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What Kind Of ? Do You Get Asked When Wearing Your Unt Gear?

Green Dozer

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I usually get "don't you think that's a little inappropriate for this Quinceanera?" Then I tell them that 1) I don't know what a quinceanera is and 2) If I had, I might've worn pants. Then I think maybe they're talking about the lack of pants. Then I make pants out of toilet paper in the bathroom. Then I get kicked out of the Sheraton. Point being, people are intolerant, and I still wear it.

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I wear North Texas shirts all the time. My wife says that's all I wear. I tell her we need all the exposure we can get. People ask if I am a student, or if I play for the team, but I never get negative comments. I work down in Fort Worth, out by TCU, and many of those students give me dirty looks for wearing UNT shirts at and around their campus. I live in Argyle and when I'm in Denton I see more and more people wearing Mean Green shirts. Many more then I did just 2 years ago, and serveral more then 5-7 years ago.

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Two stories:

The bad- Attending the UNT vs. OU game in 2003. Chatting it up with 3 OU fans outside the stadium when 2 of them tell me that the 3rd is a UNT grad. I look at the guy, "Grad school at OU?", he replies "No". "Law school?", "No, I just like OU." I then proceeded to light into him while his friends stand there and laughed at him. He scurried away with his tail between his legs.

The good- Granbury July 4 parade and festival on the square wearing a UNT shirt. I go into one of the vender booths displaying different drawings, which included the artist drawings of different universities in Texas (The collage type drawing with different venues from the same college on one drawing). Present are the typical UT, Tech, TA&M, Baylor. I begin to gripe to my date about the typical no UNT representation. The artist, who happened to be standing behind me, quickly corrected me and reach behind some of the other school's drawings and produced a UNT drawing. Needing something to add to my office, I bought it on the spot. I couldn't believe that there was actually something representing UNT.

The drawing has the Dillo, admin bldg, info sciences bldg, Union bldg, Envir. Ed. Science and Tech bldg, and bad Fouts Field, with the Eagle Statue as the centerpiece. Yes, I informed the artist that for his next rendition, he should go online and look at the new stadium.

When I wore the UNT battle flag (Green and White Texas flag) at the Winter Olympics, I got many inquiries;)

Edited by UNT90
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It is the offseason, so I wanted to hear from some of you other diehards who often wear your UNT gear. I have 28 UNT caps so I most often wear a UNT cap, and always wear my UNT ring. I also live here in Denton. Now, since this is the home of our university, you would not think it strange to have on UNT gear, but here are questions I get on a regular basis:

1) Do you work at North Texas?

2) Are you a coach at North Texas?

3) Do you teach at the college?

4) My son had on his North Texas shirt in Subway one day, and the "sandwich artist" told him he should be ashamed to wear it. (Yes, here in Denton). *He did walk out, he is a student at UNT. Now, he eats at New York Subway as he was taught, lesson learned (LOL)

5) Wearing a UNT cap, I was asked if my UNT ring was an aggie ring. My UNT ring has a star w/ a green stone. This was by a UNT student at Rudy's, so I explained that while many Aggie rings have the star, our (UNT's) ring is the only one in Texas that is allowed to have a stone in it. At least, that is what I have been told.

6) Your a fan of North Texas? (while rolling their eyes and looking at me like I don't have a life).

Now, I have worn another college team's cap, though not often, and never do I get a comment. I don't let it bother me any more, I just tell them I have pride in the place where I went to school, and good things are really happening. These are just a few questions I am asked on a regular basis. No, they do not bother me, but it is just weird living in Denton and getting these questions. When traveling outside of Denton, and I still wear a UNT cap then, comments are positive. Met a barista in downtown Indianapolis who went to UNT. Lots of comments about the music school. What about you, what kind of comments do you get?

Reply by Oldtimer...I have a green ball cap with North Texas in write on the front of the cap. area is mansfield, Arlington and Sams in south ft. worth. I wear this cap every time I go out except church and formal events. I receive comments time after time, after time...to my surprise....and have neve received a negative comment...they mention North Texas and or mean green....and most of the time I will hear my daughter or son or I went there...with very positive feelings toward NT. OldTimer

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Had some teens in a pizza place tell me they hoped they could get into NT and how much they wanted to attend. Have been asked how I think we'll do in football this year and If I think Coach Dodge will stay past this year, and have been congratulated on the success of our bball team. I mostly get asked about our academics when I occasionally wear my gear to work at the library. (I'm in the mid-cities area.)


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I actually had a couple of guy's try to steal my UNT SOW hat at the St. Patrick's Day Parade on Greenville Ave. this year!

I've never had any negative comments about my UNT attire but I've had to endure many snickers, rolling eyes and apologies during football season when asked the question, "Where did you go to school?"

Over the last several years, I too have noticed quite a few more people wearing UNT apparel outside of Denton, while shopping, etc - outside of the normal parameters you'd expect to see UNT gear.

On a side note, I receive far more questions when I wear my Wrigley Field t-shirt than I ever get when I wear UNT stuff. Usually, it's an excited, "Are you from Chicago?" And a subsequent look of disappointment when I tell them no. I never knew we had so many Chicagoans in the area.

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My wife is the manager of a new major hotel in Denton. The young man she hired to tend bar was not only a student but an officer in one of the larger fraternities on campus. He would brag to his customers that he would tail gate at the games but he was a UT fan. I have even heard him tell to a potential recruit who was in town for the kicking school that he shouldnt even waste his time considering UNT. Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer of that type student on campus anymore and clothing is gradually becoming easier to find.

For the good news, I was in Lids at Northeast Mall and found four UNT hats. I bought a new green one that has the eagle embroidered on the bill and back of the hat with block UNT on the front. After making the purchase the young man said,"thank you and GO MEAN GREEN!"


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My wife is the manager of a new major hotel in Denton. The young man she hired to tend bar was not only a student but an officer in one of the larger fraternities on campus. He would brag to his customers that he would tail gate at the games but he was a UT fan. I have even heard him tell to a potential recruit who was in town for the kicking school that he shouldnt even waste his time considering UNT.

Hope she fired him.

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I normally wear NT t-shirts when working out at the local Y or when on the road in a hotel exercise room. I get a few remarks but never anything negative. Typically, these come from hardcore football fans who know every team in D1.

My wife and were recently in Charleston, SC and I came across a young man in a UNT shirt. I asked him if he was a student or recent grad and he told me he was a student at the College of Charleston! His girlfriend was a student at North Texas.

Speaking of...while not right, this business of attending one college and supporting another is rampant. I'm an adjunct at a (DIII) liberal arts college in NC where the tuition and room and board approaches 40,000 a year. The students there wear all sorts of other school's clothing. While I normally teach in the evening adult program, I sometimes teach a regular class. Once, a student came to class in a complete UT baseball uniform! The school's website even has a picture of a student in another school's sweatshirt!

My favorite story is this. I had an adult student who was was also the assistant basketball coach at another nearby DIII school in the same conference. He never once wore the shirt or cap of the school he was attending or the school he was coaching. Instead, he wore a UNC cap as that was "his" team.

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Once I was wearing a North Texas Football shirt and a guy asked me why I was wearing it. I replied becuase that's where I went to school and I'm a fan. He then said, "are you like their only fan." sarcastically. He was a UNT student at the time also.

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I normally wear NT t-shirts when working out at the local Y or when on the road in a hotel exercise room. I get a few remarks but never anything negative. Typically, these come from hardcore football fans who know every team in D1.

My wife and were recently in Charleston, SC and I came across a young man in a UNT shirt. I asked him if he was a student or recent grad and he told me he was a student at the College of Charleston! His girlfriend was a student at North Texas.

Speaking of...while not right, this business of attending one college and supporting another is rampant. I'm an adjunct at a (DIII) liberal arts college in NC where the tuition and room and board approaches 40,000 a year. The students there wear all sorts of other school's clothing. While I normally teach in the evening adult program, I sometimes teach a regular class. Once, a student came to class in a complete UT baseball uniform! The school's website even has a picture of a student in another school's sweatshirt!

My favorite story is this. I had an adult student who was was also the assistant basketball coach at another nearby DIII school in the same conference. He never once wore the shirt or cap of the school he was attending or the school he was coaching. Instead, he wore a UNC cap as that was "his" team.

My wife's a teacher in Denton and I've been to her school many times. I went into the principles office and it had bunch of UT stuff. The guy wears UT gear and he regularly emails pictures of his newborn son in Longhorn gear. I never thought anything of it other than the guy is a proud alum. Well, the other day I found out he went to aTm-Corpus Christie!!! The guy doesn't even root for his own system's parent school - Texas aTm!!!

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As much as you may not like what that guy did. It's not a fireable offense. Yeah he's a doucher but we can't mix personal emotions with everything else.

I agree, but he should be given a bit of "counseling" from his boss. To say something like that is just plain STUPID and definitely not good for the hotel's business. Any Denton businessperson who let's this stuff pass from an employee is making a big mistake in my opinion. UNT is a big reason the hotel exists in the first place. Like it or not, UNT and TWU both generate a lot of occupancy for the local hotels. Employees saying negative things about one of the area's largest employers (whether they attend either of the universities or not) is simply BAD BUSINESS!

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I have never had any bad reactions wearing UNT gear. I am a student so I never get any reactions wearing on school or around campus.

But when I go back home (Victoria which is 330 miles south of Denton) I always get good hearted comments. I was wearing my Sun Belt basketball championship shirt around our family friends (husband went to Kentucky, wife went to WKU) and we talked about how we are getting really good a basketball. Around my friends who go to other schools there is always trash talking going back and forth, being a UNT fan you have to learn to take and give a joke.

Then there is my "grandpa" who went to A&M Kingsville, thinks he went to A&M and refuses to recognize other schools besides A&M.

Edited by Eastwood Eagle
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As much as you may not like what that guy did. It's not a fireable offense. Yeah he's a doucher but we can't mix personal emotions with everything else.

I know, but it should be a firable offense.

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My wife's a teacher in Denton and I've been to her school many times. I went into the principles office and it had bunch of UT stuff. The guy wears UT gear and he regularly emails pictures of his newborn son in Longhorn gear. I never thought anything of it other than the guy is a proud alum. Well, the other day I found out he went to aTm-Corpus Christie!!! The guy doesn't even root for his own system's parent school - Texas aTm!!!

Sadly, a friend of mine from UNT is the same way, no matter how much hell I give him. UT stuff everywhere

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Sadly, a friend of mine from UNT is the same way, no matter how much hell I give him. UT stuff everywhere

Well, maybe it's time to stop being friends with Meanmag.

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