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Did Anyone See This Tsu Poll

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Most bobcats tend to agree. The Sunbelt offers stability and a regional geographic footprint, two things that sound really good right now... :ph34r:

First, it's Sun Belt, not Sunbelt.

Unfortunately, though, Sun Belt member institutions are a little gun shy about adding any schools that have yet to move up to the FBS. The Sun Belt is still a fairly new football league and still trying to establish an identity. The eastern Belt schools view you guys the same way that we'd view a Georgia Southern or Appalachian State addition in the east; certainly not bad programs, but how does it benefit everyone.

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We of UNT may want to try to walk a mile in TSU's shoes on their understandable desires to "move up the NCAA totem pole" theme.

Oh! Wait a minute! :blink: Seems we have been in those shoes since we've been doing the same thing (and still are) since I was a student at UNT beginning Spring Semester of 1972 and later in 1975 when AD Hayden Fry made public overtures heard 'round the Lone Star State for North Texas' eventual & hopeful admission to the Southwest Conference. And idea that went over like a lead balloon with 4 of the SWC's private schools. :notfair:


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TSU is in Houston. I don't know what SWT uses as their acronym these days... and I really don't care. It's a fine school. If they get it together and want to play us, I'm all for it. We've played Texas State more than any other school in the history of our Football program (and hold a commanding all-time lead)... so I'm not opposed to rekindling that rivalry's flame.

I'm also not worried they'll pass us by. Not even a little.

I am, however, a little jealous of their baseball program.

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Jealousy? Really now. JEALOUSY?! Of what? Your conference affiliation? Your W/L record?

Reality check. Yall are building a new stadium, while we are bowling ours in come March (might be may). Yall fired your HC and hired a coach who will turn the program around, while we fired our coach and will hire someone who will lead us into FBS. You have a good basketball team, while we have a good baseball team. Our budgets are comparable (NT-$16,643,811 TXST-$16,354,996)

I ask again, what's there to be jealous of?

Anyways, Meangreen61 and shaft are the only posters who bobcats tend to come in contact with (shaft flames Texas State on the WAC board every chance he gets, while Meangreen61 just rubs off as a douche on our board) - neither are a good representation of NT fans. 76% of us over there thought the question was stupid.

I hear a lot of yall did this, well just wait, we're going to do that... Wish you guys the best of luck, but buy a vowel and a clue, you'd love to switch positions with UNT at this point, we've got a 5-10 yr running start on where you're currently at, a BCS caliber coaching staff, a nationally recognized LEED certified stadium and haven't even scratched the surface of our potential. Hit us up again when you have a head coach in place... And calling people douche's, is like tattooing it on your own forehead, just doesn't get you very far.

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That thread was just a complete mess. Wish I hadn't read it to begin with. It sounds like most of their fans are rational folks...which is more than I can say for gmg.com sometimes.

The part that gets me, though, is this perception of a pecking order and UNT looking down on any other school. IMHO, it's really nothing more than seeing the pot (read: recruits + media attention) split more ways than it currently is. There are only so many difference maker type players....more schools competing at the FBS level means that it takes more effort to get those kids. If you don't have the players, it's hard to win and get consistent media attention.

That said, if TxSt and UTSA are committed to making the move, and we are still in the Sun Belt when the WAC ultimately folds, I'd want to do what Adler proposes. It's pretty clear that both will fund their programs at a level at least equal to the mid-to-upper level SBC schools, and thus, would not drag down the conference.

I would like to see the Sun Belt expand at that time if there are no changes in Sun Belt membership. Add the four eastern WAC schools, La Tech, UTSA, TXSU, and NMSU to create a 14 team - two division Sun Belt. A western division with Arkansas State, North Texas, Louisiana, La Tech, UTSA, TXSU, and NMSU would be a fairly good grouping since they're all close enough for rivalries but distant enough that there would be exposure in multiple markets. It's not ideal, but for us it's better than what we have now and better than any probable alternative for the WAC remnants.

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The part that is really funny is some of their posters wanting UNT to "bail them out" by joining the WAC. As if UNT were put here to service TxSt and UTSA.

What half their posters don't understand is that UNT will look out for UNT and it's not because we look down on TxSt, it's because we are looking out for numero uno. It's not that we don't want to be seen in the same conference with them, it's because we don't want to be seen in that conference. That's why we've turned down a standing invite for the past 8 yrs.

But, carry on with that line of thinking TxSt fans. Here's a quarter to call someone who gives a rats ass.

Texas Terror is the most rational poster on that board, and he's a SHSU fan... Why don't you TxSt fans convince SHSU to move into the WAC with you?

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Why don't you TxSt fans convince SHSU to move into the WAC with you?

Sam Houston State leadership has enough sense to NOT want to go WACy now. TxSt is stuck - they jumped off the diving board while someone else was draining the pool. It still had water when they jumped and hopefully will when the actually land.

SHSU won't jump into a now empty pool.

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I hear a lot of yall did this, well just wait, we're going to do that... Wish you guys the best of luck, but buy a vowel and a clue, you'd love to switch positions with UNT at this point, we've got a 5-10 yr running start on where you're currently at, a BCS caliber coaching staff, a nationally recognized LEED certified stadium and haven't even scratched the surface of our potential. Hit us up again when you have a head coach in place... And calling people douche's, is like tattooing it on your own forehead, just doesn't get you very far.

I didn't call him a douche, I said he rubbed off as one over at our place. But like I said, there is nothing to be jealous of (ok, sometimes having a bottom 20 MBB team gets old). If the WAC survives, it will be perfect competition for an FBS transitioning program like TXST. We're still working on our stadium (think SMU's with an end zone complex), and we're still using Parker Executive Search to find our next football coach. Our AD has said a coach will be named at the end of the end-of-the-year recruiting dead period (so first week of Jan).

Best part is we should get a chance to step on LaTech's ego a few times, because both of us know if a CUSA spot opens up, they're not getting it.

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The part that is really funny is some of their posters wanting UNT to "bail them out" by joining the WAC. As if UNT were put here to service TxSt and UTSA.

What half their posters don't understand is that UNT will look out for UNT and it's not because we look down on TxSt, it's because we are looking out for numero uno. It's not that we don't want to be seen in the same conference with them, it's because we don't want to be seen in that conference. That's why we've turned down a standing invite for the past 8 yrs.

But, carry on with that line of thinking TxSt fans. Here's a quarter to call someone who gives a rats ass.

Texas Terror is the most rational poster on that board, and he's a SHSU fan... Why don't you TxSt fans convince SHSU to move into the WAC with you?

What get's me is yall have flamed the WAC all this time, even when it had Boise/Fresno/Nevada/Hawaii, but might consider a MWC invite if it came (judging by the threads like "What can UNT add to the MWC"). How come? Its basically a reworked WAC.

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What get's me is yall have flamed the WAC all this time, even when it had Boise/Fresno/Nevada/Hawaii, but might consider a MWC invite if it came (judging by the threads like "What can UNT add to the MWC"). How come? Its basically a reworked WAC.

In terms of public perception MWC > WAC. Even though Hawaii is joining the MWC, it is for football only thus would limit travel expenses.

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I really wish that we could help the two Texas schools into a stable conference but we don't have that luxury. We're too busy trying to get ourselves in position for an upgrade. Maybe one of them will be selected as our replacement in the Belt.

I like to think that our administration foresaw that the WAC would soon lose as many as three of its top members back when we were originally courted for membership and that that, more than travel costs, was the motivation for declining WAC membership.

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What get's me is yall have flamed the WAC all this time, even when it had Boise/Fresno/Nevada/Hawaii, but might consider a MWC invite if it came (judging by the threads like "What can UNT add to the MWC"). How come? Its basically a reworked WAC.

Because Boise State is a top ten school in football, Fresno State has been in the top 25 many times over the last two decades, Nevada is building up quickly, and Hawaii has been very good in the recent past. And, you don't have to play Idaho, San Jose State, or Utah State in the MWC as it stands now, but you also get UNLV, San Diego State, Colorado State, UNM, and the Air Force Academy as bunk mates with big markets to draw viewership. Your new WAC, if it comes to fruition, will not have anything close to that luxury.

Look, I wish you guys were joining the SBC, but it just isn't the right time. Down the road, I, and I think many other UNT fans, would love to have another similar Texas school to be in the same conference with, too. Just give it some time.

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Jealousy? Really now. JEALOUSY?! Of what? Your conference affiliation? Your W/L record?

Reality check. Yall are building a new stadium, while we are bowling ours in come March (might be may). Yall fired your HC and hired a coach who will turn the program around, while we fired our coach and will hire someone who will lead us into FBS. You have a good basketball team, while we have a good baseball team. Our budgets are comparable (NT-$16,643,811 TXST-$16,354,996)

I ask again, what's there to be jealous of?

Anyways, Meangreen61 and shaft are the only posters who bobcats tend to come in contact with (shaft flames Texas State on the WAC board every chance he gets, while Meangreen61 just rubs off as a douche on our board) - neither are a good representation of NT fans. 76% of us over there thought the question was stupid.


TSU isn't even good in the FCS level...yet you guys talk big S.

Personally I think the UNT/TSU rivalry would be a good one but it is a moot point until you "Officially" get into FBS and get into a FBS conference or I guess go independent.

I wish you luck in your endeavors getting into FBS because being in the FCS currently and with the requirements to get in FBS becoming really stingy....it's not given by any means. And it doesn't help when you can't even be really good in the FCS level. The last 6 years of UNT football has really been bad but at least we are FBS and we have actually had success by winning our conference and going to bowl games.

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Can more money be made in FBS? Yes, but FBS isn't for everyone. Plus, FBS schools aren't always better than FCS schools.

TSU isn't even good in the FCS level...yet you guys talk big S.

Pot calling the kettle black? Not so much talking chit, just trying to make a point.

Personally I think the UNT/TSU rivalry would be a good one but it is a moot point until you "Officially" get into FBS and get into a FBS conference or I guess go independent.

Texas State received and accepted an invitation to join an FBS conference last November. That was what was needed. The WAC might not be officially recognized come 2012, but Texas State is transitioning to FBS.

I wish you luck in your endeavors getting into FBS because being in the FCS currently and with the requirements to get in FBS becoming really stingy....it's not given by any means. And it doesn't help when you can't even be really good in the FCS level. The last 6 years of UNT football has really been bad but at least we are FBS and we have actually had success by winning our conference and going to bowl games.

We don't have a history of success unlike others. I believe we have only had two playoff runs since becoming I-AA (2005 and 2008). Like UNT, Texas State is just now making a firm commitment to Athletics as seen in coaching (aside from MBB), the budget, facilities, etc.

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Can more money be made in FBS? Yes, but FBS isn't for everyone. Plus, FBS schools aren't always better than FCS schools.

Pot calling the kettle black? Not so much talking chit, just trying to make a point.

Texas State received and accepted an invitation to join an FBS conference last November. That was what was needed. The WAC might not be officially recognized come 2012, but Texas State is transitioning to FBS.

We don't have a history of success unlike others. I believe we have only had two playoff runs since becoming I-AA (2005 and 2008). Like UNT, Texas State is just now making a firm commitment to Athletics as seen in coaching (aside from MBB), the budget, facilities, etc.

The rule has not officially changed yet. The current rule states that you must declare, go through a two year transition, play 5 home FBS games per year for both transition years, average 15K in paid attendance, and a few other requirements dealing with # of sports played, etc.... A lot of the current rules can be fudged with creative bookkeeping and both UTSA and TS@SM meet the requirements in those ways - but I have no idea how you are going to get 5 home games with FBS teams during your transition years without a full conference to provide home FBS opponents. I guess that the WAC could have every team play both UTSA and TS@SM in Texas for both years to meet those requirements. I think that UTSA has scheduled a few teams at home - one being USA which will also be making the transition.... but it is going to be tricky. If the rule does change, which it probably will - you should be home free - but there still has to be a vote.

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Right now Texas State wouldn't make a pimple on a decent programs arse or contribute anything other than a mouth to feed to a FBS conference. Even as a FCS program their football stinks and their basketball team is one of the worst in the country. They must be green with envy or they wouldn't have this fixation on North Texas.

Edited by MeanGreen61
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The rule has not officially changed yet. The current rule states that you must declare, go through a two year transition, play 5 home FBS games per year for both transition years, average 15K in paid attendance, and a few other requirements dealing with # of sports played, etc.... A lot of the current rules can be fudged with creative bookkeeping and both UTSA and TS@SM meet the requirements in those ways - but I have no idea how you are going to get 5 home games with FBS teams during your transition years without a full conference to provide home FBS opponents. I guess that the WAC could have every team play both UTSA and TS@SM in Texas for both years to meet those requirements. I think that UTSA has scheduled a few teams at home - one being USA which will also be making the transition.... but it is going to be tricky. If the rule does change, which it probably will - you should be home free - but there still has to be a vote.

15K isn't hard to get. Even if we are only averaging 13K now, we can have somebody like EMU show us how to get creative. 5 home games with FBS teams? Hmmm.. that's where the conference comes into play. Oh, and OOC games. No doubt there has to be a vote, but it seems like many are refusing to think this is even going to happen. Whether we are in the WAC or independent, we are going FBS.

Right now Texas State wouldn't make a pimple on a decent programs arse or contribute anything other than a mouth to feed to a FBS conference. Even as a FCS program their football stinks and their basketball team is one of the worst in the country. They must be green with envy or they wouldn't have this fixation on North Texas.

Ok we had one bad season this last year, but still managed to topple a top 10 SFA. We fired our coach and are in the process of hiring one who can coach FBS ball. Yes our basketball sucks, but we have really good baseball, facilities to compete in, and a budget that shows are making a commitment. And like I said MG61, yall have nothing to be jealous of. Personally, I can't wait for our two schools to sign a deal to revive our football series.

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15K isn't hard to get. Even if we are only averaging 13K now, we can have somebody like EMU show us how to get creative. 5 home games with FBS teams? Hmmm.. that's where the conference comes into play. Oh, and OOC games. No doubt there has to be a vote, but it seems like many are refusing to think this is even going to happen. Whether we are in the WAC or independent, we are going FBS.

Ok we had one bad season this last year, but still managed to topple a top 10 SFA. We fired our coach and are in the process of hiring one who can coach FBS ball. Yes our basketball sucks, but we have really good baseball, facilities to compete in, and a budget that shows are making a commitment. And like I said MG61, yall have nothing to be jealous of. Personally, I can't wait for our two schools to sign a deal to revive our football series.

Doubt if anyone at UNT is jealous of Tx State. That is really a laugh. I enjoy reading the holier than thou crap that many of you post claiming parity or that you have or will surpass UNT. A delusional group that just wishes UNT feared or was jealous of the Bobcats. Dream on. :blink:

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15K isn't hard to get. Even if we are only averaging 13K now, we can have somebody like EMU show us how to get creative. 5 home games with FBS teams? Hmmm.. that's where the conference comes into play. Oh, and OOC games. No doubt there has to be a vote, but it seems like many are refusing to think this is even going to happen. Whether we are in the WAC or independent, we are going FBS.

Ok we had one bad season this last year, but still managed to topple a top 10 SFA. We fired our coach and are in the process of hiring one who can coach FBS ball. Yes our basketball sucks, but we have really good baseball, facilities to compete in, and a budget that shows are making a commitment. And like I said MG61, yall have nothing to be jealous of. Personally, I can't wait for our two schools to sign a deal to revive our football series.

Ok, I already asserted that the attendance could be manipulated. Not sure why you are repeating exactly what I said. The only question that I have is how you are going to have 5 home FBS games in the two transition years. Those years are 2011 and 2012, making you a member of the FBS in 2013, correct? Or are the transition years 2012 and 2013, making you a member of FBS in 2014? The article that you linked provides one OOC home game lined up in that time span. The other home game is in 2015. Most FBS teams have their schedules filled up for the next few years so I guess you will get all of your home games (except one - Wyoming) against the WAC leftovers?

So I guess the WAC is planning on having just about every team (there will only be 7 football playing members of the WAC in year 1 or 2 depending on the transition window) San Jose, Idaho, USU, NMSU, La Tech, UTSA, and TS@SM. You would need the conference to send just about every team to both San Marcos AND San Antonio for two consecutive years (without getting return games until you are certified). I know that the WAC is in survival mode - but it is precisely this type of predicament that has pushed 3 additional schools away from the WAC. The WAC has now lost all of its primary bowl tie ins, sans Boise... .which will probably disband (who wants to go to Boise in December, anyway?)... and will now lose their auto-bid to NCAA championship sports. If you think that the WAC will get a waiver, ask the MWC how those requests go. You might be able to pull this off - but I have no idea how you are going to fill the home game requirements over your two year transition. Good luck with that...

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Most of Texas State's programs will have to catch up to their baseball program. But with their great location, enrollment and recent commitment to athletics that is exactly what they would do if they were to enter the Belt. We then would have a very close conference road trip that would be the envy of the rest of the conference. Imagine every other year in the fall having the chance to make a short trip down to God's country to see the Mean Green play? Sweet!


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