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Quick Media Day Notes

Brett Vito

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I doubt it effects recruiting one way or another, but it does create an unnecessary distraction that might prove troublesome.

Setting a win-loss criteria may not have an impact one way or another but having Dodge in limbo from a contract perspective sure does. The players and their parents parents have to factor in the longevity of the coach and staff that is recruiting them. The best case scenario for our recruiting efforts would for Dodge to win and get a contract extension this season and I am hoping that is what happens.

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So, you've named one coach out of how many teams and over how many years? And I don't think he's even a great example. How many winning seasons did Turner Gil have at Buffalo? One. He was 2-7 in year one, 5-6 in year two, 8-6 in year three and back to 5-7 in his last year at Buffalo. But, to answer your question, yes, it's fair for us expect the same thing...just not too realistic. If you think the standard expectation for a new coach (taking over a losing program) is a winning record in the second season, how many coaches should we expect to go through before we can find one that can accomplish that? Even the "great" Mack Brown couldn't turn Tulane or North Carolina into winning programs in less than 4 years. Steve Kragthorpe, a popular name on this board, won his second year at Tulsa, but couldn't repeat that success at Louisville. And the list goes on, for every coach that won in year two, there are four times as many that didn't. Expect all you want, just be prepared to be disappointed and in a state of constant change.

And that's the real issue now isn't it? The simple fact that a 5-31 coach is back for year four tells everyone all they need to know about North Texas football (even with that added emphasis of a 7-win ultimatum). Which has more value to a HS recruit; a shiny, new stadium or a coach that will actually be around to coach your first college football game? Which is easier to sell a HS recruit; the idea that Dodge will suddenly turn a 2-10 team into a 7-5 team or the idea that the 2010 season will be his last at UNT?

Ah, I just love discussing who our next coach will be before we've even played a single game this season, much less made that coaching vacancy a reality. :rolleyes: Maybe someone should start a countdown timer to count down the days until Dodge gets the boot? That would be a nice, positive start to the football season. I'm sure all the recruits, players, coaches and their family and friends (and, yes, many of them do read this board) would love to see that written here.

Yep, just keep on expecting nothing and that's what you'll get. Set low standards and they will be achieved. Barely.

Contract or no contract extension, ultimatum or no ultimatum, you would have to be completely disconnected with college football not to realize that Coach Dodge has to have a monster year to be back again. He apparently has no problem talking about it, why should we?

I'm sure there are more examples out there of coaches successful in year 2 and 3, especially after taking over 1 or 2 win programs, but I get the feeling that no matter how many are pointed out, it will never be enough. We are poor, poor UNT and we should just accept our lot in life.

I think the players and the parents realize that we wouldn't be on here, attending games, contributing to the program, if we didn't care. I think they know we want the best football program possible for them and their relatives, and if that means being critical, so be it. Trying raising your kids without applying some corrective discipline and having those hard teenage talks. Throwing out the "players and their families" force field just tells me that you realize you can't defend your argument.

Edited by UNT90
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You're right, we need more fans like you. Fans that constantly complain and bash the program and play it off as "expecting more". That's productive and condusive to a winning program. I give.

So calling someone to task for underperforming is "complaining" and "bashing"? My my my, I just figured out to make work WAAAY easier.

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I don't understand debating on whether or not to bring a coach back after this season when we have yet to play a down of football?

Is Coach Dodge the coach of the future? I hope so. Does 6-6, or even 5-7 bring him back next year? Who knows what this year could hold? I don't know... His team's results will dictate that and regardless of how you feel about him, everyone here on this board should be rooting for the MEAN GREEN to win every game. I'm pretty sure that is the case with all of us.

Say we start 5-1 with a sole loss to Clemson, then Dunbar,Santiago,Robertson & Tune/Thompson all go down with freak, season-ending injuries in game 7 and we lose out...but we're competitive. What then? Reprieve? I would hope so! We don't know the circumstances of the upcoming season. Let's just show up and support the green. If Coach Dodge deserves to stay, it will make itself apparent. If he needs to go, it will make itself apparent.


I think everyone on here hopes Coach Dodge does well and hopes lady luck plays in his favour.

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I think we all agree that winning is good for us as fans, is good for the players and most importantly is good for Coach Dodge's future. I also don't think any of us have a problem with Coach Dodge being told how many games to win this year to hang on to his job. The point gangreen was trying to make is the possible negaive effects it has on the program's recruiting efforts for this to be out in the public. That is not a reflection that his expectations are any less than anybody else's, just a comment about how opposing teams will use this against UNT in the recruiting process.

Now the public has to know Dodge is on the "hot seat," but there is an old adage regarding out of sight, out of mind. I agree with gangreen in that if it stays behind closed doors then it is not brought to the public's attention.

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You're right, we need more fans like you. Fans that constantly complain and bash the program and play it off as "expecting more". That's productive and condusive to a winning program. I give.

if you mean more fans that are members of the MGC and season ticket holders, then I guess your right.

Lifer, do you really think a kid whose parents are looking at multiple athletic scholarships are not going to research the school he eventually chooses?

Edited by UNT90
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Lifer, do you really think a kid whose parents are looking at multiple athletic scholarships are not going to research the school he eventually chooses?

I would expect them to and am sure they all do. My point is that let them research it, but you don't have to put it out in every newspaper, on every sports website, etc..., so that every coach of every other school can say, "Well look right here on www.meangreensports.com where they state the current coach will be gone if he doesn't win x amount of games this year. Now let's look at their schedule and where do you think those wins are going to come from? Do you really want to sign with them when it is obvious the coach that is recruiting you and the staff that you met won't be there next year?"

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