those going to work every day and not about half. It isn't about the amt , it is about the rate.



pipeline.... it has now been approved... after the changes.

The southern half of the pipeline is pointless if the northern supply side isn't approved. Meaningless gesture.

Gulf drilling... It is taking place.... it was temporary.... until they were sure that better controls were in place. so only oil people mattered... not recreation and fishing etc.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said they didn't matter. What I said, clearly, is that when the biggest economic driver is pulled to a halt, many others suffer, including all of the supporting industries.

Regarding the "gulf drilling taking place", there is finally some happening, but not as a result of any efforts of this President. In fact quite the opposite. He put two separate injunctions in place as executive orders on drilling in the gulf. The ONLY reason that there is drilling today is because courts threw out his injunction, after finding him in concept of court.

The Obama administration is approving just 35 percent of the oil drilling plans for the Gulf of Mexico so far this year. It is also taking an average of 115 days — nearly four months — to secure approval from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement.

Those numbers contrast sharply from previous years. This historical average is a 73.4% approval rate. The approval time has nearly doubled; the historical average is 61 days for the government to approve plans.

For plans that require drilling activity, the numbers are even worse. New regulations require all deepwater drilling plans to undergo an environmental assessment process. Those plans have an average approval time of 222 days or more than seven months.

The data were included in the latest release of the Gulf Permit Index from Greater New Orleans Inc. It has monitored this trend since last year’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The delays have continued for more than 18 months later.

Drilling permits don’t fare much better under the Obama administration either. One sign of hope might be a recent uptick in shallow-water permits. Greater New Orleans Inc. reported:

"Deep-water permit issuance continues to lag the monthly average observed in the year prior to the oil spill. Only 5.0 deep-water permits are being issued per month since September 2011, representing a 0.8-permit — or a 14% — monthly reduction from the average of 5.8 permits per month. This number also represents a 2.0-permit — or a 29% — reduction from the historical average of 7.0 permits per month over the past three years.

"Shallow-water permit issuance is rising above the historical average. Since September 2011, 8.3 shallow-water permits, on average, were issued. That number represents an increase of 1.2 permits — or 31% — from the monthly average of 7.1 permits per month observed in the year prior to the oil spill. However, this number represents a 6.4-permit — or a 44% — reduction from the historical average of 14.7 permits per month over the past three years.

The slowdown of activity in the Gulf of Mexico is having an impact beyond Louisiana, where one deepwater rig can create 700 jobs locally. Lack of production harms employment across America. It also strips much-needed revenue from the federal government.

Allowing access for exploration and creating an efficient regulatory process that allows energy projects to move forward in a timely manner will not only increase revenue through more royalties, leases, and rent it will also create jobs and help lower energy prices in the process.

To quote Coffee, my "hard-on" for federal drilling is very simple. This President is trying to take credit for an increase in drilling which isn't still actually happening and what was happening in spite of his policies. If you agree with these policies, that's great. ...but lets not pretend this guy is energy friendly or is doing anything to resolve the current gas crunch. His policies are damaging to energy production at virtually every level. The facts are difficult to argue if you go beyond the talking points.

Taxes... am I in... ?? Those making almost nothing plus the retired should not be hit very hard or at all ..... 15% (or whatever) of their income may mean a lot to them ... but 15% of mine is not a big deal. I am sure 15% to Buffet means about nothing. The retired and often the poor do pay taxes .. property tax (perhaps as part of their rent), sales tax, gasoline, and a lot else... just not income tax.

We're talking about income taxes and that's what the stats are based on.

Some argue federal drilling is down because it is not needed because of oil on privately owned land and that it being held in reserve and not being used up. It actually does make some sense to think of future generations.

I argue that the people in this country and our economy is being strangled by our current energy policies and we need to increase the supply as soon as possible. Current science estimates we have near 200 years of oil available to us using current technologies, much less possible extraction using technologies not yet developed. This argument hardly holds water.

When is enough enough....??? When they pay about the same rate as those going to work every day and not about half. It isn't about the amt , it is about the rate.

So, despite the FACT that this flies in the face of your overall stated objective of more funds to the treasury, this is still your stand? I mean, we've gone over the history of this in several other threads. Raise tax rates on capital gains despite the fact the principal was already taxed at the normal rate, and you'll drop revenue to the fed. It's a perfect relationship, and has been proven true over and over again in our history.

...but I appreciate finally getting a number from you.


The southern half of the pipeline is pointless if the northern supply side isn't approved. Meaningless gesture.

So, despite the FACT that this flies in the face of your overall stated objective of more funds to the treasury, this is still your stand? I mean, we've gone over the history of this in several other threads. Raise tax rates on capital gains despite the fact the principal was already taxed at the normal rate, and you'll drop revenue to the fed. It's a perfect relationship, and has been proven true over and over again in our history.

...but I appreciate finally getting a number from you.

Really... just why was the Budget being balanced the six years prior to the tax cuts.... the capital gains were 20% then... still not excessively high.... and after it went to 15%.. the debt begin to climb...

Pipeline... I could be wrong but isn't part of the Northern part in Canada.. He can't approve that part or even the connecting part until they get their part done..



Really... just why was the Budget being balanced the six years prior to the tax cuts.... the capital gains were 20% then... still not excessively high.... and after it went to 15%.. the debt begin to climb...

Pipeline... I could be wrong but isn't part of the Northern part in Canada.. He can't approve that part or even the connecting part until they get their part done..


When you're talking about budgets and balancing it, revenue is only half of the equation. I've posted the raw numbers in another thread, and I'm not going to take the time to find it again for this discussion, but the REVENUE to the fed in relation to the Capital Gains rate always goes UP when the rate is dropped, and always goes down when the rate is increased because the amount of activity that generates the tax revenue climbs faster than the rate drops, and conversely, slows faster than the rate can rise.

...Revenue, not a balanced budget is the issue. the Budget was balanced because the economy was roaring, and spending was being held relatively low thanks to a Republican congress and a very prudent President Clinton.

If you look at the revenue side of things, the 2001 tax cuts did exactly what we predicted - they raised revenue to the Treasury. ...but immediately after 9/11, we had an economy begin to suffer and within a year we were spending on two wars. Then within another year, we had a MASSIVE entitlement passed in the form of the Medicare Drug Program and, to your often-raised point, we had spending out of control. The Revenue couldn't keep up, regardless of the tax rates. I opposed President Bush and the Republican congress at the time for their spending on this type of thing.

...but the healthcare plan and the Stimulus and other spending and the current track has debt skyrocketing. I opposed Bush overseeing this type of debt run up. ...this President has doubled down. We have to reverse course on spending. Not correct the course, but literally turn this thing around.

The portion of the pipeline that was approved was the Oklahoma to Texas portion, not the entire US portion. The Canadians are ready to go when we are, assuming they don't find another customer for their oil, which they will if we don't move in short order.


Critics hit Obama’s energy move

President Obama’s recent invitation to open an area in Alaska to energy drilling is playing to poor reviews from industry leaders and administration critics, who say the move is an attempt to mislead the public about the administration’s willingness to open federal lands to more oil and gas production.

Over the weekend during a brief refueling stop in Alaska on the way to the nuclear summit in Seoul, Mr. Obama issued a release inviting industry input on an oil and gas lease sale in Alaska’s Cook Inlet.

“Today’s announcement is part of our commitment to increasing safe and responsible domestic oil and gas production as part of an all-of-the-above energy strategy for America,” said Secretary of the Interior Kenneth L. Salazar. “We will continue to support efforts to safely expand offshore oil and gas exploration, using the best science to assess where recoverable resources lie and providing industry with abundant opportunity to lease and develop areas that contain those resources.”

But the Cook Inlet, off the coast of South-Central Alaska is the oldest oil field in the state, dating back to the early 1960s, and industry organizations are ridiculing the move as an attempt to try to dress up an old leasing area the industry has had little to no interest in drilling in for years. In fact, two previous Cook Inlet sales in 2009 and 2011 were either canceled or put on hold because of lack of industry interest.


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That ad is GREATNESS! However, Santorum's candidacy is about as dead as the description of Obamaville...maybe Romney can pick these up going forward. ha! Loved it......


Proud to be a resident of Obamaville!:thumbsu: :thumbsu:


Obviously the residents of Obamaville did not attend UNT.

Did you see that one guy with the gass nozzle up to his head? HELLO!?! The gas nozzle goes in your car, homey! No wonder gas prices are so high in Obamaville.

Also, there are black people at UNT...ironically, none seem to live in Obamaville.

/Eagle's Nest Full Circle'd?

  • Upvote 2
Posted (edited)

AP: Top Obama Re-election campaign donor accused of fraud.


..."WASHINGTON –  A major donor to President Barack Obama has been accused of defrauding a businessman and impersonating a bank official, creating new headaches for Obama's re-election campaign as it deals with the questionable history of another top supporter...."


Edited by FirefightnRick
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  • 2 weeks later...

"...over the weekend his daughter, Bella, was hospitalized for the second time this campaign due to complications from a rare genetic disorder."

Unfortunate he has to drop out bacause of this.

"Republican leaders in recent weeks have been slowly coalescing around Romney, calling for an end to an increasingly arduous campaign that some say threatens the party’s chances in November."

I think Jon Stewart said it best: "We have voted enough already...."

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