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Holy Crap! Why did President Obama not produce the official document for all these years? Why should he have had to? Maybe his mother lost the original, and every REASONABLE (and non-kooky/racist) official that President Obama has dealt with all these years has gladly accepted the certificate of live birth that Hawaii issues as a replacement to EVERYONE....AS IS THEIR POLICY! It's THEIR LAW!


Racist? Really? Come on Silver, I though you were above playing a freaking race card. I guess you've bought into the Obama supporters mantra which is to name call and finger point at all of those that don't like him. I think he is radical, pompous and arrogant and doesn't have a leadership bone in his body. I also think he does things to skirt the law every chance he gets. For instance, appointing multiple czars to avoid senate approval mainly because of their radical socialist viewpoints. I think he makes poor decisions on whom to associate with and who he goes to for guidance.

Nothing I said makes me a racist, but I've been called one more than once because I don't like Obama and disagree with him.

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Holy Crap! Why did President Obama not produce the official document for all these years? Why should he have had to? Maybe his mother lost the original, and every REASONABLE (and non-kooky/racist) official that President Obama has dealt with all these years has gladly accepted the certificate of live birth that Hawaii issues as a replacement to EVERYONE....AS IS THEIR POLICY! It's THEIR LAW!


Silver...WHAT? This really is beneath you. You have higher standards than to stoop to this sort of rhetoric. Must just be a momentary brain freeze...this is so not like you.

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Get real people. If it's not a Racist issue, then why hasn't any other candidate for President been asked to produce his birth certificate? Was McCain born in any of the 50 states? I don't think he was, and I don't recall anyone asking him to produce the appropriate documents during the campaign. Here is a link to an article (by a Libertarian) who raises the question... http://www.nolanchart.com/article1582.html

Use logic folks. Does anyone really think that Hillary Clinton (a lawyer) would have hesitated to nail (then candidate) Obama to the wall over this issue during her candidacy if it was a VIABLE LEGAL ISSUE?

If any of you have the least bit of assessment abilities, you have to admit that there was NOT ONE CANDIDATE, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN during the last election process that wanted to be elected President more than her. She tried to nail him on a more risky issue,... his religion and his religious mentor Rev. Wright, so why wouldn't she have nailed him on something easier.....like the birth requirement.

So, to me, the only thing left to explain the birth certificate thing is.....RACISM.

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Get real people. If it's not a Racist issue, then why hasn't any other candidate for President been asked to produce his birth certificate? Was McCain born in any of the 50 states? I don't think he was, and I don't recall anyone asking him to produce the appropriate documents during the campaign. Here is a link to an article (by a Libertarian) who raises the question... http://www.nolanchart.com/article1582.html

Use logic folks. Does anyone really think that Hillary Clinton (a lawyer) would have hesitated to nail (then candidate) Obama to the wall over this issue during her candidacy if it was a VIABLE LEGAL ISSUE?

If any of you have the least bit of assessment abilities, you have to admit that there was NOT ONE CANDIDATE, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN during the last election process that wanted to be elected President more than her. She tried to nail him on a more risky issue,... his religion and his religious mentor Rev. Wright, so why wouldn't she have nailed him on something easier.....like the birth requirement.

So, to me, the only thing left to explain the birth certificate thing is.....RACISM.

...wouldn't have anything to do with the fact his dad wasn't a citizen and he spent a good part of his childhood living in other countries, it's gotta be racism.

...I love it when people claim to know what is in the hearts and minds of others.

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So, to me, the only thing left to explain the birth certificate thing is.....RACISM.

I'll keep this in mind when a woman is elected POTUS, then claim SEXISM when someone doesn't agree with anything she says or does.


...wouldn't have anything to do with the fact his dad wasn't a citizen and he spent a good part of his childhood living in other countries, it's gotta be racism.

...I love it when people claim to know what is in the hearts and minds of others.

What does his father's citizenship (or lack thereof) have to do with anything? And what does his residence outside the country AFTER HE WAS BORN IN AMERICA have to do with anything.

Two years ago he produced a legal document from the state of Hawaii. The only document that Hawaii would have given anyone under the same circumstances. And a document that could not have been legally produced without there being an original in their OFFICIAL FILES. This is how Hawaii handles things and the rest of the county (except for Republicans with an agenda)accepts it.

Again, this would have been an easy way for Hillary to dispose of her most formidable opponent. But she couldn't, BECAUSE THE DOCUMENT WAS LEGAL. Only a racist would choose to believe otherwise.

And BTW, no comment about the McCain article? Hmmmmm.

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If nothing else, the whole birth certificate issue gave a bunch of people something to occupy their time. Some people collect stamps, some people play golf, some people like to research the legitimacy of presidential candidates. Normally, the "people" have a free, independent and unbiased press to vet the candidates on their behalf. To any casual observer, it was obvious that wasn't happening in this case, so they were left to their own devices and sometimes paranoid tendencies. And if it was *just* the birth certificate thingy then this never would have had legs. But it wasn't. Put it in the context of everything else* and people start seeing black helicopters (everyone knows you can't hear them). Factor all this in and it seems like more is known about Lindsay Lohan than the 44th President of the United States. To call people racist if they got caught up in this is just WRONG. Anyway, isn't Obama white?

*Things like....

  • Why not spend the $10 it takes to produce a birth certificate 3 years ago.
  • A S.S.N. that was either issued by the State of Connecticut or never issued at all.
  • The whole name change thing (twice)
  • The irrational secrecy around his college records/transcripts/writings. Apparently he enrolled at Columbia in September and was conferred a degree the following May. I thought universities (especially ones as prestigious as Columbia) liked to be responsible for more than 25% of an individual's course work before bestowing the honor of a degree upon them.
  • Previous passports
  • Tom Fife
  • Etc., Etc.


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Posted (edited)

Again, this would have been an easy way for Hillary to dispose of her most formidable opponent. But she couldn't, BECAUSE THE DOCUMENT WAS LEGAL. Only a racist would choose to believe otherwise.

Just for clarification sake, there are concerns that people have with some of Obama's policies. Does that make them RACIST? I ask because people are labeling those that are against some of his policies as RACIST.

I had hoped the election of Obama would help close the racial gap but it appears that it has only gotten wider.

Edited by UNTFan23
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Get real people. If it's not a Racist issue, then why hasn't any other candidate for President been asked to produce his birth certificate? Was McCain born in any of the 50 states?

So, to me, the only thing left to explain the birth certificate thing is.....RACISM.

Really? You really believe this? I guess it's great when one has the ability to judge and to be so very pure of heart as to know with no uncertaintity what others feel and believe. Silver, I respect your opinions on most things (even if I rarely agree politically), but this is really over the top. It seems to me this "racism" thing is what one pulls out of the hat out when they have no real argument based in fact. Always easy to pull the race card. It is beneath you, my friend. While we agreed from the very start on the fct that Obama had done all h needed to do to qualify to run for the preidency, I see absolutely ZERO point in pulling the race card. It so belittles the whole discussion.

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Obama releases a long form birth certificate.

Same week, Superman renounces his citizenship.


Also, is Superman doing this to steal our health care and overload our public education system? Do we have to teach Kryptonian in schools now? IS SUPERMAN A SECRET MUSLIM?!?!?!

What precipitated the creation and use of the Eradicator and the Destroyer? Do you think the Clone Warriors woke up one day and said, for no reason, let us attack the other Kryptonians? Please think about it.


What does his father's citizenship (or lack thereof) have to do with anything? And what does his residence outside the country AFTER HE WAS BORN IN AMERICA have to do with anything.

Two years ago he produced a legal document from the state of Hawaii. The only document that Hawaii would have given anyone under the same circumstances. And a document that could not have been legally produced without there being an original in their OFFICIAL FILES. This is how Hawaii handles things and the rest of the county (except for Republicans with an agenda)accepts it.

Again, this would have been an easy way for Hillary to dispose of her most formidable opponent. But she couldn't, BECAUSE THE DOCUMENT WAS LEGAL. Only a racist would choose to believe otherwise.

And BTW, no comment about the McCain article? Hmmmmm.

Your question was why would anybody question BHO citizenship in the first place, and your only reason is RACISM? C'mon, there were OTHER reasons the question came up in the first place. Like the fact that as an undergraduate at Occidental College BHO applied for and received financial aid as an international student. Aid that required the recipient be a citizen of a foriegn country. And yes there was a copy of a birth certificate released but Hawaii statute 338 allows foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to obtain Hawaiian birth certificates, and the certificate released by the Obama camp didn't name a location/hospital for the birth.

I never took much stock in the 'birther' movement. I always thought is was a non issue and BHO was a natural born citizen of the US, but to say the only reason people questioned it was because of racism is way off base.

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Posted (edited)

Get real people. If it's not a Racist issue, then why hasn't any other candidate for President been asked to produce his birth certificate?

So, to me, the only thing left to explain the birth certificate thing is.....RACISM.

I blame his scary terrorist sounding name. Wait... that's still racist!

Edited by Green P1
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What does his father's citizenship (or lack thereof) have to do with anything? And what does his residence outside the country AFTER HE WAS BORN IN AMERICA have to do with anything.

Because it raised questions, legitimate questions of his origin. It raised questions that had nothing to do with the color of his skin. Valid questions. ...lots of folks with these questions (myself included) accepted the document that the Hillary camp accepted as proof before the election. Some others didn't as it lacked some details.

There is nothing wrong with asking questions of your current or potential leaders. "Do you meet the Constitutional requirement to serve?" is not racist.

...and if you are being dogged why not present every piece of information possible to silence your critics. I know that's how I would have handled it.

, this would have been an easy way for Hillary to dispose of her most formidable opponent. But she couldn't, BECAUSE THE DOCUMENT WAS LEGAL. Only a racist would choose to believe otherwise.

Really? So because the fact he wouldn't allow the certificates with the details of his birth made some folks ask "why not, what is he hiding?", means all these folks are racist huh? Really? Wow.

I wish I had your gift. The ability to look into another's soul and know what is in their hearts and minds. What clarity you must enjoy.

BTW, no comment about the McCain article? Hmmmmm.

McCain wasn't elected President, last time I checked. I DO remember questions about his origins too during the election. Must have been racism. ...oh, wait...

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Posted (edited)

I thought the whole birth cert thing was BS. If Hilary didn't bring that gun out, then odds are, it was legit to begin with. Everyone asking about it, even after the entirely-good short form came out, should've just stopped with it.

Now some are BSing about his father's lineage, even when that would've ruled other presidents out as well. It's a lot of butthurt people involved in this. It needs to stop because we have other, bigger issues to deal with as a nation. Some may have pursued the birth cert thing out of racism, but that isn't everyone, nor does the inquiry into the cert become a racist action on its own.

I like how no one thinks the idea of someone having to be born as a citizen to become president is somehow outdated. I want to clarify and say that someone can't just show up in May and run for president in June, but let's say someone was born overseas, comes to the US at the age of 2, totally integrates into American society, and then works their way up. Is their loyalty somehow less than that of someone born here?

Edited by meangreendork
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I have a notarized copy of my birth certificate and believe in a national subsidy for pie. Am I in?

My birth certificate was lost... By my non-American mother. And my name is Ioannis. Scary, like Obama.

Little did Harry realize that I'm a sleeper agent tasked with turning this board into a caliphate.



Little did Harry realize that I'm a sleeper agent tasked with turning this board into a caliphate.

You never cease to amaze me. How you bring about the resurrection of a defunct constitutional republic while you're sleeping is beyond my simple-minded comprehension.


Obama releases a long form birth certificate.

Same week, Superman renounces his citizenship.


Also, is Superman doing this to steal our health care and overload our public education system? Do we have to teach Kryptonian in schools now? IS SUPERMAN A SECRET MUSLIM?!?!?!

What precipitated the creation and use of the Eradicator and the Destroyer? Do you think the Clone Warriors woke up one day and said, for no reason, let us attack the other Kryptonians? Please think about it.

You're less fun without a +/- button.

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Posted (edited)

Get real people. If it's not a Racist issue, then why hasn't any other candidate for President been asked to produce his birth certificate? Was McCain born in any of the 50 states? I don't think he was, and I don't recall anyone asking him to produce the appropriate documents during the campaign. Here is a link to an article (by a Libertarian) who raises the question... http://www.nolanchar...rticle1582.html

Use logic folks. Does anyone really think that Hillary Clinton (a lawyer) would have hesitated to nail (then candidate) Obama to the wall over this issue during her candidacy if it was a VIABLE LEGAL ISSUE?

If any of you have the least bit of assessment abilities, you have to admit that there was NOT ONE CANDIDATE, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN during the last election process that wanted to be elected President more than her. She tried to nail him on a more risky issue,... his religion and his religious mentor Rev. Wright, so why wouldn't she have nailed him on something easier.....like the birth requirement.

So, to me, the only thing left to explain the birth certificate thing is.....RACISM.

Since you have decided to quote the democrat party line and throw the race card, let's examine a few things:

1) John McCain was born at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal zone, then property under U.S. control, to a U.S. NAVAL OFFICER SERVING HIS COUNTRY at the time of John McCain's birth, John McCain's mother was also a U.S Citizen. Surley you aren't so stupid as to suggest that every child born abroad to a U.S. serviceman or woman is not a citizen? If so, please go take a freshman level government class... in high school.

2) Quit talking about racism when you have NO IDEA what you are talking about

3) Do you think Pres. Bush stole the 2000 election?

Please answer #3. Pretty please.

Edited by UNT90
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Your question was why would anybody question BHO citizenship in the first place, and your only reason is RACISM? C'mon, there were OTHER reasons the question came up in the first place. Like the fact that as an undergraduate at Occidental College BHO applied for and received financial aid as an international student. Aid that required the recipient be a citizen of a foriegn country. And yes there was a copy of a birth certificate released but Hawaii statute 338 allows foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to obtain Hawaiian birth certificates, and the certificate released by the Obama camp didn't name a location/hospital for the birth.

I never took much stock in the 'birther' movement. I always thought is was a non issue and BHO was a natural born citizen of the US, but to say the only reason people questioned it was because of racism is way off base.

By fact do you mean not true?

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I want to clarify and say that someone can't just show up in May and run for president in June, but let's say someone was born overseas, comes to the US at the age of 2, totally integrates into American society, and then works their way up. Is their loyalty somehow less than that of someone born here?

So, according to your reasoning, someone who is born in the U.S., relocates to another country during childhood, and never assimilates to a capitalistic society and a Constitutional republic should be disqualified from being president?

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