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Does Our Future Depend On Smu (And Tcu)

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I think the effort to keep the Big 12 together is a bad thing for UNT. This takes potential opportunities off the table for us. So, are we back to looking at a hopeful slot in C-USA? For this to happen it would seem (if everything we have heard about SMU’s ability to block us is true) that we need SMU to move on to either the MWC, or even the Big 12. If SMU really controls our entry into C-USA then Houston moving on really does us no good unless SMU moves on also. In the same line of thinking would TCU need to move on to allow SMU room in the MWC? Is there any way the MWC would take UNT over SMU if TCU went to the Big 12? So as much as the thought of it might suck, do we need to root for the Ponies to take the next step?

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I think its actually a good thing. It delays the development of the super conference. If we can get our football team back on track, get a baseball team started (which should be good at the start due to the talent and the lack of schools that have baseball compared to football), get our new stadium, and our other teams continue to improve and/or thrive, we can be in a position to move up to a stronger conference when the super conferences become a reality. Do I think we will be invited to the PACK or the SEC, no, but if a new regional conference were to replace the Big Xii, maybe we can be in a position for it, or the MWC or some sort of a top tier non AQ conference. But in short, I think it buys us time to improve our resume.

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But in short, I think it buys us time to improve our resume.

Now, THAT is a true statement. If we're short sighted we're bummed because there may not be room for us to move anywhere in the next couple years. But if we can continue to build the program, as we have the past 5 years, we may work our way into position to make an even greater leap five years or so from now.

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It doesn't matter. SMU will block us from any conference that we will ever have a chance of joining. TCU is the good guy. They won't play us and they are not about to champion our being in the same conference that they're in but they are the paragon of virtue nevertheless.

In case it's not detected **sarcasm** should be injected here.

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The only way we can insure our ability to advance in college athletics is buy building programs that consistently out preform those of TCU and SMU, and do it in front of crowds that are much larger then thoses of of our regional competitors.

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The only way we can insure our ability to advance in college athletics is buy building programs that consistently out preform those of TCU and SMU, and do it in front of crowds that are much larger then thoses of of our regional competitors.

That sounds great. Where can we buy these building programs and how much do they cost? Can this be done within NCAA rules and regulations? Wait...out preform?? Does that mean we're all going to scrap our current programs and start from scratch? I really like our chances in that scenario but thoses other schools might not agree.

Sorry...just couldn't resist. :P

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UNT's future is in UNT's hands. SMU and, for that matter, no other school can dictate UNT's future other than UNT and its fan base. If the alums finally start stepping up and recognizing that they are actually part of the solution instead of "dissing" UNT every chance they get, finding every lame excuse in the world why NOT to support their university and acting like they are from some other university then and only then will UNT see its fortunes really start to improve. RV has done more than one really could have expected in improving the athletic facilities at UNT, and the students have stepped up with a fee increase to help make it happen. So, it's really time for the fan base and alumni to "put up or shut up".

UNT alums who own companies and/or hold executive level positions in companies need to step up and provide financial support, alums need to join the Mean Green Club and the Alumni Association, alums and fans need to buy season tickets and make donations at any level they can to academic departments and scholarships, students need to actually start coming to games...all this stuff helps move the program forward. If all you can do is donate $15-25 then do it...numbers count and dollars add up. It's not about the size of the donation or the support, it's about the support. A $25 donor if that is what he/she can do is just as important in my book as the $5-25,000+ donor.

It is also time that UNT alums and supporters stop thinking and acting like UNT is some small no-name school with some suspect academic credentials.

When this happens, UNT will get the respect it deserves and will truly start to matter in the local landscape...SMU, etc. has absolutely no say in this. It's all in those who support UNT hands. Will you join?


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