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At which point does beating a school that will most likely finish in last place in an already lightly regarded Sun Belt Conference become a solid win? I would just call it a win, myself and I know many on this board who feel just like me. These are the progressives I speak of who want more than Bottom 25 SBC football champions. Hell, most of them are not even on this board and if they are they rarely post but have PM'ed me how amused they were with all the "small time thinkers" we have as alums. I can only tell them that that is all they know because that is all they've had.

Now give me red, I am catching up with the one I have a personal contest with to get the most red and a nice reward will go to the winner.


I want my infant to be a world-class sprinter, but he can't walk yet. Today, he stood up and took four steps before falling down, then got up and repeated the process a few times. He's not moving well, but my wife is excited to see him doing more than he has.

Still, since I have my eye on the prize, I slapped her in the face and screamed at the kid, telling him to get his crap together, get in the blocks and win my medal. My higher expectations are going to make the difference.

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Still, since I have my eye on the prize, I slapped her in the face and screamed at the kid, telling him to get his crap together, get in the blocks and win my medal. My higher expectations are going to make the difference.

Sounds like YOU need to interview for the UNT job.

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I want my infant to be a world-class sprinter, but he can't walk yet. Today, he stood up and took four steps before falling down, then got up and repeated the process a few times. He's not moving well, but my wife is excited to see him doing more than he has.

Still, since I have my eye on the prize, I slapped her in the face and screamed at the kid, telling him to get his crap together, get in the blocks and win my medal. My higher expectations are going to make the difference.

+1, and thanks for getting me to laugh out loud. I mean, reading a lot of the other posts make me think I MUST keep reminding myself that it's Halloween. You'll miss a great opportunity if you don't do a Monday Morning recap of this weekend GMG posts.


I want my infant to be a world-class sprinter, but he can't walk yet. Today, he stood up and took four steps before falling down, then got up and repeated the process a few times. He's not moving well, but my wife is excited to see him doing more than he has.

Still, since I have my eye on the prize, I slapped her in the face and screamed at the kid, telling him to get his crap together, get in the blocks and win my medal. My higher expectations are going to make the difference.

Somebody give him a +1 to offset my fat finger mistake. I accidentally gave him a -1.

  • Upvote 1

Somebody give him a +1 to offset my fat finger mistake. I accidentally gave him a -1.

I'd do it, but I've already given him the only +1 I can. I was thinking about giving you a -1, but I just didn't have the heart to slap and yell at you today.

  • Upvote 1

Are you really a UNT Fan? Why waste your time getting on the boards to just be negative? I really dont get it. We Won! After all that has happened this season, 15 Injuries, Teammate Passing Away, HC getting fired. And these kids still went to WKU on their Homecoming, a week after putting 50+ Points on a Conference Foe and put up 400+ Yards Total offense, Defense allowed only 2 FG's, and we had 0 Turnovers.

You really want to find negative after all of that.

PlumMeanGreen You are in need of a Hug or something my friend....

ElToro6.....PMG is a BIG NT fan. You should meet him sometime. I do know that PMG want the best for NT athletics and above all he is a staunch proponent of getting the "BEST" coach to take the reigns of the FB program like many of you who voted on Harry's poll. Personally, I voted for Coach Canalles because I see desire and motivation. My reasons conflict with PMG....but I do respect his opinion. As far as his diatribe about how long he has supported the program I know he, Silver Eagle, Eulessismore, OldTimer and a few others have been in the seats at Fouts Field (maybe OldTimer saw some where the Library sits)for a long time and given their historical perspective on how NT treated the athletic program. Some BCS mantras are: Million/Billions for athletics and not a cent for education while some schools, as somewhat explained by PMG et.al. are Millions/Billions for education and not a cent for athletics.

PMG, et.al., want a big name coach to fill the stands and become the next TCU/Boise State....and perhaps SMU (ya cant fault what happening on "The Hill."

BTW, PMG and I agree on plenty and disagree on a few.

  • Upvote 2
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Posted (edited)

PMG - I read your post (some good points) and certainly you're entitled to YOUR opinion. But please do us all a favor. Don't assume, or attempt to make other posters believe that your are the voice of GMG.com by posting the above quotes. You clearly don't know what "most think on this board" or "We on GMG.com" for that matter. When you post such quotes without facts; it only shows the lack of confidence you have in your own opinion by assuming others. It makes you look weak dude!

Also, just because I only have (13) posts doesn't mean I have an agenda; it just means I may have a second GMG.com username ;)

Those who know me know I would be too shy to think I would be the voice of anything except.......me. :innocent: I mean after all, Sam Coach, you have read my book........ "Humility and How I Attained It", right? :blink::rolleyes::)

OK..........seriously, :rolleyes: never was it my intention, Sam Coach, to imply to you what you are suggesting I think of as my role here. I think I am one still small voice among many others quite frankly. Since I know this is a college smack board, though, I usually just loosen up and let er' rip with how I feel, but many of us have been around this program longer than Moses and we have truly seen the Good, the Bad and the F'ugly and that what many of us (understandably older alums) largely base most of our present opinions on things concerning UNT football.

Sam Coach, we can only repeat bad history so many times in Denton till it starts hurting--with some of us that means one of the 'itis brothers starts flaring up its ugly head starting with arthur'. :scared: NOTE: Yet........can I tell you how many PM's I get from fellow alums who say "preach on' brother" or "keep holding their feet to the fire?" Well, that is still not my intention, either, but I, like you, have my opinions and merely think I know the direction UNT should go with all this because many of us have seen what has not worked in Denton and those very heavily outnumber the one time I saw 1 type of hire actually reap some very nice dividends; but in Denton that has been the road less traveled--in fact. a road hardly traveled at all in Mean Green Country.

In the poll below is a pretty big example of what I go by when i say "many of us believe" that we need a certain direction to go with our HFC. We have had 30 plus years of project hires and not one of them got bigger or better jobs once they left Denton, so Sam Coach, isn't it time we try something that worked a long, long time ago that UNT powers that be during most of the last 30 years were (apparently) without the proper family jewels to try the "name coach" approach again at North Texas?

A UNT assistant coach or 2 (why not DeLoach all you who supported him forever) should want this job at UNT. Some pretty big name coaches once all this gets sorted out are going to want it, too. I think I know of at least 2 present UNT assistant coaches who should get a good hearing with a name coach when we (most likely) hire one.

The holy tribunal of our interim Prez, our AD and our Hire Gun Consultant will come up with one name and I really think the all out non-stop marketing of our new stadium to promote record season ticket sales and to sell the rest of the luxury suites will determine who that name will be. In fact, whoever our new HFC is will probably be asked to accompany AD Rick V and our other chief fundraisers to still help find that yet to be found corporate sponsor for our new football palace.

So yes, we need not only a good x's and o's/great recruiter combo of a new head footall coach at UNT, but one who can do many other things he will be asked to do in conjuction with our brand spanking new $80,000,000 football palace, too. This will be a most unique hire in the history of Mean Green football and I still defer to the poll below as to the type of coach most posters on GMG.com still seem to want to start solving our long term football problems at UNT and hopefully all done on a national stage a la Boise or TCU.

Again, this poll below sorta' shows where I come from when I say "most of us want this, that or the other" but in this case the poll somewhat indicates where many posters on www.GoMeanGreen.com feel about a "name coach" versus one that hasn't established his name as of yet.

New North Texas Head Coach Poll As of Today....... posted by Harry

Jeff Bower (15 votes [5.30%])

Percentage of vote: 5.30%

Mike Leach (99 votes [34.98%])

Percentage of vote: 34.98%

Dennis Franchione (42 votes [14.84%])

Percentage of vote: 14.84%

Mike Canales (29 votes [10.25%])

Percentage of vote: 10.25%

Kevin Wilson (5 votes [1.77%])

Percentage of vote: 1.77%

Steve Kraigthorpe (3 votes [1.06%])

Percentage of vote: 1.06%

Jay Norvell (3 votes [1.06%])

Percentage of vote: 1.06%

Up and Coming Assistant (12 votes [4.24%])

Percentage of vote: 4.24%

John L. Smith (3 votes [1.06%])

Percentage of vote: 1.06%

Terry Bowden (16 votes [5.65%])

Percentage of vote: 5.65%

Jim Leavitt (56 votes [19.79%])

Duly note this poll was posted on this post today, ie, October 31, 2010, and before any consortium had a chance to start stuffing the ballot box to skew the true desires of most of those who voted on this poll the last few weeks preceeding today.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
  • Upvote 1
  • Downvote 5

Those who know me know I would be too shy to think I would be the voice of anything except.......me. :innocent: I mean after all, Sam Coach, you have read my book........ "Humility and How I Attained It", right? :blink::rolleyes::)

OK..........seriously, :rolleyes: never was it my intention, Sam Coach, to imply to you what you are suggesting I think of as my role here. I think I am one still small voice among many others quite frankly. Since I know this is a college smack board, though, I usually just loosen up and let er' rip with how I feel, but many of us have been around this program longer than Moses and we have truly seen the Good, the Bad and the F'ugly and that what many of us (understandably older alums) largely base most of our present opinions on things concerning UNT football.

Sam Coach, we can only repeat bad history so many times in Denton till it starts hurting--with some of us that means one of the 'itis brothers starts flaring up its ugly head starting with arthur'. :scared: NOTE: Yet........can I tell you how many PM's I get from fellow alums who say "preach on' brother" or "keep holding their feet to the fire?" Well, that is still not my intention, either, but I, like you, have my opinions and merely think I know the direction UNT should go with all this because many of us have seen what has not worked in Denton and those very heavily outnumber the one time I saw 1 type of hire actually reap some very nice dividends; but in Denton that has been the road less traveled--in fact. a road hardly traveled at all in Mean Green Country.

In the poll below is a pretty big example of what I go by when i say "many of us believe" that we need a certain direction to go with our HFC. We have had 30 plus years of project hires and not one of them got bigger or better jobs once they left Denton, so Sam Coach, isn't it time we try something that worked a long, long time ago that UNT powers that be during most of the last 30 years were (apparently) without the proper family jewels to try the "name coach" approach again at North Texas?

A UNT assistant coach or 2 (why not DeLoach all you who supported him forever) should want this job at UNT. Some pretty big name coaches once all this gets sorted out are going to want it, too. I think I know of at least 2 present UNT assistant coaches who should get a good hearing with a name coach when we (most likely) hire one.

The holy tribunal of our interim Prez, our AD and our Hire Gun Consultant will come up with one name and I really think the all out non-stop marketing of our new stadium to promote record season ticket sales and to sell the rest of the luxury suites will determine who that name will be. In fact, whoever our new HFC is will probably be asked to accompany AD Rick V and our other chief fundraisers to still help find that yet to be found corporate sponsor for our new football palace.

So yes, we need not only a good x's and o's/great recruiter combo of a new head footall coach at UNT, but one who can do many other things he will be asked to do in conjuction with our brand spanking new $80,000,000 football palace, too. This will be a most unique hire in the history of Mean Green football and I still defer to the poll below as to the type of coach most posters on GMG.com still seem to want to start solving our long term football problems at UNT and hopefully all done on a national stage a la Boise or TCU.

Again, this poll below sorta' shows where I come from when I say "most of us want this, that or the other" but in this case the poll somewhat indicates where many posters on www.GoMeanGreen.com feel about a "name coach" versus one that hasn't established his name as of yet.

New North Texas Head Coach Poll As of Today....... posted by Harry

Jeff Bower (15 votes [5.30%])

Percentage of vote: 5.30%

Mike Leach (99 votes [34.98%])

Percentage of vote: 34.98%

Dennis Franchione (42 votes [14.84%])

Percentage of vote: 14.84%

Mike Canales (29 votes [10.25%])

Percentage of vote: 10.25%

Kevin Wilson (5 votes [1.77%])

Percentage of vote: 1.77%

Steve Kraigthorpe (3 votes [1.06%])

Percentage of vote: 1.06%

Jay Norvell (3 votes [1.06%])

Percentage of vote: 1.06%

Up and Coming Assistant (12 votes [4.24%])

Percentage of vote: 4.24%

John L. Smith (3 votes [1.06%])

Percentage of vote: 1.06%

Terry Bowden (16 votes [5.65%])

Percentage of vote: 5.65%

Jim Leavitt (56 votes [19.79%])

Duly note this poll was posted on this post today, ie, October 31, 2010, and before any consortium had a chance to start stuffing the ballot box to skew the true desires of most of those who voted on this poll the last few weeks preceeding today.

PMG - Thanks for clarifying your comments. I now understand your original reference was a direct link to the coaching polls. Let's all hope and pray that the administration doesn't use the poll results to make their final decision. The varying degree of candidates stretches from retreads like Dennis Franchione to only-been-assistant coaches (like Chris Peterson was before he was appointed HC at Boise State). My opinion would be that UNT will have greater success with a HC that has had only (1) HC gig or coordinator role of some significance. For obvious reasons, a candidate with more than one HC gig on his resume doesn't paint a picture of stability regardless of what their last name is.

I'm hoping for a (one time only) HC or an established coordinator. Please no retreads!

Posted (edited)

PMG - Thanks for clarifying your comments. I now understand your original reference was a direct link to the coaching polls. Let's all hope and pray that the administration doesn't use the poll results to make their final decision. The varying degree of candidates stretches from retreads like Dennis Franchione to only-been-assistant coaches (like Chris Peterson was before he was

appointed HC at Boise State). My opinion would be that UNT will have greater success with a HC that has had only (1) HC gig or coordinator role of some significance. For

obvious reasons, a candidate with more than one HC gig

on his resume doesn't paint a picture of stability regardless of what their last name is. I'm hoping for a (one time only)

HC or an established coordinator. Please no retreads!

So some coach that has been in more than one head coaching job is a retread?

Let's see, the first retread I can think of is Lou Holtz, the only coach in history to take SIX different teams to a bowl game in only their second year or sooner while under his



Edited by FirefightnRick
Posted (edited)

PMG - Thanks for clarifying your comments. I now understand your original reference was a direct link to the coaching polls. Let's all hope and pray that the administration doesn't use the poll results to make their final decision. The varying degree of candidates stretches from retreads like Dennis Franchione to only-been-assistant coaches (like Chris Peterson was before he was appointed HC at Boise State). My opinion would be that UNT will have greater success with a HC that has had only (1) HC gig or coordinator role of some significance. For obvious reasons, a candidate with more than one HC gig on his resume doesn't paint a picture of stability regardless of what their last name is.

I'm hoping for a (one time only) HC or an established coordinator. Please no retreads!

Of course, with your definition of retread, College Football Hall of Famer Hayden Fry would have fit your defintion post-SMU firing, would have never gotten the UNT job and subsequently, the Iowa job which put him in the CFHOF.

Fact is with ol' Hay-Boy was that UNT resurrected his career to make a Big 10 job even possible and that one of several reasons he loves our school and has been the one ex MG coach to come back to campus the most to visit us; but during his short 6 years stay in Denton he left an indelible impression with many of us on and beyond this board; much more than some who may have stayed for twice that amount of time, too. I just probably :rolleyes: seem to go into Fry-Overkill more than others of my era. :)

Fry was no Lombardy and he had his critics in and beyond Denton, but maybe his biggest contribution at UNT was he set the bar higher than it had ever been set much to the constirnation or chagrin to a few UNT campus power-brokers who did not fit in that kind of upwardly bound scenario and maybe feared they would get replaced because they were still part of the old "teacher's college" crowd?

Quite frankly, as a tech school recruiter for 25 years if someone had told me I would suddenly start recruiting for an Ivy League school, I, too, would probably show a bit of concern for my future as a recruiter since that would have been way ahead of my talents or pay scale.

SAM coach, I feel whoever the holy tribunal of our UNT Prez, our most proactive AD and consultant Chuck Neinas recommends to us as our next new HFC all of us will systematically fall in line as loyalist to the cause and support that hire never-minding all our respective hot sports opinions on our respective choices for this moment.

I lean toward Coach Fran, but I may only want him if he can bring his son from Blinn JUCO down in Bohemian/Czech Country and, of course, Blue Bell Ice Cream contented cows. That might be asking a bit much for that scenario to happen, of course.

Peace & out...


PS: I'm catching up with my "the most red numbers" competitor on this board but fear this post won't help at all, but you can never tell. :unsure::rolleyes::lol:

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

Of course, with your definition of retread, College Football Hall of Famer Hayden Fry would have fit your defintion post-SMU firing, would have never gotten the UNT job and subsequently, the Iowa job which put him in the CFHOF.

Fact is with ol' Hay-Boy was that UNT resurrected his career to make a Big 10 job even possible and that one of several reasons he loves our school and has been the one ex MG coach to come back to campus the most to visit us; but during his short 6 years stay in Denton he left an indelible impression with many of us on and beyond this board; much more than some who may have stayed for twice that amount of time, too. I just probably :rolleyes: seem to go into Fry-Overkill more than others of my era. :)

Fry was no Lombardy and he had his critics in and beyond Denton, but maybe his biggest contribution at UNT was he set the bar higher than it had ever been set much to the constirnation or chagrin to a few UNT campus power-brokers who did not fit in that kind of upwardly bound scenario and maybe feared they would get replaced because they were still part of the old "teacher's college" crowd?

Quite frankly, as a tech school recruiter for 25 years if someone had told me I would suddenly start recruiting for an Ivy League school, I, too, would probably show a bit of concern for my future as a recruiter since that would have been way ahead of my talents or pay scale.

SAM coach, I feel whoever the holy tribunal of our UNT Prez, our most proactive AD and consultant Chuck Neinas recommends to us as our next new HFC all of us will systematically fall in line as loyalist to the cause and support that hire never-minding all our respective hot sports opinions on our respective choices for this moment.

I lean toward Coach Fran, but I may only want him if he can bring his son from Blinn JUCO down in Bohemian/Czech Country and, of course, Blue Bell Ice Cream contented cows. That might be asking a bit much for that scenario to happen, of course.

Peace & out...


PS: I'm catching up with my "the most red numbers" competitor on this board but fear this post won't help at all, but you can never tell. :unsure::rolleyes::lol:

PMG - Again, good post! My concern with retread coaches (Fran, JLS, Kraigthorpe) to name a few is their inability to connect with today's athlete. U. Meyer, C. Peterson, K. Whittingham, B. Stoops; those guys have connections with their players. I have seen first hand Fran in action, a good Xs and Os guy; but no connection with his players.

Hayden Fry (no disrespect to the HOF coach) would fail miserably in today's college football world. He was effective in a different era, with a different athlete.

Should be interesting to see what happens over the next few months. Can't wait for UNT hoops to start!

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Actually the coaching job is primarily to win, not connect to the players. A lot of successful coaches were and/or are tyrants as far as their relationships with the players. However the usual ploy is for the head coach to be the nice guy and the coordinators the fire breathers. As far as Fry or Royal, Wilkerson, Bryant; you have no way to know that they wouldn't be successful today. The active coaches you mentioned, who knows. It is easy to list coaches on the decline and coaches on the top of the charts and conclude their position is do to one trait or another. I do believe it takes a different type of skill to build a small program up than it does to be successful at a high resource institution and not all coaches can make that transition.

  • Upvote 1
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Posted (edited)

Actually the coaching job is primarily to win, not connect to the players. A lot of successful coaches were and/or are tyrants as far as their relationships with the players. However the usual ploy is for the head coach to be the nice guy and the coordinators the fire breathers. As far as Fry or Royal, Wilkerson, Bryant; you have no way to know that they wouldn't be successful today. The active coaches you mentioned, who knows. It is easy to list coaches on the decline and coaches on the top of the charts and conclude their position is do to one trait or another. I do believe it takes a different type of skill to build a small program up than it does to be successful at a high resource institution and not all coaches can make that transition.

GG - Thanks for stating the obvious "Actually the coaching job is primarily to win" but is it reality to believe a coaches job is "not connect to the players"? Let me help you out; no! Are you kidding me? A coaches job is not to connect to the players? Have you ever heard of a recruiting trip? Athlete meets coach, coach meets athlete, parents meet coach and so on. The connection is established when an athlete agrees to let the HC be Daddy for the ensuing (4) years. In today's college football environment, it's all about connections between coaches and players.

"However the usual ploy is for the head coach to be the nice guy and the coordinators the fire breathers" Really? Is that written in a book somewhere?

"As far as Fry or Royal, Wilkerson, Bryant; you have no way to know that they wouldn't be successful today" And you have no way of proving they would be

"I do believe it takes a different type of skill to build a small program up than it does to be successful at a high resource institution" Not really; Urban Meyer did the same things at the University of Utah several years ago when they weren't a top 25 program that he's doing now at Florida (connecting with his players, PR, recruiting, community involvement, connecting with his players, academics, strength & conditioning, connecting with his players).

Edited by SAM Coach
  • Upvote 2

gangrene, on 30 October 2010 - 11:24 PM, said:

I'm trying really, really hard not to laugh. The team played well today and Coach Canales deserves some credit, but let's take a step back here and look at the big picture. Our "big" win came against a team that's won what...two, three games in the last three years? Before we go anointing Canales as our savior lets put this into the proper perspective. I don't want to take anything away from Canales because I like him and I want him to be our OC next year, but let's not forget he learned a lot of what he knows from Jim Leavitt. Canales is a passionate guy? Well, Leavitt is even more passionate. Let's not be so easily appeased. It takes an entire staff of good coaches to be successful year in and year out. Let's not settle for good when we can have great. Do we still need Leavitt - are you kidding me?? We'd be absolutely crazy to not hire Leavitt if he's willing to take on the challenge of being our head coach.

Have to agree with this.

WKU is 1-7. Riley was back at QB instead of Baine; nothing against Baine he just needs more experience. A couple other players were back that we didn't have against FIU.

I love Canales' passion and his ability to motivate players but lets cool the jets on naming him HC until we see how the rest of the season turns out and who the other candidates are. I know I would keep Canales over the Prairie View coach or some OU assistant.

One last thing...the best compliment from the WKU broadcasters on the webcast: "WKU needs to stop scheduling UNT for the homecoming games." :D


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