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Leach Campaigning For The Miami Job


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Adam James was not why leach was fired.....he may have been a catalyst for the incident, but the incident could have just as easily been Mangino at KU or Leavitt......and if Texas Tech had decided to go in and make a specific change to leaches contract dealing with the future treatment of injured players there is a very good chance leach would have behaved the same way....because leach was an abrasive knuckle head that had been rubbing many fans and people of influence since long before all this took place

if one looks at the time line of what happened...if they look at the dates and times on the legal documents entered into evidence.....people with any ability to read and understand a calender would see that the document that leach was ask to sign dealing with the treatment of injured players in the future was dated before the incident went public and before any court case by leach trying to get an injunction and the subsequent firing

the investigation had taken place.....there is court evidence that shows Texas Tech informed leach he was cleared.....and then the above document and another that shows the had first ask leach to apologize to Adam and the James family and I believe it shows there the president of the university struck that request and left only the ones dealing with the future treatment if injured players

so again leach had been investigated.....and cleared of wrong doing......the break down occurred when leach was ask to sign a document dealing with the treatment of injured players....he refused.....he then said he accepted the terms of the letter, but he would not sign it, and that Tech should stick it in his personnel file.....anyone with an ounce of common sense much less a legal education that mike has (though he is not a lawyer because he never took or passed the bar) would know that verbally stating acceptance is not acceptable nor is placing an unsigned document in a file

without leach specifically agreeing to change the treatment of injured players Texas Tech had no choice but to remove him from the supervision of student athletes......THAT is when the story broke and not before......and after leach went for the injunction to return to the supervision of student athletes without agreeing to the change in policy about the treatment of injured players....Tech felt the best course of action was to fire him

it would be no different than if the son of a local high school coaching star with a 79-1 record went to a university and suffered a series of serious injuries including a head injury......and the father (the well known coaching legend) questioned why his injured son was yelled at and then placed in a dark shed alone to stand under the auspices of treatment for a head injury

and then once all were satisfied (player and coach and father).......UNT decided to ask for the coach to sign a document dealing with the future treatment of injured players.....and the coach decided to blow up, cuss out the AD, President, and Chancellor.......then lawyered up and went to court

please post in this forum that you would find it acceptable if after a public incident dealing with an injured UNT athlete (head injury specifically), his well known father, and the coach......during a time of national news about the treatment of players with head injuries......that UNT would not go to the coach and specifically ask to clarify policy on the treatment of injured players.....or that after UNT ask for this clarification the coach blew up and cussed out all his supervisors and refused to sign it then lawyered up.......you would really actually want a clown like that representing UNT and doing it for nearly 3 million per year

you would really view the type of person that would not fully understand why he was being ask to sign such a document....much less sign it......much less blow up......as the type of person you would want to return to supervising students and injured players.....because without the signed document there is no change in policy.....and said coach would still make the call on injured players playing and practicing......and that is asking for a massive amount of legal liability and not the liability that any university administrator worth a damn would expose a program or a university to

You sure know a lot of stuff about a lot of schools and put a lot of work into your posts. Can we expect similar breakdowns from you as more coaches get fired? That way, your presence would at least have a point beyond the auto-erotic pleasure you seem to get from typing condescending diatribes. We have a spot for you and want this to work out for all of us.

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You sure know a lot of stuff about a lot of schools and put a lot of work into your posts. Can we expect similar breakdowns from you as more coaches get fired? That way, your presence would at least have a point beyond the auto-erotic pleasure you seem to get from typing condescending diatribes. We have a spot for you and want this to work out for all of us.

+1 :unsure:

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Good for TTech fans to demonstrate that kind of loyalty to your program.

Ticket sales can be tied to coaching interest at a certain point, but I don't think it proves or disproves any given argument about sentiment for Leach.

A better tale will be long term, when The Raiders are no longer winning 9 - 10 games and out of the spotlight because their media darling is gone.

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Good for TTech fans to demonstrate that kind of loyalty to your program.

Ticket sales can be tied to coaching interest at a certain point, but I don't think it proves or disproves any given argument about sentiment for Leach.

A better tale will be long term, when The Raiders are no longer winning 9 - 10 games and out of the spotlight because their media darling is gone.

leach won 10 or more games a single time in 10 years

they won 9 or more games 5 times in 10 years

Tech was playing at least 1 D1-AA team and several years they played 2 D1-AA teams long with pretty crappy D1-A teams in the OOC during nearly all of those seasons along with a pretty bad Baylor most of those years as well

so saying Tech is no longer winning nine or ten games is making a claim that Tech could not exactly always make with leach

the single season over 10 wins in 10 years under leach the OOC schedule had two D1-AA teams (Tulsa did back out to play Arkansas when they thought Arkansas was finally vulnerable which resulted in one of the D1-AA teams though LSU needed a game that year and was looking for a three year deal and leach said hell no to that)......SMU (that won a single game) and a 7-6 Nevada

so hardly a world beater schedule in the single 10 win season in a decade.....and Tech was soundly exposed against OU, then came out flat against Baylor, and got spanked by Ole' Miss.......not exactly worthy of nearly 3 million per year

there is a good chance Tech will win a bowl game this year and go 8-5.....this would be nothing more or less than a typical season under leach.....for a lot less cost.....and with a lot less coaching stupidity

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Okay, discredit Leach. What are we debating?

I am not if the opinion that he was a great coach.

My point was meant to be that ticket sales, as great as they are, reflect the fans commitment to the program and not any specific sentiment about Leach. There is no way to tell; if there was no fiasco and Mike was still around, who is to say season tickets would be even more?

I will be curious to see how the new guy does and if the interest is sustained. Who did TTech hire anyways?

Edited by greenminer
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Okay, discredit Leach. What are we debating?

I am not if the opinion that he was a great coach.

My point was meant to be that ticket sales, as great as they are, reflect the fans commitment to the program and not any specific sentiment about Leach. There is no way to tell; if there was no fiasco and Mike was still around, who is to say season tickets would be even more?

I will be curious to see how the new guy does and if the interest is sustained. Who did TTech hire anyways?

I think that pretty well sums it up.

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