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Posted (edited)

To Chuck Neinas: Mr. Neinas, you have been retained as consultant (and I'm sure will be paid nicely) for this latest new HFC's search in Denton and you are around now so we don't do what we are so strangely and strongly compelled to do in Denton and this is hire the wrong man at a very crucial time in our Mean Green football history; I mean, new stadium and all. If you recommend hiring someone from a staff who has 1 win (which you won't) then I say you didn't do your job.

Were you really that impressed with the play calling in the Rice game? (Rice has 2 wins now)? Among other play calling, I saw Riley Dodge get the same play called 2 x's in a row with the same results--no gain. Some around me were saying "and that is who these people are so excited about calling our plays?" :blink:

So I ask the question again? Were you really so impressed when we had all our players before the MASH unit moved in? I was not impressed to the extent that we gamble (once again) on a project hire of which we have really never done anything of national significance if that is truly what I hope most want in Mean Green Country. If not......then haven't we just thrown $80,000,000 down the drain to continue to be Bottom 25 average with a football program that apparently still thinks like one that is going to be at Fouts Field for the next 30 years?

The DRC sports columnist needed many more years in Denton to really understand the full spectrum of our situation at UNT. His columns and their themes from time to time seem to prove it, too.


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Posted (edited)

New to the board and every post is pushing Canales. Do you have any other opinions about UNT football, or are you a 1 trick pony?


Do we have a little college smack board nepotism a-goin' on here? :P It is so much easier to be objective in these discussions when you don't have a drinking buddy or those you've met and understandably like are being discussed for such an important hire as this one is. Would anyone pooh-pooh a relative if said relative were applying for a job? :unsure:

UNT90, what is the over-under with yours or my posts getting the most anonymously clicked red numbers? :D To quote Greggo' Williams of "The Fan"..........I've got a 20 dollar bill! B)


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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In regards to the hiring of Mr. Neinas being a (hopeful?) indication that Canales will not be hired . . . let me throw this out there. Maybe Neinas was hired under a "due diligence" mandate. In other words, the administration may already have someone that they want to hire (Canales at a bargain price?)and have hired Neinas because it's the politically correct thing to do. This kind of thing happens during hiring faculty everyday at UNT. The administration must show that they tried their best to find the right person, but ultimately decide on a local hire. Any thoughts?

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In regards to the hiring of Mr. Neinas being a (hopeful?) indication that Canales will not be hired . . . let me throw this out there. Maybe Neinas was hired under a "due diligence" mandate. In other words, the administration may already have someone that they want to hire (Canales at a bargain price?)and have hired Neinas because it's the politically correct thing to do. This kind of thing happens during hiring faculty everyday at UNT. The administration must show that they tried their best to find the right person, but ultimately decide on a local hire. Any thoughts?

If true, I cannot think of a more ridiculous way of throwing money down the drain. Neinas comes with a pretty hefty price tag--I say take advantage of the valuable service he provides. Who knows, he may go through 30 or more candidates and decide that Canales would be the best hire for North Texas. But if he is being hired merely for appearance's sake, somebody needs to be fired right now.

Posted (edited)

Well, we'll see how this goes the next five weeks. Canales will be fully in charge and we'll see how he does under very adverse circumstances. That's where you really see how well someone coaches. If this was a player going into a close and hard fought game, you'd be looking at his eyes to see if he was getting focused like a hunter, or if he was getting a deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes.

Anyway, I like the idea that a candidate is getting a five week audition. Think about it folks, it's better than giving someone a 5 YEAR audition. B)

Edited by SilverEagle
  • Upvote 5

# of new season tickets which would be sold with the announcement of the hiring of Canales: ~ two dozen. (All relatives of Canales.)

# of former season ticket holders who would view the hire as evidence UNT's administration is a lot more interested in saving money than having a winning football team and would therefore fail to re-up: ?

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# of new season tickets which would be sold with the announcement of the hiring of Canales: ~ two dozen. (All relatives of Canales.)

# of former season ticket holders who would view the hire as evidence UNT's administration is a lot more interested in saving money than having a winning football team and would therefore fail to re-up: ?

SGF is a San Diego State alum and is on the outside looking in at our situation, just like Chuck Neinas has been rehired to do in recommending for us the best deal. Sometimes those of us with emotional attachments to our alma mater cannot see the trees for the forest and need outsiders to give an opinion or 2. I never dreamed Todd Dodge would fail at UNT, but he did and so we all move on. But we cannot afford another hire that becomes a 5 year plan kind of program. To quote another alum known by many of you, too, "some of us older farts are running out of 5 years plans."

My "so called" infatuation with Coach Fran is if he's hired he would bring his Blinn JUCO HFC son along for the ride. Sorta' far-fetched and greedy sounding, isn't it? :) Coach Fran might not want to hire his son and bring that kind of pressure on both of them.

Boring football? We had it another time but if it wins more than it loses over the space of several years then let us all fall asleep out of boredom together. We can always look forward to the occassional trick play, ie, the forward pass?


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To Chuck Neinas: Mr. Neinas, you have been retained as consultant ...

Don PMG, Do many folks bag on you or what? Lately, seems like you have a high negative point count... what's up with that?

Just curiously sayin....

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SGF is a San Diego State alum and is on the outside looking in at our situation, just like Chuck Neinas has been rehired to do in recommending for us the best deal. Sometimes those of us with emotional attachments to our alma mater cannot see the trees for the forest and need outsiders to give an opinion or 2. I never dreamed Todd Dodge would fail at UNT, but he did and so we all move on. But we cannot afford another hire that becomes a 5 year plan kind of program. To quote another alum known by many of you, too, "some of us older farts are running out of 5 years plans."

Thanks for understanding. I'm honestly not trying to be an interloper, just trying to help for a somewhat self-serving reason I expressed on another thread.

Canales may be a great choice, I don't know that since I know nothing about the guy. However, since I'm a college football junky yet know nothing about him, that in itself gives me concern. And I think there's no doubt that hiring him sure isn't going to motivate any casual fans to start coming to your games. In that regard, hiring a name coach may cost a bit more, but if your season ticket sales immediately increase by 3-5K, that amounts to a considerable amount of immediate additional revenue to pay for him and his staff.


In that regard, hiring a name coach may cost a bit more, but if your season ticket sales immediately increase by 3-5K, that amounts to a considerable amount of immediate additional revenue to pay for him and his staff.

Interesting perspective...I thought fans came out to watch the team/players; not the HC.

Posted (edited)

Don PMG, Do many folks bag on you or what? Lately, seems like you have a high negative point count... what's up with that?

Just curiously sayin....

Is it because I'm a conservative independent? :huh::) That has to be it! :lol: We really do have lots of Libs' on a freakin' college smack board for heavens sake and true to form, if you don' agree with them then you must be part of the astroturf, ie, a Nazi wearing the swastika like Peleasie called all those older American veterans from every war we've had and those little ol' ladies with the blue hair who were all peacefully waving their American flags and being called racists for doing that I suppose. Such are the times we live today, though. Look at poor ol' Juan Williams? He was told he needed to go see his Psychiatrist for expressing a mere opinion (and that coming from one of his own on NPR). ("We don't always agree with you Juan but we luv' ya' anyway....and....keep that smile!)" :thumbsup: (What the hell does this have to do with North Texas)?

BUT..........I sorta' like all the red and sometimes the green--makes me think of Christmas. :santa:

Red numbers also means said poster is getting read? I post for the sheer enjoyment of expressing what we Americans (last I checked) can still do--express our view. If that ever stops then they'll really be lots of red. We blue eyed devils really do like a good fight, now don't we? (Can we have the color blue for that one)?

I have posted on this forum before if you don't like the themes said poster usually posts to just make it easy on yourself and don't read their threads or posts at all so in regard to that.......I suppose I'm getting all the red by being read? Beats the heck out of me, but I pretty well know the demagraphic of those on this board who go red crazy.

Yet still.........I think most would prefer an honest face to face or post to post rebuttal--anyone can click the red, but few I've read on this board would respond to posts that might be considered "spot on" or fairly close to the truth because they might not could handle the red tide of opinion against their rebuttal that might offend or they'd take personally? We should all just learn to get along with each other's views then?


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Interesting perspective...I thought fans came out to watch the team/players; not the HC.

Well since you gave me a smart ass response, I'll reciprocate.

Since you apparently haven't figured it out, hiring a big name head coach who has been successful elsewhere gives people hope that a moribund program will become a winning one. Hiring a no name like Canales . . . well, I'll leave it to you to try to come up with the answer.

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Let us be honest with ourselves. What big name coach is going to be interested in us unless he is bringing major baggage. Which means we are taking a major chance on whomever that might be. I don't like to say that, but it would be like Tarrant County Community College hiring a Nobel prize winner.

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Let us be honest with ourselves. What big name coach is going to be interested in us unless he is bringing major baggage. Which means we are taking a major chance on whomever that might be.

Steve Fisher is the basketball coach at SDSU because Rick Majerus strung us along in 1998 for several weeks before finally deciding he could continue to function in SLC. (Majerus is not LDS.) Then Fish, who was working as the Sacramento Kings' assistant coach, called SDSU's (doofus) AD and offered his services. Fortunately, that doofus was prone to put all his eggs in one basket and so really had no backup plan once Majerus opted not to come and word is the two met just once and our AD having been at Ohio State when the whole Fab Five debacle came to light knew Fish was not directly involved and he hired him. (Fish was exonerated of blame by the NCAA.) SDSU won exactly two games the year before Fish came. Twelve years later, most pre-season polls now have SDSU at about #23 entering the 2010-2011 season.

If Fish was culpable of looking the other way at Michigan, he learned his lesson. He has suspended close to a dozen players for various reasons during his tenure and kicked a couple off the team. If, like the poster who criticized me above, you think I'm talking out of my posterior, just watch how SDSU basketball does this year.

Bottom line is that at least IMO, "baggage" is not a reason for a non-BCS school not to hire Dennis Franchione or Terry Bowden.

  • Upvote 2

Steve Fisher is the basketball coach at SDSU because Rick Majerus strung us along in 1998 for several weeks before finally deciding he could continue to function in SLC. (Majerus is not LDS.) Then Fish, who was working as the Sacramento Kings' assistant coach, called SDSU's (doofus) AD and offered his services. Fortunately, that doofus was prone to put all his eggs in one basket and so really had no backup plan once Majerus opted not to come and word is the two met just once and our AD having been at Ohio State when the whole Fab Five debacle came to light knew Fish was not directly involved and he hired him. (Fish was exonerated of blame by the NCAA.) SDSU won exactly two games the year before Fish came. Twelve years later, most pre-season polls now have SDSU at about #23 entering the 2010-2011 season.

If Fish was culpable of looking the other way at Michigan, he learned his lesson. He has suspended close to a dozen players for various reasons during his tenure and kicked a couple off the team. If, like the poster who criticized me above, you think I'm talking out of my posterior, just watch how SDSU basketball does this year.

Bottom line is that at least IMO, "baggage" is not a reason for a non-BCS school not to hire Dennis Franchione or Terry Bowden.

Good post.


Well since you gave me a smart ass response, I'll reciprocate.

Since you apparently haven't figured it out, hiring a big name head coach who has been successful elsewhere gives people hope that a moribund program will become a winning one. Hiring a no name like Canales . . . well, I'll leave it to you to try to come up with the answer.

Smart ass response? Dude...who urinated in your cheerios this morning? My response wasn't at all meant to be negative towards you or anyone else. A big name coach doesn't mean anything unless he wins (I don't care what he did elsewhere). I take my family to watch and support the players, team and university; not the HC. But since you opened the door up and called me a smart ass; I will reply as such. Are you the guy (5'6" 275 bald spot, wrangler jeans with crack out) over the last (4) years that was cheering "Go Coach Dodge - You Can Win This Game"! "Gimme a C - O - A - C -H - D - O - D - G - E"! "Go Coach"!

Now I can put a face (and crack) with the only guy cheering for the HC in the stands.


Smart ass response? Dude...who urinated in your cheerios this morning? My response wasn't at all meant to be negative towards you or anyone else. A big name coach doesn't mean anything unless he wins (I don't care what he did elsewhere). I take my family to watch and support the players, team and university; not the HC. But since you opened the door up and called me a smart ass; I will reply as such. Are you the guy (5'6" 275 bald spot, wrangler jeans with crack out) over the last (4) years that was cheering "Go Coach Dodge - You Can Win This Game"! "Gimme a C - O - A - C -H - D - O - D - G - E"! "Go Coach"!

Now I can put a face (and crack) with the only guy cheering for the HC in the stands.

No, as others who have followed my modicum of posts on this board know, that definitely was not me.

Further, I apologize if your original intent was not to be a smart ass. However, with due respect, that's how your post read to me.


Let us be honest with ourselves. What big name coach is going to be interested in us unless he is bringing major baggage. Which means we are taking a major chance on whomever that might be. I don't like to say that, but it would be like Tarrant County Community College hiring a Nobel prize winner.

good to see you look so highly upon your alma mater. It's that way of thinking that has kept us down more than any other single thing in our history. Good job!

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good to see you look so highly upon your alma mater. It's that way of thinking that has kept us down more than any other single thing in our history. Good job!



To Chuck Neinas: Mr. Neinas, you have been retained as consultant (and I'm sure will be paid nicely) for this latest new HFC's search in Denton and you are around now so we don't do what we are so strangely and strongly compelled to do in Denton and this is hire the wrong man at a very crucial time in our Mean Green football history; I mean, new stadium and all. If you recommend hiring someone from a staff who has 1 win (which you won't) then I say you didn't do your job.

Were you really that impressed with the play calling in the Rice game? (Rice has 2 wins now)? Among other play calling, I saw Riley Dodge get the same play called 2 x's in a row with the same results--no gain. Some around me were saying "and that is who these people are so excited about calling our plays?" :blink:

So I ask the question again? Were you really so impressed when we had all our players before the MASH unit moved in? I was not impressed to the extent that we gamble (once again) on a project hire of which we have really never done anything of national significance if that is truly what I hope most want in Mean Green Country. If not......then haven't we just thrown $80,000,000 down the drain to continue to be Bottom 25 average with a football program that apparently still thinks like one that is going to be at Fouts Field for the next 30 years?

The DRC sports columnist needed many more years in Denton to really understand the full spectrum of our situation at UNT. His columns and their themes from time to time seem to prove it, too.


I'm told that Canales was over-ridden in his play calling quiet often by TD. We will see how Canales does on his own for the next few weeks. If he can take this beat-up team and win 2/3 games, he might be the man. The kids like the guy a lot and he runs a much more up-tempo practice. TD used to run 50-55 plays at practice in 2 hrs. Canales runs 80-85 plays in less time. The problems he'll have to overcome are; injury, especially QB, I like this kid, but he can't get rid of the ball; assistant coaches, he doesn't have any of his own and he's down a dedicated OC; pressure to win, self explanatory!

I would be impressed if he didn't run the zone read all of the time, went under center more often, hit the tight end with a pass and just maybe ran a play action pass once in awhile. The defense runs an odd mixture of schemes; they are hit-&-hold on typical run plays, which is why teams gain at least 4 yards on us every run play; then they switch to an attack mode when its obviously a pass play, which opens up the short middle (we get killed on this a lot). In other words, we're predictable and our opponents almost always know what we're going to run. All they have to do is coach to it before they play us. Did anyone see the intense defensive meetings being held by Ark St between possessions. Those guys were getting a lesson on what we were going to do next. Where are our sideline meetings?

I watched a high school game last night and the winning team ran a more complicated and precise offense than we do. They also changed up their defense to confuse their opponent and this was the decider in the game.

I'm just sayin!

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Posted (edited)

I'm told that Canales was over-ridden in his play calling quiet often by TD. We will see how Canales does on his own for the next few weeks. If he can take this beat-up team and win 2/3 games, he might be the man. The kids like the guy a lot and he runs a much more up-tempo practice. TD used to run 50-55 plays at practice in 2 hrs. Canales runs 80-85 plays in less time. The problems he'll have to overcome are; injury, especially QB, I like this kid, but he can't get rid of the ball; assistant coaches, he doesn't have any of his own and he's down a dedicated OC; pressure to win, self explanatory!

I would be impressed if he didn't run the zone read all of the time, went under center more often, hit the tight end with a pass and just maybe ran a play action pass once in awhile. The defense runs an odd mixture of schemes; they are hit-&-hold on typical run plays, which is why teams gain at least 4 yards on us every run play; then they switch to an attack mode when its obviously a pass play, which opens up the short middle (we get killed on this a lot). In other words, we're predictable and our opponents almost always know what we're going to run. All they have to do is coach to it before they play us. Did anyone see the intense defensive meetings being held by Ark St between possessions. Those guys were getting a lesson on what we were going to do next. Where are our sideline meetings?

I watched a high school game last night and the winning team ran a more complicated and precise offense than we do. They also changed up their defense to confuse their opponent and this was the decider in the game.

I'm just sayin!

Honestly, I would bet any other time in our UNT football history, Coach Canales would be a sensible hire albeit still a project hire, but it's just not this time with all the ancillary and other things happening at our school (an $80 million stadium at the top of that list) which makes many of us think that now is just not that time. I'm sure his time will come in due time--whether here or elsewhere.

I still cannot get over all these 30 plus years how UNT HFC hiring committees or AD's never contacted our most successful coach (at a national level) in history at Iowa to ask about one of his long line of assistants of which most became success stories at the BCS level. Some of them will be in the College Football Hall of Fame. How many of our usual list of prospects truly have that chance?

To do the "un-Fry" thing thru the decades, we never even asked him about UNT graduate Bill Brashier who was with him on the Hawkeye staff for a long time.

Folks, that in a nutshell might suggest to some of you what we have had our backs against in good ol' Denton, Texas, America.

It is so easy to see why so many UNT alums we used to see regularly at most games in past decades threw up their hands and said "muck it!" I can't stand this senseless charade any longer." (Honest to goodness, though, I think the new stadium and the right "name" hire will get some of that group back and I think we would all say we will have a seat for each and every one of them)? :)


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
  • Downvote 3

I'm told that Canales was over-ridden in his play calling quiet often by TD. We will see how Canales does on his own for the next few weeks. If he can take this beat-up team and win 2/3 games, he might be the man. The kids like the guy a lot and he runs a much more up-tempo practice. TD used to run 50-55 plays at practice in 2 hrs. Canales runs 80-85 plays in less time. The problems he'll have to overcome are; injury, especially QB, I like this kid, but he can't get rid of the ball; assistant coaches, he doesn't have any of his own and he's down a dedicated OC; pressure to win, self explanatory!

I would be impressed if he didn't run the zone read all of the time, went under center more often, hit the tight end with a pass and just maybe ran a play action pass once in awhile. The defense runs an odd mixture of schemes; they are hit-&-hold on typical run plays, which is why teams gain at least 4 yards on us every run play; then they switch to an attack mode when its obviously a pass play, which opens up the short middle (we get killed on this a lot). In other words, we're predictable and our opponents almost always know what we're going to run. All they have to do is coach to it before they play us. Did anyone see the intense defensive meetings being held by Ark St between possessions. Those guys were getting a lesson on what we were going to do next. Where are our sideline meetings?

I watched a high school game last night and the winning team ran a more complicated and precise offense than we do. They also changed up their defense to confuse their opponent and this was the decider in the game.

I'm just sayin!

Agreed.... Lets not only look at wins and losses here, even though we should win this one. Lets look at the little things. Does the offense look different? Does the Defense not let the opponent score on their first drive like every other game. Do we see the same stupid penalties. Do we see the kids give up like the majority of their fans?

Let's go get a win guys!!


Beat WKU!!!

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