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So Vito has been spying on the enemy:

3 is a crowd??

Seriously...TIME TO TAKE THAT SH*T, OR GET OFF THE POT!!! :growl:

ENOUGH with the excuses! Let's get it done UNT!!! WE do not want to be the red-headed step child in the DFW market!!!

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All three D/FW area schools now have top notch head coaches. All three have proven they can take a mediocre squad and build a winner against AQ conference teams. TCU has had the advantage of a coach who has been in one place long enough to have his fingerprints on everything. June Jones isn't too far behind him, and has already turned a bottom of the barrel CUSA program into a conference championship contender. We have everything in place - if Dan McCarney is the kind of coach we think he is, the ingredients are there for us to join TCU and SMU in D/FW collegiate success. Now I wouldn't expect to see us in the Rose Bowl beating Big 10 championships anytime soon. But there's no reason that we couldn't have the Big East, C-USA, and Sun Belt champions right here in the metroplex for the near future.

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Thought these comments said a lot:

It's sad to see SMU fall so far behind in everything. Not just football, but TCU's new campus, and TCU is pulling most of the all-american students that SMU used to get. When SMU cleans up the cocaine and attitude problems around that campus, maybe there can be a rivalry again.

Sorry but SMU students are snobs and hate their football program. They will not rise again unless they pay the hell out of player once again.

TCU built from the ground up, did it right, got in the polls, stayed in the polls, went on the road to the BCS teams and embarrassed them, and it took them 15 years and 2 BCS bowls, one a win over a superpower, to get into the Big East.


SMU bought a turnkey program, got busted for it, still threw money, got the death penalty, wallowed in their filth for 25 years, and now they've strung together two joke 7 win seasons not even sniffing even a title in their pitiful conference much less a top 25 ranking or a BCS bowl, and suddenly they're the next TCU?


Do I need to say anything more?

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I believe all three can and will be successful. Vito is right, you have to get the talent and SMU is starting to do that consistently. North Texas needs to figure out its nitch. TCU and SMU have created bubbles in which athletes can feel comfortable inside what is primarily a very high income, private school environment. UNT has size and a lot of very good academic programs in specific areas of study. I am certain that McCarney and staff will be learning these quickly and we will reap the dividends over time. Of course winning - even in the Belt - will do wonders. First we have to dominate recruiting in the Belt, then we can think about going after SMU and TCU.

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One thing is for certain..Andrea takes a beatdown in the comments section everytime she writes an article. Sometimes it is for good reason as in this case. To ignore UCF and ECU's accomplishments within the CUSA is just stupid. Both schools are far better poised to be the next TCU though it might be hard for her to compare the public vs. private aspect. Maybe since SMU is private it is more easily compared with another private institution's success? Either way... yes....SMU pulled some great talent this class for football (and BBall as well) but I cannot see them filling the stands and having the entire city around them (or corner of the state in ECU's situation) heading to every game and cheering on the Mustangs.

Some of the TCU fans in the comments section are showing a new-found overconfidence and arrogance that causes me to not want to cheer them on. One of the attractive aspects of the Horned Frogs is that they were the underdogs and never given their due. The new sense of "yeah we are the best" is getting to the heads of some of the fans (expected with any successful program). Let them not forget that this new success is still comparatively recent and the last thing we need is another UT on the block with the cocky attitude that they carry.

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I believe all three can and will be successful. Vito is right, you have to get the talent and SMU is starting to do that consistently. North Texas needs to figure out its nitch. TCU and SMU have created bubbles in which athletes can feel comfortable inside what is primarily a very high income, private school environment. UNT has size and a lot of very good academic programs in specific areas of study. I am certain that McCarney and staff will be learning these quickly and we will reap the dividends over time. Of course winning - even in the Belt - will do wonders. First we have to dominate recruiting in the Belt, then we can think about going after SMU and TCU.

I agree with your post about getting better in recruiting against the Belt teams first. We can have grandiose dreams, but that is all they are until we start winning games and moving away from the bottom end of the SBC. This next year, for me, is all about getting the right attitude ingrained in the team. We have lots of young guys, so making them believe that we can win is huge--but it is easier than taking over a veteran team that has only known losing for years and years. McCarney has all of the attributes to get that instilled.

I know that we all think the Belt is a crapshoot every year, but the reality is that we have to get to where we can beat ULL, Arky State, and ULM regularly again, while mixing in a win or two over the big four Belt teams of the last few years (Troy, MTSU, FAU, and, now, FIU). The track record for new coaches who take over losing programs is not full of huge turnarounds and bowl bids in season one. If McCarney can get us to the point where we win 4-5 games next year, that will be a really good sign, especially to a team that hasn't won that many games since 2004 and has only won more than 5 games 3 times as a FBS team since 1995.

Where SMU is at right now is because of their coach and $$$, nothing more. They can compete in their conference and their league right now, but if the coach goes away, will they stay up there? It is hard to say. But to insinuate that they could be the next TCU is a major joke. They may both be private schools in the Metroplex, but that is about all they have in common right now. TCU, right now, has the stability with the long-tenured coach, great facilities, and a place at the BCS table. SMU may have big money alums, but they don't sit at the BCS table and probably never will. Until they can even be in a conversation of being a BCS buster, they aren't going to be the next TCU--they will be more like the next Tulsa. All that being said, we aren't even in the same stratosphere of either of those schools, so it seems silly to try and be in that conversation with any of the other Texas schools right now. Lets get back to winning seasons in the SBC and we can work our way back toward respect.

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