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My suggestion to the athletic administration -rv- was to number all the spots near the green belt for tailgating & then sell the rights for the season to the same spots for us EX's. RV & the nt police dept were against it for the same thinking that we have used in the past to hire HS football coaches & other bad decisions.

Are u ready for this. The police & rv do not want ex's backing into these spaces and HOUR AND A HALF PRIOR TO THE GAME to tailgate while people are arriving through that lot just prior to the KO> That's straight from the dept. I need your help. If you like the idea, we need to explain to the dept that at that time we are probably breaking it down to go into the stadium.Tailgating happens for several hours prior to that time most of us know.

For us my thought is that Ex's get together & pool their money & get spaces close to the stadium next to the green belt for all of our convience like we had at ff. Evidently they don't need our help in making it easy for us to be together prior to the game!


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My suggestion to the athletic administration -rv- was to number all the spots near the green belt for tailgating & then sell the rights for the season to the same spots for us EX's. RV & the nt police dept were against it for the same thinking that we have used in the past to hire HS football coaches & other bad decisions.

Are u ready for this. The police & rv do not want ex's backing into these spaces and HOUR AND A HALF PRIOR TO THE GAME to tailgate while people are arriving through that lot just prior to the KO> That's straight from the dept. I need your help. If you like the idea, we need to explain to the dept that at that time we are probably breaking it down to go into the stadium.Tailgating happens for several hours prior to that time most of us know.

For us my thought is that Ex's get together & pool their money & get spaces close to the stadium next to the green belt for all of our convience like we had at ff. Evidently they don't need our help in making it easy for us to be together prior to the game!


DPS would only allow an entrance off of the service road into the lot if UNT agreed not to number the spots. DPS was concerned about traffic backing up on the service road as people entered the lot and waited to get to their particular spot. I was told you will be able to park anywhere you want in the lot up to 1 1/2 hours before the game. After that, it will be festival style parking.

Must admit, not really following how this is related to past coaching hires.

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With the addition of the new parking lot next to the athletic dorm parking lot, there will be double the spaces available for tailgating. I've been to the site and honestly, I think there will be more then enough spots against the green belt for anyone who wants one.

I'm fine with RV's plan. I think he has a better understanding of how it will work then we do right now. If it is a problem, then we could always revisit this topic next offseason.

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I personally like the first come, first serve tailgating style, as I always arrive very early when tailgating. I also think this encourages people to get there early if they want a particular spot. If there was more of a demand, I could see them marking the green areas with chalk and selling those as tailgating spots, as is done at other schools, but the demand isn't there yet.

Posted (edited)

With the addition of the new parking lot next to the athletic dorm parking lot, there will be double the spaces available for tailgating. I've been to the site and honestly, I think there will be more then enough spots against the green belt for anyone who wants one.

I'm fine with RV's plan. I think he has a better understanding of how it will work then we do right now. If it is a problem, then we could always revisit this topic next offseason.

This would be fine if the athletic dept was more "responsive" to concerns regarding tailgating....or anything else for that matter. Being too critical you say? Let me just copy and paste a response from a long time supporter of this program, who responded to my question regarding their current concerns about the athletic department.

"I have had my run-ins with this AD for many years. Mostly it is over

left hand telling me something and then right hand telling me the other.

It always got in my way of planning stuff (since I am out of town). How

can I tell my friends to drive in from Austin and tailgate with me when

I can't reliably tell them where to find me (festival parking). Then we

get the permission to tailgate in the grass by the fields, but have the

parking crew up my ass every weekend and the AD would never have it

sorted out. I used to have 20 some season ticket holders for

tailgating.. Slowly they got frustrated with the whole ordeal and they

stopped coming. Somehow I became responsible for their displeasure and

no matter how many times I told the AD staff what was happening and how

they were losing people, they never cared. Ever. My parent-in-laws never

ONCE got their parking badge on the correct side.. every year they tried

to sort it out, but never could. So we stopped tailgating three years

ago and I stopped asking my friends to buy season tickets (and hyping up

game day). It is now just my wife and I and my in laws that come to the


And it may seem minor, but every damn year they wouldn't have my seat

backs setup . I would have to call EVERY year to have them install

them.. about the 2nd or 3rd game in... every year. To a woman, that is a

big deal, and to my pregnant wife it was an even more big deal.

...and these are people who purchased club level seating AND made a sizable donation to the stadium fund. These people donate at a level where they were visited at their home in Oklahoma City by the TAMS people asking for a donation. Just to repeat THEY (TAMS) DROVE UP TO OKLAHOMA CITY TO TALK WITH THEM ABOUT DONATING!!

How many of you MGC members/season ticket holders even get a phone call from the AD dept. asking about how things are going and if there is anything they can do for you?

Now, I'm not posting this stuff because I've had a lot of problems with the Athletic Department (other than having to deal with Mandy McKinley for several years)or that I'm disgruntled about some imagined slight.

I'm just posting this to let you know that your confidence in the athletic department about getting anything sorted out in a timely manner regarding tailgating is (at the very least) very misplaced.

Small wonder Mo Green (who donates more than twice what the couple above gives) is raising the issue and is very concerned.

Personally I think he's been too patient all these years.

Edited by SilverEagle
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Hay Silver, I used to bring all my stuff to tailgate and to party several hrs prior to the game, my thinking was to get some of us together to get a place to meet every Sat so we would know where to meet for those driving into town (ie. that's why I gave good money to buy that BBQ pit). Like anyone, I like to have homes away from homes ( ie. I bring things to the tailgate from far away places like San Antonio)[like I've counted the # of spaces needed for the club&boxes and there will be much less parking than you think that hasn't been addressed by the A Adm. So your right, I never should gotten into this since it really doesn't affect me. Secondly what the heck is the matter with the ath dept getting some more money while giving us some continuity in our Saturday afternoon's- the thing that is really obvious is most of you don't get it ( & never will- Think obama)I did it for you guys. I was wrong. I can buy a space but don't need it since we'll be in the club 2 hrs prior to the game. Game changed guys! BUT I'd rather be BSing with u guys, so see ya in the club or back at Fout's field after the game tailgating.

God bless silver

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I really would like to buy a spot. The way TCU does it, is you have to tailgate in your spot. You can't block the aisles/driveway. So if you want your car next to your tent, you need to buy 2 spaces and a tent that will fit in your spot. I really don't mind this setup, as I think our tailgate crew would probably buy an extra 1 or 2 spots and people could drive away and come back whenever they want.

The other way to make it work would be to stripe a few lots extra-wide and charge more for those spots.

It just won't work unless you did it that way. The downside: There would be even more parking attendants and even more people with problems with them, because they would have to enforce rules that other big time football schools enforce. Something that us North Texas fans are not familiar with.

It's a no win.

Honestly, we might find that it isn't an issue at all with all of the space, etc. I want what you're talking about and what I've detailed above, but I really think we ought to give it a season.

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What happened to all the excitement around the ALUMNI pavilion? I'm super pumped to hang out with everyone, have a single meeting place, and have a permanent place to meet up with everyone. I have a cooler on wheels. I would rather be in the pavilion with everyone. Right?


What happened to all the excitement around the ALUMNI pavilion? I'm super pumped to hang out with everyone, have a single meeting place, and have a permanent place to meet up with everyone. I have a cooler on wheels. I would rather be in the pavilion with everyone. Right?

The Alumni Pavilion will be a great spot to meet and greet before the games. It is rumored to be opening three (3) hours before game time, and should turn into a great pre-game meet up and party spot. It is not meant to replace tailgating in the more traditional way, just to augment the game day experience for members of the UNT Alumni Association and their guests. Should be great...hope to see you there before the games.

I think all the tailgating issues will sort themselves out given a bit of time with the new stadium and all the learning curves that will take place both by the administration and the fans. We do need to relaize that not everythuing will be 100% come day one on Sept. 10th. Everyone may want to take a bit of a step back, take a deep breath and not be overly quick to criticize or praise until the opening "bugs" are worked out. Everyone will learn from each game day experience and soon all will be "normal" come game days for the Mean Green nation. Until then, try to relax, try to enjoy the fact that the Mean Green have a great new stadium and have a great time with a brand new game day experience or two or three. Heck, since 1966 I have been going to Fouts for games and certainly "know" my way around with game day routines. ALL that changes on September 10th. It will be new for everyone. Try to relax and enjoy the experience...it's all new!



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Not really related to the original subject here, but I feel like the East Side Lot of Victory Hall is going to be where it's all happening? I was told that with the addition of the new parking lot going in there that we will actually have MORE parking spaces available than we had at Fouts. Considering we couldn't even find a space to park, or even one near the gate to simply unload our tents last saturday for the GMG.com Bowl because of High School graduations, I think we will appreciate the new spaces available. Then, on top of that, if you get there before an hour and a half prior to kick off you can park on the east side where ever you want without the parking nazi's running you down and disrupting your experience.

But, if there ever comes a time in which folks who are willing to do so, purchase their own places(Like TCU Does), then I can't understand why we wouldn't want to take advantage of it. Maybe after TXDOT finishes the widening of I-35E this will become available?


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The Alumni Pavilion will be a great spot to meet and greet before the games. It is rumored to be opening three (3) hours before game time, and should turn into a great pre-game meet up and party spot. It is not meant to replace tailgating in the more traditional way, just to augment the game day experience for members of the UNT Alumni Association and their guests. Should be great...hope to see you there before the games.

I think all the tailgating issues will sort themselves out given a bit of time with the new stadium and all the learning curves that will take place both by the administration and the fans. We do need to relaize that not everythuing will be 100% come day one on Sept. 10th. Everyone may want to take a bit of a step back, take a deep breath and not be overly quick to criticize or praise until the opening "bugs" are worked out. Everyone will learn from each game day experience and soon all will be "normal" come game days for the Mean Green nation. Until then, try to relax, try to enjoy the fact that the Mean Green have a great new stadium and have a great time with a brand new game day experience or two or three. Heck, since 1966 I have been going to Fouts for games and certainly "know" my way around with game day routines. ALL that changes on September 10th. It will be new for everyone. Try to relax and enjoy the experience...it's all new!



You know Mark. The Athletic Department should hire you to do their customer service.......assuming that they understood the concept in the first place.

I'm kind of like UNT90 regarding parking. I prefer first-come-first-serve. However, I'm fine with people purchasing tailgating spaces as a way for the athletic dept to make extra money.

What I'm interested in knowing (mostly out of idle curiosity) is where RV's will park, and will electricity be available in those spots.

I'm hoping that this all gets worked out LONG BEFORE 09-10. But in light of how many problems that still existed at FOUTS (see my post above) count me skeptical....... B)


I don't know how you reconcile all this, but I have been a season ticket holder and mean green club member since I graduated in 94. I bought 4 club seats in the new stadium in green.

I tailgate almost every week with friends, family, father in law, etc. I have never had a problem parking, locating my friends, setting up tailgating together, getting my seatbacks in, getting my parking pass, etc, etc. We bring in an RV at least once a season, I call and pay my money and no issues. For homecoming for about the past 4 years, I rent a tent through Athletics with tables, chairs, electric, etc. No issues. I dealt with Mandy Mckinley frequently, no issues.

Not too long ago, we didn't have a soccer stadium, softball stadium, new football stadium, tennis complex, etc.

Its wierd that a few people have such a different experience, I wonder what it could be.

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I don't know how you reconcile all this, but I have been a season ticket holder and mean green club member since I graduated in 94. I bought 4 club seats in the new stadium in green.

I tailgate almost every week with friends, family, father in law, etc. I have never had a problem parking, locating my friends, setting up tailgating together, getting my seatbacks in, getting my parking pass, etc, etc. We bring in an RV at least once a season, I call and pay my money and no issues. For homecoming for about the past 4 years, I rent a tent through Athletics with tables, chairs, electric, etc. No issues. I dealt with Mandy Mckinley frequently, no issues.

Not too long ago, we didn't have a soccer stadium, softball stadium, new football stadium, tennis complex, etc.

Its wierd that a few people have such a different experience, I wonder what it could be.

That pretty much sums up my experience as well. I, too, often wonder what the difference might be. I know there have been different experiences for some folks, I just wonder what causes them to develop in the first place and then to linger for so long? Mistakes and disagreements tend to get fixed and go away when both parties are willing. But, with so much money, so many people and so many different personalities involved, some challenges are just bound to come up.


You know Mark. The Athletic Department should hire you to do their customer service.......assuming that they understood the concept in the first place.

I'm kind of like UNT90 regarding parking. I prefer first-come-first-serve. However, I'm fine with people purchasing tailgating spaces as a way for the athletic dept to make extra money.

What I'm interested in knowing (mostly out of idle curiosity) is where RV's will park, and will electricity be available in those spots.

I'm hoping that this all gets worked out LONG BEFORE 09-10. But in light of how many problems that still existed at FOUTS (see my post above) count me skeptical....... B)

I was told by John that RV's will park in the blue lot. No electricity available of which I am aware. Think you are going to have generate it.

Can't remember if the new blue lot is the student dorm lot by the athletic center or the newer lot to the East of that lot. Help?


I was told by John that RV's will park in the blue lot. No electricity available of which I am aware. Think you are going to have generate it.

Can't remember if the new blue lot is the student dorm lot by the athletic center or the newer lot to the East of that lot. Help?

Not that I will ever in my wildest dreams even come close to having the financial means to own an RV, but electrical hookups in the parking lot would be pretty sweet.

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