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Injury Bug Will Buy Td Another Season


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I would argue that the fact we are losing all these close games is much more telling of his coaching ability than the fact that they were close to begin with. A coach HAS to be able to instill a winning attitude, and that simply has not happened.

What close games have we come out on top in the last 3.5 years? FAU is one...the only other ones I can think of are WKU in 2007 and 2008, which don't really count because WKU was completely and utterly terrible.

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I didn't support the TD hiring, but I might consider having him for another year given the overall factors, including *if* there is a better coach that is *interested* in this job.

I don't have a clue as to whether TD can coach. I don't know if he's doing something wrong to cause the penalties. I don't know if he runs practices wrong. I don't know how bad Ohh-La-La is supposed to be.

However, I do think he must be doing something right with the team's heart. With about 5:00 to go in 2nd quarter, I thought to myself that TD may be about 15 minutes of game-time in losing his program. There were too many mistakes, big plays, etc. that kept them playing uphill and I thought they could throw in the towel at any minute. (Don't forget the other adversities the team has had over the past few weeks.) Despite all this, the team kept scrapping until the end. Maybe they thought ULL was the last chance they had to win a game this year, or maybe he is doing at least one thing right.

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Multiple injuries, to the extreme like you are experiencing can

be the result of a bad conditioning program.



Along this same line I was questioning the decision to place so much emphasis on the QB when he was already playing hurt? And amazingly, the guy that rushed for 122 yards the week before touched the ball a total of 5 times, and once we started to hand to Dunbar at the end we started to move the ball well. So here we were, Riley as our third string QB because of the past injury, and was having to play with nerve damage in his throwing elbow and all of a sudden we decide last week to place the entire game on his shoulders?

It was a risky call that didn't pay off.


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I can maybe see Dodge coming back with 5 wins just because the amount of injuries and the fallout with the death. But really, I don't think he's back with under 6 wins. Hell, we fired a coach after he was recovering from a heart attack, the same season we beat SMU (a "rival" who we have a crappy all time record against) - so it's not like RV is gonna hesitate to pull the trigger.

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I believe that the rash of injuries buys Todd another season. Plus RV will save on the buyout of Todd's contract.


We didn't lose Saturday because of injuries. We were in that game until the end. We lost because we couldn't kick an extra point. We lost because we gave up over 100 yards in penalties. I don't expect our back ups to play at the same level as our injured starters, but if they are well coached, they shouldn't kill us with penalties either. And, we are now in our 5th season of watching this team struggle with special team.

7 wins. No excuses. When RV made his mandate, he didn't qualify it by saying,"as long as our team is healthy". Lets not change the standard just because we probably won't meet it. This program will never improve if that is the philosophy we use.

Edited by Side Show Joe
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Fair enough. Hopefully, with the next staff, we can build on what is taking place here and not try and start over. The latter is my biggest fear.

And what, exactly, is taking place here that we can build upon?

I understand the concerns of the "rebuilding" process and the two-three year window it generally takes to realize success. However, I would much prefer that to the 8-10 year course we seem to be on now.

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We didn't lose Saturday because of injuries. We were in that game until the end. We lost because we couldn't kick an extra point. We lost because we gave up over 100 yards in penalties. I don't expect our back ups to play at the same level as our injured starters, but if they are well coached, they shouldn't kill us with penalties either. And, we are now in our 5th season of watching this team struggle with special team.

7 wins. No excuses. When RV made stated his mandate, he didn't qualify it by saying,"as long as our team is healthy". Lets not change the standard just because we probably won't meet it. This program will never improve if that is the philosophy we use.

And none of our kickers are injured.

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I believe that the rash of injuries buys Todd another season. Plus RV will save on the buyout of Todd's contract.


If UNT would have won all those games we lost in the 4'th quarter last year, that would have bought Coach Dodge some capital for this year--but we didn't win all those games last year. This whole thing reeks of sadness.


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If TD is around in 2011 then RV needs to be gone!

agreed....Best AD we have ever had, but if you are going to make these type of decisions you need to move on also...otherwise it is more of the same for UNT...RV, you already got a pass on hiring a HS coach as our HC....simple question...is this guy winning games for us?...if no, then next please.

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Along this same line I was questioning the decision to place so much emphasis on the QB when he was already playing hurt? And amazingly, the guy that rushed for 122 yards the week before touched the ball a total of 5 times, and once we started to hand to Dunbar at the end we started to move the ball well. So here we were, Riley as our third string QB because of the past injury, and was having to play with nerve damage in his throwing elbow and all of a sudden we decide last week to place the entire game on his shoulders?

It was a risky call that didn't pay off.


Yes, and that gamble also caused us a badly needed receiver in the process. Riley is a great competitor and did a good job in both games, but at the very least Baine should have seen some action in those games to prepare for the inevitable. Sure hope that Baine turns out to be surprisingly effective, because we are definitely up the creek if he isn't.

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Multiple injuries, to the extreme like you are experiencing can

be the result of a bad conditioning program.

You guys really need a new coach. :angry:




We also need to spray our players with pit bull and spider repellant since we lost two of our three most acclaimed offensive players to those varmits last week. B)

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There are three winnable games for sure left, ULM, FIU and WKU. That would give Dodge 4 wins this season. Do 3 or 4 wins save Dodge his job, I think so.

I'm starting to think so too. I think if we can pull off 3 more wins (4 total) then Dodge will likely stay on with the "many injuries and most losses were close in score" premise. We could win against WKU, FIU, and perhaps Astate and ULM. We'll see.

I've been drinking ALOT of green kool-aid lately and realize that with some quick lessons in discipline (and adherence), the UNT replacements could pull off a few wins.

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I want to work for the companies that convince people that four years of potential with zero production and laurels of accomplishment in a completely different environment years ago is enough to keep a six-figure job. Todd Dodge must have one hell of a personality for the reaches that people go to to justify keeping him on year after year.

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I can maybe see Dodge coming back with 5 wins just because the amount of injuries and the fallout with the death. But really, I don't think he's back with under 6 wins. Hell, we fired a coach after he was recovering from a heart attack, the same season we beat SMU (a "rival" who we have a crappy all time record against) - so it's not like RV is gonna hesitate to pull the trigger.

If he wants to keep any fan base at all, he better make the decision based on what is best for the program and not what is best for one particular person.

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We also need to spray our players with pit bull and spider repellant since we lost two of our three most acclaimed offensive players to those varmits last week. B)

Santiago played the whole game - spider bite was not a brown recluse - just had it checked out to be sure

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I just don't understand the rationale. Yes, the injuries were devastating and are a contributing factor to our 1-4 start. But every year it's something. They are nothing but excuses and I'm tired of excuses and the acceptance of losing. When I tell my friends, who are big college football fans, about the number of injuries we've had this year, they basically say the same thing. They expect that Dodge will get a reprieve due to all the injuries. But these same friends don't keep up with UNT football (they follow Tech, Auburn, Alabama, Ohio State, Texas, etc, - yes, they are alumni of their respective schools) and, while they are aware Todd Dodge is our HC, they often think he's just been here for 2 years. When I tell them this is his 4th season and remind them that we've won a grand total of 6 games during that time span, there is only a mild element of surprise...almost as if to imply well, it's North Texas...what do you expect? When I ask them if they would accept the same 6-win results over a 3 1/2 year period, I get this are you crazy?? expression and why would you even ask that question response. In each case the answer is always a resounding no. But, when I ask why the expectations should be any less for UNT, it's back to that who really cares, it's UNT, attitude.

And, now, the Texas alumni base, only four games removed from a national championship appearance, is calling for OC, Greg Davis, to be fired because their offense is inept. firegregdavis.com To the UT alumnus that told me how upset he was with Greg Davis and agreed that he should be fired, I offered a trade, straight-up, UT's OC for UNT's HC - he wasn't amused.

But, hey...we're North Texas....some directional school, so why should we ever expect any success on the football field?

I guess I should remove my RV quote after this post? I've been biting my tongue a lot lately, so I'm allowed to vent once or twice a season, right?

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I just don't understand the rationale. Yes, the injuries were devastating and are a contributing factor to our 1-4 start. But every year it's something. They are nothing but excuses and I'm tired of excuses and the acceptance of losing. When I tell my friends, who are big college football fans, about the number of injuries we've had this year, they basically say the same thing. They expect that Dodge will get a reprieve due to all the injuries. But these same friends don't keep up with UNT football (they follow Tech, Auburn, Alabama, Ohio State, Texas, etc, - yes, they are alumni of their respective schools) and, while they are aware Todd Dodge is our HC, they often think he's just been here for 2 years. When I tell them this is his 4th season and remind them that we've won a grand total of 6 games during that time span, there is only a mild element of surprise...almost as if to imply well, it's North Texas...what do you expect? When I ask them if they would accept the same 6-win results over a 3 1/2 year period, I get this are you crazy?? expression and why would you even ask that question response. In each case the answer is always a resounding no. But, when I ask why the expectations should be any less for UNT, it's back to that who really cares, it's UNT, attitude.

And, now, the Texas alumni base, only four games removed from a national championship appearance, is calling for OC, Greg Davis, to be fired because their offense is inept. firegregdavis.com To the UT alumnus that told me how upset he was with Greg Davis and agreed that he should be fired, I offered a trade, straight-up, UT's OC for UNT's HC - he wasn't amused.

But, hey...we're North Texas....some directional school, so why should we ever expect any success on the football field?

I guess I should remove my RV quote after this post? I've been biting my tongue a lot lately, so I'm allowed to vent once or twice a season, right?

Funny, I get the "are you kidding me" reaction, also, but it's when I tell my big football school grad friends the latest low level competition to which we have lost.

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