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I Have To Say.....


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...how many negative points does Plumm have now???

Who cares, we're not in Junior High any more?

As for Vitto, what I like about him is, you can talk to him, disagree with him and even criticicize him over opinions you may disagree with him on and he never seems to hold a grudge. He's very professional in that way. I promise you MeanRob could tell him what he posted to his face and Brett would take it in stride and give a valid response back.


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Be Put On Notice This: One alum (and it wasn't me) has already reported to Rawlins the guerilla warfare kind of "isolate & demonize" tactics Canales supporters (most with very few posts) have used toward longtime supporters of UNT and I will take a wild guess that he will not be amused with that style and that's a fact, Jack.

OK, it was a poster who works at UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth whose connected, but that's all I can or will say.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Why are these high powered alums so concerned now? Where were they the day the stadium was announced and why didn't they demand change right then? The program was in the ditch so to speak as for wins and losses. We have not lost donors and donations overnight in the Mean Green Club. We have dropped from 700 members to 500. We will not reach $300,000 in MGC donations this year, so we are down $200K from 2 years ago. Where have these so caring, all knowing, all powered donors been? Why are these high powered donors caring now? Is the stadium the like dog chasing the car and finally caught it, only he does not know what to do with it?

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Ok, he either gets hammered for not being positive enough about North Texas and being it's cheerleader, or he's an uninformed blogger.

You know, I see writers from all the other newspapers (Randy Galloway for one) offer their opinions. Why is Vito not allowed to offer his?

Agree 100% Silver...good call!

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You Won't Get This Kind of Stuff in the Denton Record/Chronicle

Be Put On Notice This: One alum (and it wasn't me) has already reported to Rawlins the guerilla warfare kind of "isolate & demonize" tactics Canales supporters (most with very few posts) have used toward longtime supporters of UNT and I will take a wild guess that he will not be amused with that style and that's a fact, Jack.

Someone told President Rawlins they were offended by messages on a private message board? Seriously? I wish I could write I'd be surprised at an alum being that uninformed. I hope Rawlins explained the very simple, "Just don't read the messages" to whomever it was. What the President of the university should not be amused by is someone wasting his time complaining about message boards.

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Who cares, we're not in Junior High any more?

As for Vitto, what I like about him is, you can talk to him, disagree with him and even criticicize him over opinions you may disagree with him on and he never seems to hold a grudge. He's very professional in that way. I promise you MeanRob could tell him what he posted to his face and Brett would take it in stride and give a valid response back.


He sure seemed to hold a grudge against Dodge. Not saying that Dodge didn't deserve it by not allowing him into practices but

Vito's writing sure seemed to insinuate that he plain out didn't care for Dodge.

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Someone told President Rawlins they were offended by messages on a private message board? Seriously? I wish I could write I'd be surprised at an alum being that uninformed. I hope Rawlins explained the very simple, "Just don't read the messages" to whomever it was. What the President of the university should not be amused by is someone wasting his time complaining about message boards.

I hope President Rawlins kneed him in the groin then put him in a full nelson.

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You Won't Get This Kind of Stuff in the Denton Record/Chronicle

A negative point from the Sun Belt Society some might call a positive. One man's junk is another man's treasure?

Some of us will one day have the opportunity to say: "We told yall so about all this now do you believe us" but most of us won't.

Fact is: UNT President Lane Rawlins will have no part of approving the hiring of "any" assistant coach from "any school" from a perennial losing coach's staff. No school moving into a New Era with New Stadium would even vaguely entertain such an idea. This will be a fact and very soon. The SBC has created the worse "think small" crowd among some at UNT I can remember except the years we spent in D1-AA when that made some feel we had a scarlett letter imprinted on our foreheads as to what neighborhood we were in those long 12 years. We just do the weirdest damn things when it comes to inter-collegiate athletics in Denton, Texas, America.

I know, another insulting(?) post for the "can't quite handle the truth" crowd who would keep the same ol' status quo' if Lane Rawlins would allow them to. Guess what? Strong rumor says he will not keep the status quo in Denton much longer and hence his key word of "re-position" which 2 or 3 I know feel will eventually cause some to join America's 8-10% unemployment soup lines.

Rawlins will listen to Chuck Neinas whereas many of our seemed opiate-influenced SBC society I predict will not like what he will have to say when its all been said. No UNT varsity teams even smelling Top 50 has already been one theme sent to Dr. Rawlins by more than a few who are sick of UNT being toward the bottom every year--even with SBC winning football teams several years ago that still only raised us a few ranking points above Bottom 25. Re-position? Both Rawlins and Neinas probably both know UNT has to find a way to get out of the SBC as soon as possible--if possible.

Honest to Goodness? Rawlins is going to be a major athletic culture-changer at the main campus of the UNT System and the first real move to make this start happening will begin in about 2 or 3 weeks when we start getting serious about a new HFC for next Fall and beyond.

The new stadium investment of $78,000,000 Rawlins will still have to sell to all that it was not a poor investment and he will need all the right people in place to help him do this (and to pay for the rest of that new stadium). :blink: His presidential vote for an unknown commodity of an assistant coach of which many on this forum have asked "how do we know he can even recruit Texas" would not be a good Public Relations Kick-Off for Dr. Rawlins.

Just put yourselves in the UNT's president shoes and what he has to look at not just short term--but long term then ask yourselves what kind of HFC this man will want at North Texas. It will not be the traditional hire of the last 30 plus years, ie, those kind of hires that made all quite comfy' in the UNT Athletic Department?

Be Put On Notice This: One alum (and it wasn't me) has already reported to Rawlins the guerilla warfare kind of "isolate & demonize" tactics Canales supporters (most with very few posts) have used toward longtime supporters of UNT and I will take a wild guess that he will not be amused with that style and that's a fact, Jack.

Plumm, I've been reading your posts for years and I just can't get a solid feel on your true feelings for Fry.

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Be Put On Notice This: One alum (and it wasn't me) has already reported to Rawlins the guerilla warfare kind of "isolate & demonize" tactics Canales supporters (most with very few posts) have used toward longtime supporters of UNT and I will take a wild guess that he will not be amused with that style and that's a fact, Jack.

OK, it was a poster friend who works at UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth whose connected, but that's all I can or will say. Still freedom of speech, right?

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Be Put On Notice This: One alum (and it wasn't me) has already reported to Rawlins the guerilla warfare kind of "isolate & demonize" tactics Canales supporters (most with very few posts) have used toward longtime supporters of UNT and I will take a wild guess that he will not be amused with that style and that's a fact, Jack.

OK, it was a poster friend who works at UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth whose connected, but that's all I can or will say. Still freedom of speech, right?

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It's a blog.. a place for opinions. D on't like it , don't read it. He gets paid by the hits on link so of course he might twist something just to get more viewers.

I swear if all else fails this board turns it anger to either SMU or Vito.

But don't you understand ... " :wub: Team Canales :wub: " has crashed through and is making people read anything that is pro-Canales :w00t: (100% sarcasm intended)

In all seriousnees .. if it's going to upset you just don't pick it up or turn it on.

Edited by El Paso Eagle
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Why are these high powered alums so concerned now? Where were they the day the stadium was announced and why didn't they demand change right then? The program was in the ditch so to speak as for wins and losses. We have not lost donors and donations overnight in the Mean Green Club. We have dropped from 700 members to 500. We will not reach $300,000 in MGC donations this year, so we are down $200K from 2 years ago. Where have these so caring, all knowing, all powered donors been? Why are these high powered donors caring now? Is the stadium the like dog chasing the car and finally caught it, only he does not know what to do with it?


These "high powered alums" just woke up? Why have they been holding the program back up until now?

These guys complaining have no credibility in my opinion because now all the sudden they're going to take their ball and go home. If they have this influence, where the hell have they been the past 5 years?

They don't like the guy, now they're going to shake their fist?

Good riddance. What good is their money and influence if they're going to influence the program in an obvious negative way.

Edited by TheColonyEagle
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An above poster says.........immature?

A bunch of obvious new posters extemely pro Chico bashing alums of whom this is not their first rodeo (our alums) of seeing yet another search for a new HFC at North Texas? Don't we do this about every 4 or so years? Some think with the right hirings one day we might even have an athletic program varsity team at UNT finish inside the Top 50.

It was explained to me by my UNTHSC (Fort Worth) friend that he thought the new prez needed to see more of the methods being used by some of these new posters with obvious close ties to the assistant coach than whether said assistant coach actually got the job or not.

There seems to be a one way street of "our way or the highway" among a few on this board of which none of this group will have absolutely nothing to do with whoever our next new HFC will be. This for both sides of the pro Canales or not pro Canales groups, too. I don't have enough horses in the race to influence any UNT coaches selection or who to name practice fields after for damn sure but I do have an opinion or 2. I think mere speculation is still what most of us do on most any subject on this forum, right? :)

Alums who communicate anything to our power even if just a birthday card? If they are communicating with our powers, then maybe that a hint that they are involved with their alma mater in other ways than just GoMeanGreen.com.? Some on this board have already judged "where were they before" not even knowing who the hell the names are. I know one in Dallas who is livid that North Texas (as he said) would be waving a huge white flag if we don't hire a name coach with FBS experience (with some success to boot). Would he be bashed on GMG.com? No, he wouldn't because he told me long ago he will not waste his time on one of these kinds of collegiate smack boards. This guy has been one of our largest contributors in our schools history who I've know since the late 1970's.

This new prez' of ours did not fall off the small time college turnip truck inasmuch as he served in the same role at Washington State and Memphis so I think his perspective for our next North Texas new HFC will probably come from criteria used at schools like the 2 aforementioned--rather than our methods of late which have not produced a winning football program that shows sign of advancement in quite a while--like most of my adult life for starters? ;)

Please Do Hear Me Out: I don't care who we get for our next new HFC at UNT as long as he has the talent and true capabilities to take us up to the next level.

If Rawlins and RV and Neinas all agree its Coach Chico, then those of us who can will bury the hatchet, sing Kum Bah Yah and will fall in line with Coach Chico with our undivided support and that is a promise because.....If he is successful then our MG football program will be, too, and isn't that what this is all about in the first place?


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You know, I see writers from all the other newspapers (Randy Galloway for one) offer their opinions. Why is Vito not allowed to offer his?

Opinions we have too much of around here. I want to see some facts. Show us the Car Facts, er Coach Facts!

Let Vito do some indepth research or find a real "source" on the inside with some facts then I'll listen. Give us names to compare. Apples to apples, experience to experience, otherwise it's just more rah-rah.

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I know one in Dallas who is livid that North Texas (as he said) would be waving a huge white flag if we don't hire an unemployed name coach with FBS experience (with some success to boot in the last 20 years).


You will not name one head football coach currenly employed on good terms coming to NT and that is a fact. Call it as it is. If you want to think big time Plumm, then think Big Time. The big time programs hire "up-and-comers" all the time. The difference is, their "up-and-comers" are either head coaches at non-bcs schools or coordinators at top 25 bcs schools. You don't want to go "big time" and hire an "up-and-coming" head coach from a FCS program or other non-bcs program or a successful coordinator from a BCS program.

You want to try and catch lightning in a bottle by hiring a falling star. You are thinking small time using the fallacy that because these guys were successful once upon a time at big programs that they would be successful at NORTH TEXAS and that is not necessarily the case. The guys you are in support of are unemployed for a reason, let us not forget that.

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