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Absolutely! ........ So what specific cuts would you make to remedy our long term structural deficit?

Everything gets cut by 10% right off the bat. Then we eliminate specific programs or spending areas.

For example, do we really need to keep military forces in Europe? It's been 66 years and with today's technology we can deploy half a million troops anywhere in the world in less than 30 days.

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Everything gets cut by 10% right off the bat. Then we eliminate specific programs or spending areas.

For example, do we really need to keep military forces in Europe? It's been 66 years and with today's technology we can deploy half a million troops anywhere in the world in less than 30 days.

OMG!!! :o Are you really agreeing with Bill Maher? He's been saying that for at least a couple of years. For the record, I totally agree. I would also eliminate the department of homeland security. I NEVER understood why it was created. Because I thought that we already had a department of homeland security.....it's called the FBI. Why didn't they just expand the FBI some instead of creating another layer of government......created by the Republicans BTW.

Anyway Flyer, you are not going to make any friends with the military-industrial complex with your recommendation.

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Everything gets cut by 10% right off the bat. Then we eliminate specific programs or spending areas.

For example, do we really need to keep military forces in Europe? It's been 66 years and with today's technology we can deploy half a million troops anywhere in the world in less than 30 days.

Sounds simple enough but just to make sure I understand you correctly. You would cut Medicare, Social Security, Military and discretionary spending all by 10%?

Philosophically I like your idea to move forces out of Europe but I am not convinced it would make much of a dent in our deficit unless you are looking to reduce the size of the military as opposed to just moving these troops to new bases and/or current bases within our borders.

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"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is asign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government cannotpay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financialassistance from foreign countries to finance our government's recklessfiscal policies."Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally.Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington isshifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children andgrandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.Americans deserve better."-- U.S. Sen. Barack H. Obama, March 2006

Pretty much just disagree with and vilify the other side to get what you want. Then, when you control governement and want to spend money on your pet projects, just completely change positions. You don't have any reporters now-a-days worth a damn that will hold you to your previous statements.

And yes, I'm talking about both Republicans and Democrats.

I have no doubt that the Republicans will do what they always do; tuck tail and wimper off to the corner, too stupid to realize that the behavior alienates true conservatives and makes them look weak to the rest of America.

Any bill sent to the Senate should include a balanced budget amendment clause. If the Dems would rather force debt default instead of approving a balanced budget amendment, fine, let them do it. If the American people are too stupid to realize that the blame lies with the Dems, then they get what they deserve (a re-elected Pres. Obama).

This will never happen, as Republicans are too busy worrying about their re-election to realize they are F'n themselves out of it by sacraficing conservative principles (notice I didn't say their principles, as I don't believe that any politicians know the meaning of that word).

Edited by UNT90
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