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Media days wrap-up and a teaser for a surprise later


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Media days wrap-up and a teaser for a surprise later

9:38 PM Fri, Aug 05, 2011 | Permalink

Brett Vito E-mail News tips

It was a great day for UNT this afternoon. The school had its annual media day and had a chance to bring in a lot of DFW area media types to take a tour of the stadium, which is a huge selling point for the program.

I have been through it several times, but it's always impressive.

And so is Dan McCarney, who had his first state of the union address heading into fall practice.

McCarney reiterated a lot of what he has said since he arrived-- the stadium is great, UNT is far too small when it comes to the physical stature of the team, et cetera. I go over some of that material in tomorrow's paper.

I am sure most of you know that practice is closed this year. To tell you the truth, I really don't have a problem with that, as long as it is closed for everyone. It's up to individual coaches what they want to do. Some close practice. (MORE)

Click Here to read the Rest of The DRC Story

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