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The 5 years that I attended UNT.

The people who I've met in my life that have attended such schools.

I never said poor kid, I said more likely to come from Euless or East Plano or Garland rather than Highland Park or Southlake.

Let's see...I attended UNT for 8 years, and my wife has worked two periods of time at UNT...including currently...and I have spoken with folks in the administration at UNT that I have known for many years about this very topic. So, I repeat and not just from "observation", you may be surprised at the percentage of students at UNT who do receive parental and other family support. UNT students have a much higher socio-economic level than you seem to think. Don't confuse working part-time for spending money and other items and paying for some of one's college education (as I certainly did) with getting little/no parental support. It is a tired old stereotype that you are trying to keep alive. And, one that does UNT no service...just like the one that keeps the ruse alive that UNT is just a commuter school. Sometimes it is hard to separate fact from fiction if one doesn't do the research.

I am not saying that many students are not "on their own" at UNT...and at UT and TX A&M for that matter. What I am saying is that many more students than you seem to "observe"...and you are not alone in this false observation...do get support from home or other places such as grants and scholarships. Just because one is not from Southlake or Highland Park as you cite does not mean that they are "on their own" with college expenses. I would guess that any college might have more students from Euless or East Plano or the like than from the small burbs of Highland park and Southlake. And, just what makes you think that students from Euless and/or East Plano don't get outside support from home or elsewhere?

There is great benefit to be gained in working hard to put oneself through college, and everyone in that category should be congratulated for the diligence and hard work. But, there is a very large percentage of undergrads (grad students don't count in this discussion in my opinion...grad students are another animal all together) at UNT getting help, just as there is a large percentage of undergrads at UT and TX A&M who get help and a good number who don't.

Why this is a problem for some folks to sort out is beyond me...there is no shame or crime either way. It is just that people seem to want to make UNT out to be a university full of students who have to pay their full way through school, and that is simply not the case. This is not a good vs bad issue. However one gets to UNT is a good thing because UNT provides a quality education at a reasonable price...not the least expensive in Texas, but certainly not the most expensive.

Anyway, time for me to leave this discussion. I don't want the truth to get in the way of any one's feelings. Good grief!

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My $.02 on this topic is that both camps are correct here. Denton is so close to DFW that it isn't a big deal to go down to the Metroplex for the weekend. Denton doesn't have the entertainment that the Metroplex offers, so that is an obvious pull. College Station, although about an hour and a half from Houston, is still pretty much its own town--not to mention the need for Aggies to stay amongst themselves. In Austin, the entertainment options are very strong (live music, bars, outdoor activites, etc.), so their students usually stay.

The biggest difference between those schools and ours is the decades-old advantage that they have in being "cool" to be at. And it is my experience, as well, that more financially-advantaged students attend either A&M or UT than UNT or other smaller state schools in Texas. But that has a lot to do with status and their academic reputations. Both are Tier One and have been for many years, which generally makes employers very eager to hire their graduates, especially in the engineering, science, and business areas, which is where the big-monied alums normally come from. Once someone graduates from one of those schools, often their children will only go to one of those schools when they get ready for school. Not saying that this doesn't happen at UNT, because we know it has happened, but the reality is that UT and A&M (and now to some degree, Tech) have really created family legacies that have paid off greatly for those schools.

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Second, your assumption doesn't explain why they have to leave (with their luggage) and not return until Sunday night.

Notice the key word that started that post: OR.

If they're not going home they're working at the mall, bartending at Chili's, or taking customer service calls on the days full-timers don't like to work: Saturday or Sunday. That was all I was trying to say, I didn't realize it would offend so many. rolleyes.gif

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Notice the key word that started that post: OR.

If they're not going home they're working at the mall, bartending at Chili's, or taking customer service calls on the days full-timers don't like to work: Saturday or Sunday. That was all I was trying to say, I didn't realize it would offend so many. rolleyes.gif

...doesn't take much to offend us. Be careful... :rolleyes: We have a Sicilian mafia influence on this board & (someone's) Cuzzin' Guido get's pi$$ed very easily. That's all I can say about that w/o having to worry about waking up with a horse's head in my bed. :blink::sword:

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Houston is planning to build or is already in the process of for ~3000 beds..."

Fair enough, but UH you can't count Texas Department of Correction's housing in this count, pal.

I lived one block from campus at 316 Fry Street and was considerred a commuter. Go figure... :(

North Texas has more than plenty of students who have shown they will show up en mass on Game Day but thats when we win; something we haven't done too consistently most my lifetime.


PS: Still, it appears the THECB numbers seem a bit off for North Texas housing projections.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Notice the key word that started that post: OR.

If they're not going home they're working at the mall, bartending at Chili's, or taking customer service calls on the days full-timers don't like to work: Saturday or Sunday. That was all I was trying to say, I didn't realize it would offend so many. rolleyes.gif

Wow -4 for this post?

Everyday you people prove more and more how big of crybabies you all are.

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