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OK, GreenMachine, and you are? *crickets* Yeah, that's kinda what I figured. You've made detailed personal attacks here before, only to remain a coward who won't fess up to an actual identity.

I gave no crap then, nor now, what the vast majority of people in Gainesville, Texas thought of me. After all, most of them are meth'd out of their gourds or too busy with their 5 kids for me to be concerned with. I got the hell out of there with no regrets.

Bitter? Hardly. My life rules in comparison to so many. That shitty job? I frickin' love what I do...it pays well enough to provide a pretty nice life for the wife and me...and has some pretty killer perks.

And college, yeah, I never finished...financial circumstances and lack of motivation. Guess what?... things turned out pretty awesome and I have ZERO debt, which is more than most around here can say. I'm going back on my own terms now...not because of some veiled threat from corporate America that I'm unemployable without that little piece of paper, but because I have a genuine interest.

I'm not looking for your approval.

Rick, you're right, I couldn't hack it at NT. Primarily because I was a lost 19 year old kid, away from home for the first time and fending for myself financially. I made a decision to postpone my education and, overall, I don't regret that. Besides, if I've learned anything, any moron with 4 years to kill and accumulate debt can finish college...that doesn't necessarily mean they possess any greater brainpower. I mean, you're a prime example, "genius".

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Posted (edited)

I pay a car payment.


Edited by Quoner

..... The Aristocrats!!!

Dwight Schrute: The Aristocrats. A man and his wife and children go into the offices of a talent agency. And the talent agent says, 'describe your act.' And the man says something, really, really raunchy. And the town representative says, 'what do you call yourselves?' And the man says, 'The Aristocrats'. I mean truly repulsive acts.

Michael Scott: That is a very, very funny story.

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OK, GreenMachine, and you are? *crickets* Yeah, that's kinda what I figured. You've made detailed personal attacks here before, only to remain a coward who won't fess up to an actual identity.

I gave no crap then, nor now, what the vast majority of people in Gainesville, Texas thought of me. After all, most of them are meth'd out of their gourds or too busy with their 5 kids for me to be concerned with. I got the hell out of there with no regrets.

Bitter? Hardly. My life rules in comparison to so many. That shitty job? I frickin' love what I do...it pays well enough to provide a pretty nice life for the wife and me...and has some pretty killer perks.

And college, yeah, I never finished...financial circumstances and lack of motivation. Guess what?... things turned out pretty awesome and I have ZERO debt, which is more than most around here can say. I'm going back on my own terms now...not because of some veiled threat from corporate America that I'm unemployable without that little piece of paper, but because I have a genuine interest.

I'm not looking for your approval.

Rick, you're right, I couldn't hack it at NT. Primarily because I was a lost 19 year old kid, away from home for the first time and fending for myself financially. I made a decision to postpone my education and, overall, I don't regret that. Besides, if I've learned anything, any moron with 4 years to kill and accumulate debt can finish college...that doesn't necessarily mean they possess any greater brainpower. I mean, you're a prime example, "genius".

So you don't know the answer, which is understandable.

And I make attacks when attacked just as everyone else does. If you don't like it, don't start throwing the F bomb around without expecting a little poo thrown back your way. You bring it upon yourself.

I have no idea where your getting to about me needing to fess up to an identity? Anyone here can find me this evening at Fouts and at just about every home game and NT event fairly easily.

I and many other members of the GMG.com Nation don't understand why you continue to post on a North Texas fan message board. You have made it very clear on more than one occasion that you don't care about North Texas. Even further, I don't understand why you even read the Nest board where there is going to be a political topic or two? You obviously can't handle it. I expect the libs here to make snide, sarcastic remarks and I'll point them out with some of my own. See HoustonEagle's post above for example. But your about the only poster who truly can't handle it. It might be better you not read them at all?


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Typical smug fucking idiot who believes whatever bullshit he is force-fed by Fox News response.

Do we know how much Bush's clandestine trips to Iraq cost the taxpayers? What about Dick Cheney's almost-weekly trips to Jackson Hole, WY in a VIP Boeing 757 over the course of eight years? (which, if nothing else, cost my company untold amounts of money in holding fuel, delays, and diversions). Did we care then? No. These are the generally accepted costs of the United States Presidency. Why do you suddenly care now? Seriously, when will you admit that the only reason you and your ilk suddenly give a shit about any government spending is because the President is black...and, we just can't have that, now can we?

This report originated in India, where 200,000,000 Indian Rupees comes out to about $4,523,761 US. Still a lot of money, but perhaps this was just a case of a conversion error that made things sound worse than they really are? Basic logic and rational thought would look at that possibility first. Or, maybe, the numbers are close, but that includes the monies spent by the media (which make up the majority of those 3,000 people), not the government. Of course, you can't throw the President you hate under the bus with such relatively small numbers...so, the $200 Million number flies with the extreme-right because it suits their purposes better. Facts be damned.

If you want to bitch and whine about spending, how about that $190 million per day we've been spending in Afghanistan? Or, perhaps the more than $1.1 trillion we've spent in Iraq & Afghanistan combined since 2001 (your share comes out to about $7,655...and, ya know, the burden we all must carry for sending thousands of young men to their deaths for reasons that are still unclear). At least those numbers come from a legitimate accounting source, as opposed to the calculations of a noted mathematical genius like Michelle Bachmann.

But, dammit, it was worth it, eh? I mean, we got bin Laden, afterall...right?

I hate that I have to write in the same hyperbolic undertones as you (I prefer rational, civilized discussion), however, I deduce that hyperbole is what you are conditioned by your leaders (political, religious, and otherwise) to understand best.

P.S. - Since it is the 5th of November, has anyone ever noticed the parallels between Lewis Prothero (in V for Vendetta) and Glenn Beck? Wow...disturbing.

This is actually not a bad post, Rick. No worries about F-bombs right? We are adults and can handle it. The real deal is that the $200 million was exagerated or misconverted. No biggie. It should have been double checked before blasted all over the right-wing media, but that's not how it goes (I'm not saying the left doesn't do the same thing). Folks in the media like to get the hate going first in hopes that when the true story comes out that folks won't care by then and will keep the hate for the opposing party (see "Climate Gate" for examples).

The big thing to remember is that the MEDIA IS USING YOU LIKE A PAWN. You hear it, believe it, and post/repeat it without giving it any thought ($200 million is a ridiculous number), or fact checking. That's what the media wants you to do. You see, they have a lot of money wagered on you doing so.

The deal is, if you can't check the facts, don't post. If you don't know if $200 million is correct, don't post. If you think it may or may not be true, don't post. If you do post fiction, man-up and admit it once the crap check is complete (see my stadium post regarding goal post installation for example). It's simple really.

Presidents use about $3-7 million per day for trips. That's the modern day going rate (since Slick Willy). Prezidents Do Wat Day Do (Props to Wash), I probably won't make that much in my life! Corrupt A-holes, all of them. <---Is that fiction, I'll check and get back with you.

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The problem is people on the right are way on the right and vice versa. Both parties have it's good points and way of doing things. There is a reason these two parties have done fine in this government for centuries. There is not one right way of running this country. You run a country based on its time and circumstances. That is the beautify of the checks and balances this country has.

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Reading comprehension, Rick. I know it's not your strong suit, but I wasn't referring to your identity. It's OK, we are all aware that you're some kind of pseudo-celebrity.

Can't handle it? As much as I'm labeled a liberal, I'm as moderate as they come. What drives me insane is less about the actual politics and more about people who regurgitate talking points without any sort of independent thought. I don't claim to know the answer to the actual costs of this trip. All I am saying is, rather then consider for a moment that $200 million a day might just be a little bit overstated and look to other sources, you and the extreme-right start crying foul and screaming from the rooftops because you believe that, if a possible lie/half-truth is repeated enough, it suddenly becomes fact. Tack that onto the fact that not a single one of you batted an eye when Bush made similar trips or took a month-long vacations to Crawford...yet, it is not OK for this President...it's just obnoxious.

As for why I continue to post here, well, that's a fine question. I have fond memories of my short time at NT and the years I spent cheering on the Mean Green with the lot of you, so I check on here once in a while. There are many posters here that I still consider good friends. It's not that I don't care about North Texas. For whatever reason, I still do. Probably because I like the underdog. I just generally despise many of their overzealous, Kool-Aid drinking fans who are incapable of recognizing the mediocrity they continue to accept is on par with the likes of Hardin-Simmons and SFA, not Oklahoma, TCU, or even SMU. I tend to go after your posts more than most, primarily because I just don't like you. Unlike the rest of people on here that despise you (and there are many), I'm able to admit that. I'm going to add you to my ignore list and maybe that'll fix the problem.


The (right/left/liberal/conservative/whatever) media is more interested in being the first to report something than getting the the story right. When said media outlet has an agenda push, the facts are distorted further. There ARE solid and legitimate news sources out there; the afternoon-drive programming of your local newsradio station and the prime-time lineup of your favored cable news station are not those sources.

Prime example: The Qantas Airbus A380 that landed in Singapore a couple days ago with a catastrophic engine failure. The aircraft landed safely on 3 engines. No one was injured. Reuters' Breaking News Headline: "BREAKING: QANTAS A380 CRASHES OFF COAST OF INDONESIA". Seriously. The media feeds us hyperbole in order to evoke emotion...and in hopes of being right. In a way, Reuters was hoping for a crash, so they could say they were first to report it.

The facts can always come later. Kinda like corrections in newspapers. The mistakes are huge, the corrections are buried on page seven.

That's just the logistics and security costs. That does not factor in the amount lost by businesses when the President (or, Vice-President, for that matter) travels. Everytime Air Force One (and/or Two) rolls, the airlines have to factor in tons of additional holding fuel and arrival/departure delays. People have to find alternate routings to get around town. The impact is huge...and it matters not the political ideology of the President in office, the cost would be the same.

...and, yes, regardless of party, they're almost all corrupt. The ones that appear not to be are labled whack-jobs/shunned by their party (Paul Ryan, Al Franken, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich) or are voted out of office (Russ Feingold).

...and, with that, I'll go back into lurk-mode for a little bit.

I can't + this enough. The mainstream media isn't interested in delivering actual news, in-depth, unbiased. What they are interested in is ratings, site traffic, internal relinks, ad revenue and ratings. Media pundits like Limbaugh, Olbermann, Maddow, and Coulter don't really care either - they're drawing any number of paychecks and that's what they care about. If they were really interested in a particular belief system, they'd be on the ground as activists, not talking heads.

Thanks, man.

  • Upvote 1

The problem is people on the right are way on the right and vice versa. Both parties have it's good points and way of doing things. There is a reason these two parties have done fine in this government for centuries. There is not one right way of running this country. You run a country based on its time and circumstances. That is the beautify of the checks and balances this country has.

Voilently disagree with this statement.

As far as having to have all the facts before posting something, I think all of you need to go back and review your preseason football predictions before demanding only factual information be posted. It is a freaking message board, not the NY Times (even they don't always print the facts, some would say they rarely do).

Presidents travel, money gets spent, and it's not 200 million.

Now, F all of you and I hate your guts, whether you graduated or only went a semester at UNT. (Just trying to be a part of the conversation).

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I can't + this enough. The mainstream media isn't interested in delivering actual news, in-depth, unbiased. What they are interested in is ratings, site traffic, internal relinks, ad revenue and ratings. Media pundits like Limbaugh, Olbermann, Maddow, and Coulter don't really care either - they're drawing any number of paychecks and that's what they care about. If they were really interested in a particular belief system, they'd be on the ground as activists, not talking heads.

Thanks, man.

I think they care. They just amp up there views to get people emotional in an attempt to spike the ratings (well, maybe not Oberman, since he has no ratings to spike ;) )

Speaking of Oberman:

Indefinitely Suspended

Now that is funnier than Oberman ever was.

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I think they care. They just amp up there views to get people emotional in an attempt to spike the ratings (well, maybe not Oberman, since he has no ratings to spike ;) )

Speaking of Oberman:

Indefinitely Suspended

Now that is funnier than Oberman ever was.

Who's Oberman?


Just an FYI. For those blaming Fox News.

Bill O'Reilly said on Fox News last night that the story was questionable.


I'm guessing those that never watch Fox News didn't realize that. But Rachel Maddow probably told them that Fox News was running with it.

Get your news from only one source and you'll jump to what ever conclusion that news source wants you to jump to.

Whether It's Fox or MSNBC.

And then emotions run high and debates begin.

News organizations are genius. Just make sure you pause for a word from their sponsors.

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