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Unt Player Out With Broken Hand

Brett Vito

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As per Mean Green Report

"As first reported by TMGR, receiver Darius Carey returned to practice with a broken hand suffered while helping his mother move in New Orleans. Coach Todd Dodge said Carey "won’t catch any balls in camp.”

“We hope to get him back for the first game [at Clemson], but definitely I want to get him back for Rice and Army,” Dodge said.

Carey, who has four stitches on his right hand reattaching the webbing between his pinky and fourth fingers, said the injury resulted from a “bad fall.” Riley Dodge and Alex Lott back up the inside receiver positions, so at least one of them figures to start at Clemson.

Carey, who said he’ll be ready Sept. 4, said rather than admonish him for not being careful, the coaching staff has been “helping me through it, keeping me focused and keeping everything positive. I’m kind of happy about that.”

Carey otherwise appears in the best shape of his career, but standing around the rest of August will test his mental toughness, he said."

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If he was a horse, he would have been put down.

Probably in the top 10 funniest things I've ever read on the forum. And I mean that seriously. Most of the time, LOL is just an expression. I had someone in the next office over check to see if I was choking. Hilarious. +1

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This is a tough one. Those hand injuries can be difficult to heal especially for a wide receiver.

This is tough, but I have a feeling we're lucky it wasn't worse (like a crushed hand). At least he will be able to do conditioning and some route running. Would be great to have him back for the first game.

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Probably in the top 10 funniest things I've ever read on the forum. And I mean that seriously. Most of the time, LOL is just an expression. I had someone in the next office over check to see if I was choking. Hilarious. +1


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Man, bad luck, but stuff happens. He'll be fine and he'll be back in plenty of time to help the Mean Green. I think Darius will play a key role for the offense, so it's best that he take care of the hand and get back as soon as possible, but not before completely healed. These things do have a way of hampering a receiver, but he is young and healthy and should heal pretty fast. I don't see this as any big or lasting problem at this time. These are young men who lead active lives and some have more "family obligations" than others. I see nothing wrong with helping his mother move and I am sure he needed to be there to help out. There is no way to "be careful" when helping someone move. He certainly didn't get hurt on purpose, and I am happy to hear him say that the coaching staff has been supportive.

Get well soon, Darius...the Mean Green Nation is counting on you.


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Probably in the top 10 funniest things I've ever read on the forum. And I mean that seriously. Most of the time, LOL is just an expression. I had someone in the next office over check to see if I was choking. Hilarious. +1


But, apparently, it raised my warn level. And i get a minus one.

jeeze, there are some sensitive steves out there.

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