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Gdt: Unt @ Kansas 11/19


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Not sure what a game like this means,

It means that when you run an offense that is predicated on out-athleting the other team, you are going to get blown out against superior teams on the road.

You can run this offense against the belt and lesser Big 12 teams, but not against the top teams in the nation, at least not with the current roster. Not slamming the team, but they just can't go man up with a Kansas.

Good news is we will be taller and more athletic next year.

You have only 3 of the starting 5 that can create thier own shot. Running a motionless, post up offense is a recipe for disaster against a top ten team.

I hope the students aren't discouraged by this game and realize that a kansas is a whole different animal, especially at home.

Edited by UNT90
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This loss really does not upset me for some reason. I know that we have a good season ahead of us despite taking a good beating inside Allen Fieldhouse. As far as the students, I doubt they will be discouraged, and if they are, I am sure that rattling off a couple wins at home will bring them back into the Super Pit pretty quickly.

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Guys, we have to remember how good Kansas is. They are always a contender in the Big 12 and nationally plus their recruits are top-notch. I see this as more of a test game for us to see how we measure up at this point. Did any of us really think that we had a shot at beating them @Kansas? I mean come one guys let's be realistic. I feel sorry for Rice when we take it out on them!

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I was at this game and have a couple comments to make... Never have I seen an environment like this. It was unbelievable and I will never forget it. The rowdiness, the passion, the shear volume was extremely intimidating. The NCAA tournament(at least the opening rounds) has nothing on the environment that this game offered. After White's first airball, he was punished relentlessly by the crowd. After that, he hesitated on every opportunity to shoot an open 3 (and there were several). The arena is probably the same size as the super pit, except with bleachers that allows it to cram 16,000 people in there... Nobody wins there and there is a reason for that. There is no reason blow this loss out of proportion. They looked competitive in the first half, but couldn't recover from the barrage of 3 pointers that rained down on the mean green in the 2nd half. I doubt any team can win in Kansas when they are making 70% of their 3's.

A couple of problems that need to be addressed: After getting down in the 2nd half, it seemed that there were several players who tried to force shots and take the game in their own hands, as opposed to moving the ball around and working as a team. They seemed very frustrated (understandably) and appeared to lose focus. Also, as mentioned before, White would not take open shots that were available to him after that first airball. You can't let one shot dictate your actions for the rest of the game.

Anyway, I am very proud of the way they played for the most part and I have no regrets about making this trip. I am having an awesome time up here and I recommend everyone come see a game here at least once.

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I was at this game and have a couple comments to make... Never have I seen an environment like this. It was unbelievable and I will never forget it. The rowdiness, the passion, the shear volume was extremely intimidating. The NCAA tournament(at least the opening rounds) has nothing on the environment that this game offered. After White's first airball, he was punished relentlessly by the crowd. After that, he hesitated on every opportunity to shoot an open 3 (and there were several). The arena is probably the same size as the super pit, except with bleachers that allows it to cram 16,000 people in there... Nobody wins there and there is a reason for that. There is no reason blow this loss out of proportion. They looked competitive in the first half, but couldn't recover from the barrage of 3 pointers that rained down on the mean green in the 2nd half. I doubt any team can win in Kansas when they are making 70% of their 3's.

A couple of problems that need to be addressed: After getting down in the 2nd half, it seemed that there were several players who tried to force shots and take the game in their own hands, as opposed to moving the ball around and working as a team. They seemed very frustrated (understandably) and appeared to lose focus. Also, as mentioned before, White would not take open shots that were available to him after that first airball. You can't let one shot dictate your actions for the rest of the game.

Anyway, I am very proud of the way they played for the most part and I have no regrets about making this trip. I am having an awesome time up here and I recommend everyone come see a game here at least once.

I will tell you that nothing compares to watching a game at Allen Fieldhouse. It literally is a walk back in time. And that old barn is so loud that it can just be deafening on an opponent that isnt used to playing there. Two things do stand out to me. One is that UNT usually makes its threes. Assuming that they even make just three 3s, that probably helps to keep the game closer for sure. The other thing is that KU will beat many other teams by this margin at AFH, too, especially when Josh Selby gets into their rotation. They have a chance to be what they usually are--one of the best teams in the country. All that will come from this game for UNT is experience at a hostile environment that will help in SBC play--and a nice paycheck, too!!

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I didn't see the game, but it sounded as if their philosophy after halftime was to isolate their 3 point shooters on Josh and Dom. Did it look that way, or were they just knocking them in off of everyone? Don't get the Knox bashing unless it is due to the color of his skin. Sounded like he did an OK job defensively, and it's nice to get him some big time minutes since he is only a sophomore and we are likely to need his length sometime down the road. Tough loss.

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