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I guess since the product of our football team is bad we have to find something else to be competitive in. I certainly don't think it's our band...because the two songs they play get real old real fast.

Maybe we can compare cheerleaders as we seem to be winning the battle there.


What is hard for me to believe is that the same band that produces our football show also produces are basketball show. Correct? I know it is a completely different kind of band, but why is our basketball pep band 99% of the time better then then the opposing team and on the football field it seems that number is reversed?

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My beef is with Troy playing over our Alma Mater. I think it is rude and disrespectful.

As far as their band, they just play in an upbeat and energetic "pep band" style which is designed to energize their fans. I am a big fan of the Green Brigade and their style, but I also thought that Troy's band added to the atmosphere. I was glad they came and thought perhaps they would perform on the field, but they were obviously a skeleton crew. It would have been sportsmanlike to invite them to share a number with the Green Brigade, but I guess bands don't do that anymore.

Posted (edited)

As to why they were louder, they had a bass guitar plugged into multiple amplifiers. Not sure about the guitar, but I did see the amps.

I'm glad our band picked up on Troy's crap and played over them

It did sound like they had amplifiers to me and someone in our section said that is why they sounded louder. I like when other schools bring their bands, but they shouldn't sound louder than the home band...we need amplifiers! Is that legal at a college game...amplifiers?

Edited by NT80

It did sound like they had amplifiers to me and someone in our section said that is why they sounded louder. I like when other schools bring their bands, but they shouldn't sound louder than the home band...we need amplifiers! Is that legal at a college game...amplifiers?

They did have them. Saw one being wheeled off the track. It is my understanding that it is not legal at college football games.


I have always wondered why our band always sounds so muffled and unenthusiastic. The Sound of the South showed the Green Brigade up last night, plain and simple. The were louder, more excited, into "the game", and just sounded better. They had fun - and when they played their version of the ESPN song, it really was original and I took it as - they will be on ESPN over that last play,etc... We played over them right before the half - they were playing and here our band comes with the 5,000,000th try at Fly Like an Eagle or something... This comes up every year and every year someone says that our band is using better "technique" or some crud.... I don't care about technique, I just want a loud, fun, into-the-game marching (or standing) band...

And everyone else at UNT just wants a good, strong, able-to-win-games football team.

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And while we are discussing the band,am I the only that notices they do basically the same half time show every time. Yes the music may change, and sometimes it is great, but they march out get into formation play one or two selections then bring out the dancers and do one number than off the field. If I wanted to nitpick more I would point out that they are usually out of step and sloppy marching and getting into their formations.

When you learn a full marching show in a week, maybe then you can say something on the subject. Until then, it would be a good idea to not criticize something you know nothing about. One of the reasons the shows are so short, and it may seem "sloppy" is because the students know that people like those on this website like to hate on them, and don't even want them performing half-time because all they care about is getting drunk and watching a dreadful beating of a football game.

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They did have them. Saw one being wheeled off the track. It is my understanding that it is not legal at college football games.

That was for the bass guitar.

http://www.youtube.com/lizziesfav#p/a/u/0/JkPp1oMTTuU Here is the pep band at ULM. You see in the front there is the bass guitar and his speaker. Then another small speaker to the left that is used for announcing the next song. There aren't any mics.


When you learn a full marching show in a week, maybe then you can say something on the subject. Until then, it would be a good idea to not criticize something you know nothing about. One of the reasons the shows are so short, and it may seem "sloppy" is because the students know that people like those on this website like to hate on them, and don't even want them performing half-time because all they care about is getting drunk and watching a dreadful beating of a football game.

That's just plain bullsh!t.

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Posted (edited)

i agree deepgreen...hell i was in the band and i still haven't watched a halftime performance in 4 years. i run to the car to drink as much as possible before the third quarter starts!

Edited by radiogreen
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When you learn a full marching show in a week, maybe then you can say something on the subject. Until then, it would be a good idea to not criticize something you know nothing about. One of the reasons the shows are so short, and it may seem "sloppy" is because the students know that people like those on this website like to hate on them, and don't even want them performing half-time because all they care about is getting drunk and watching a dreadful beating of a football game.

WOW....touchy, aren't you? One does not have to participate in a marching band's practices to know good vs not so good results. Just like one does not have to know how to build a car to know a good one from a bad one. I don't think anyone here would ever say that UNT's marching band is not one of the best around. But, if you have been going to games at UNT as long as some of us have, you know the difference between some of what is displayed today vs past years. Just because some would rather the Green Brigade play more upbeat and "football game" friendly stuff in no way means they do not respect the effort that goes into the game day performances. You might want to step back a bit and think about that some...and if you think the Green Brigade gets criticized on this board...man, I am hopeful you have no personal relationship to the football team or coaching staff. You really couldn't stand that heat. If you come on this board and "talk trash", get ready...some of these folks take no prisoners! I should know...

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The Green Brigade is much bigger and louder than it was when I was a member in the early 90's. The style of the music the band plays is also much more spirit minded than it was during those days as well. The current version of the band is true to its roots AND plays a good selection of music.

...regarding the Troy band. I was on the field after the game and they were playing some post game music. The bass guitar is CLEARLY amped, and was VERY LOUD both in the stands and out on the field. ...Their "pep band" had as many tubas as our whole band does, and is virtually all brass. ...get the flute and clarinet players to hand in their insturments and pick up a horn or trumpet, and the sheer volume of our band would be louder. Then, have them play with no care for sound quality, but rather volume (thus throwing out all the fundamentals they have learned during their career as a musiciain) and they would be louder.

...or grow the band larger than it is now.

...all that being said, I'm not sure that I buy that the band wasn't amped too. I've been involved in marching band and drum and bugle corps stuff for a LONG time and seen some REALLY big bands (Duncanville HS used to march close to 500 people) and that band Troy had out there was LOUD. ...and they certainly had more than one amp sitting down there. Not sure if it was just for the bass guitar (which dominated the sound of the band) but they had more than one bass guitar amp down in front of them, FWIW.


When you learn a full marching show in a week, maybe then you can say something on the subject. Until then, it would be a good idea to not criticize something you know nothing about. One of the reasons the shows are so short, and it may seem "sloppy" is because the students know that people like those on this website like to hate on them, and don't even want them performing half-time because all they care about is getting drunk and watching a dreadful beating of a football game.

Dear Doyoubleedgreen,

Welcome to the board. I know the band works hard. Many on this board may not realize that for your many hours of rehearsal a week, you only get one credit hour. But that is the bane of existence for a music major!

Your response to criticism is disappointing. If you have a thin skin or are adverse to criticism, you should look for another profession because you are going to hear lots more of it in your lifetime. Attacking your audience is not a proper response nor is justifying a sloppy performance because the audience is "drunk". You are budding professionals and should conduct yourself accordingly, no matter if your audience is a packed Fouts Field or ten pre-schoolers.

On to specifics. The band did indeed learn a new show each week...even when we had back to back home games. In my four years with the band, we never repeated a show.

I cannot speak for everyone on this board, but what I would like to see is:

1.A return to the great traditions the band once displayed. 2. more varied and appropriate music in the stands. 3. A more professional looking warm weather uniform. 4. Playing the alma mater at the beginning of the game rather than the end when it is normally chaos on the field and in the stands. 5. A better arrangement of the national anthem. 6. No more "Fly like an Eagle. And most importantly: 7. A return to the original Fight Song.

So doyoupleedgreen, best wishes on your career . No matter if you aspire to being a professional musician or an educator, I hope you will be as proud to be an alumni of the band as I have been for the past (almost) forty years.

  • Upvote 2
Posted (edited)

When you learn a full marching show in a week, maybe then you can say something on the subject. Until then, it would be a good idea to not criticize something you know nothing about. One of the reasons the shows are so short, and it may seem "sloppy" is because the students know that people like those on this website like to hate on them, and don't even want them performing half-time because all they care about is getting drunk and watching a dreadful beating of a football game.

Well I am glad you know my background, besides that if most people waited to be an expert on the subject before discussion than there would not be much conversation. For your information, I was in a high school band and I don't ever remember performing the same half time show at home. I guess the fact that we were younger and not as talented made it easier to do in high school and I just bet we put more time in than most college bands. I have seen some questionable posts before, but yours may be up at the top. I assure you, I don't hate on anybody (I am however, old enough and educated enough to hate that expression); particularly my school's band. I sure hope you are not a member of the band because the comments you expressed are infantile. I always watch the band perform, ( i.e. I don't run out of the stadium at half) and enjoy them, but I would like for them to have more consistently good performances. They always get a good response from the crowd no matter how uninspired their performances are and when they are really good, they are rewarded by the crowd's reaction.

Kill the messenger is always a easy response. Again I don't know what smoke and mirrors the Troy Band used, but they totally upstaged the home full band. Anyone in the West stands would have to agree. As an aside, NT used an amped bass guitar in the past and I liked that sound, they have also amped their drum lines on occasions. A traveling college band will always show a lot more spirit than a home band, it is just human nature. If you read their message boards, Troy takes a lot of pride in their band and although they have roughly 1/6 of the enrollment of NT; they do a very good job. Frankly, the point I would like to get across is with all of NT's resources: they should not have just a good marching band; they should be the very best. But it is obvious, that if many have an attitude like you have expressed, that is going to be a long climb.

I've been to many of the music schools concerts and there are few even at the profession level that can compete with the talent there. The focus is on quality music. A football venue is entirely different, the focus is always on the game. The band or bands IMO add greatly to the atmosphere but the majority did not come to hear the music. Loud and playing popular music with enthusiasm is going to trump musical technique and skill every time.

Edited by GrandGreen

doyoubleedgreen, to clarify a few things:

1. We all love the Green Brigade and brag on you all all the time.

2. We love the fact that our musicians are much better than those anywhere else.

3. We are tired of the same old tunes played from the stands.

4. We are tired of the same old tunes played from the stands at the wrong time.

5. We would like to see the Green Brigade play some "traditional" football songs.

6. Most of our critiques are not of the students playing, but of the people making the decisions for the band.

7. No more male flagpersons.


Add me to the list of those who saw the GB completely outplayed on Saturday night. It happens almost every time the opposition brings their band.

And another thing, who decided that playing "Fly Like an Eagle" over and over during the Mean Green march was a good idea? Don't tell me, "Well, the band members voted for it" or "RV likes it" or "Coach Dodge or the NT exes or a random survey of tailgaters or students or whatever..." picked it. There is a single individual who makes the final call on that and it's wrong! We have a fight song.


We weren't miked never have been never will be. We don't have to be miked to be heard. One of the grad. assistants from UNT was over there telling us when to play the whole time so most of this stuff doesn't hold weight. On another note the UNT band was very good and for everyone who talks trash about them they need to suit up or shut up. Thanks for the wonderful hospitality shown to us on our stay.

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doyoubleedgreen, to clarify a few things:

1. We all love the Green Brigade and brag on you all all the time.

2. We love the fact that our musicians are much better than those anywhere else.

3. We are tired of the same old tunes played from the stands.

4. We are tired of the same old tunes played from the stands at the wrong time.

5. We would like to see the Green Brigade play some "traditional" football songs.

6. Most of our critiques are not of the students playing, but of the people making the decisions for the band.

7. No more flagpersons.



doyoubleedgreen, to clarify a few things:

1. We all love the Green Brigade and brag on you all all the time.

2. We love the fact that our musicians are much better than those anywhere else.

3. We are tired of the same old tunes played from the stands.

4. We are tired of the same old tunes played from the stands at the wrong time.

5. We would like to see the Green Brigade play some "traditional" football songs.

6. Most of our critiques are not of the students playing, but of the people making the decisions for the band.

7. No more male flagpersons.

This. And...

8. Play more often. Too many times there will be lulls in the action and that's when the band really needs to fire up. A good band helps set the tone for the atmosphere of the whole stadium.

9. We need to consistently hear from the band before and after big plays. This has gotten better, but is still not there.

As someone already mentioned, our basketball pep band is flat out greatness. There is NO reason why our football band cannot also be.


We weren't miked never have been never will be. We don't have to be miked to be heard. One of the grad. assistants from UNT was over there telling us when to play the whole time so most of this stuff doesn't hold weight. On another note the UNT band was very good and for everyone who talks trash about them they need to suit up or shut up. Thanks for the wonderful hospitality shown to us on our stay.

...but you did, or did not, have amps present?


Miner, I'm not talking about a PA system. I know guitar/mic amps when I see them. They DID have a PA system in place and it was the same speaker on a stick system that Nick (our band director) uses. The brass may not have been amped, but the Bass Guitar was, and was HEAVILY amped. That overpowered the tubas, to be honest. I heard bass guitar, horns & trumpets from the field. 'bones and 'euphs could barely be distinguished.

I don't know why FLAE is getting panned here... You can't win, it seems. Some of the folks scream that we don't have tradition, and get miffed when things like shades of green and logos change, yet want a song that has been played here for 20+ years taken off the playlist. ...people don't want to be like "everyone else" when it comes to football tradition, but then want us to play the same rehashed "football tunes" that are played by every other band in the country at their football games from the JR. High level on up.

This is a band that may have the highest quality musician of any other Spirit organization in the country and is part of one of the PREMIER music schools in the world, and NOT a part of the Athletic Department. You have got to understand that this fact means it isn't a run of the mill High School Marching Band clone like you see at most Colleges around the country.

The band also has a duty to play for the Dance Team, something that again, is a bit outside the norm for most schools at this level - drill-team like dance teams aren't featured at most FBS schools. NT's dance team is another tradition that means the Band is a bit limited in the program it can put together and still have time to play for the dance team.

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