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Appears Aggies Have 72 Hours To Decide


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Friday night on the 10:00 PM sports on Channel Five, sports reporter Newy Scruggs reported that Texas told The Aggies that if they were not in the same conference that Texas would not play them in any sport. That could be described as hardball or chicken bleep depending on where you are sitting. It might put an end to those who think the Thanksgiving weekend football game could go forward even if The Aggies go to the SEC.

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Friday night on the 10:00 PM sports on Channel Five, sports reporter Newy Scruggs reported that Texas told The Aggies that if they were not in the same conference that Texas would not play them in any sport. That could be described as hardball or chicken bleep depending on where you are sitting. It might put an end to those who think the Thanksgiving weekend football game could go forward even if The Aggies go to the SEC.

That's called big brother threatening little brother because he's afraid his shadow won't loom large anymore. Texas knows that if aTm goes to the sec they'll be able to tell recruits, truthfully, that they play in the best conference (football wise) in America. Texas wants no part of that level of competition, but they REALLY don't want the aggies to have that trump card. I wonder how Dodds would spin giving up all those "years of tradition". Plus, Texas in no way wants a reason for the sec to come into Texas and recruit every year...and for aTm to be the only one with that sec affiliation to sell.

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That's called big brother threatening little brother because he's afraid his shadow won't loom large anymore. Texas knows that if aTm goes to the sec they'll be able to tell recruits, truthfully, that they play in the best conference (football wise) in America. Texas wants no part of that level of competition, but they REALLY don't want the aggies to have that trump card. I wonder how Dodds would spin giving up all those "years of tradition". Plus, Texas in no way wants a reason for the sec to come into Texas and recruit every year...and for aTm to be the only one with that sec affiliation to sell.

I've been reading that Texas, Tech, OU, OSU and Colorado all have said they won't play the Aggies anymore if the Aggies bail on them. There is a difference between being mad when a party backs out of an agreement and acting chicken bleep. The Pac 16 only works with 16 top quality schools and a number of the schools don't put Utah in that category.

These places also report that unless the Aggies can bring Texas along to the SEC, much of the SEC East doesn't want just A&M. It appears while A&M is a great school in the opinion of about half of the SEC, they just don't bring enough by themselves to upset the whole balance of the current 12 team SEC. To get the conference formed, their were a lot of compromises made and the schools want more dollars and fans than just A&M to make new compromises.

The sources are on the internet and are not real news outlets nor written by real reporters. They are more reliable than the "Bleacher report," but still can't be counted on for three sources, etc., before they write. Take the information with a healthy dose of skepticism.

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I don't think A & M wants the west coast games. Their AD Byrne was once AD at Oregon and he wants no part of late games. And even though A & M would be in a division with the two Arizona schools....Arizona doesn't abide by daylight savings time. So from March-early November, there is a 2 hour time difference between Arizona and Texas.

As to the SEC....I read that their deals with CBS/ESPN go on for several more years. So any schools they add...will just lessen the amount of the TV revenue for everyone. Say it's $200,000,000 a year.....right now that's divided by 12. It would be the same amount divided by 14 or 16 if they expand. So for the time being....adding teams to the SEC....cost their member schools money.

I don't know why I feel this way....but I think the Big 12 will end up staying together. I think they will add two teams.....and go from there.

We'll see.

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I don't know why I feel this way....but I think the Big 12 will end up staying together. I think they will add two teams.....and go from there.

We'll see.

Highly doubtful , but I hope your right

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(from Chuck Carlton of the DMN):


(I had no idea that T Boone gave the UT system $100,000,000---anyone else know this?)

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Texas told The Aggies that if they were not in the same conference that Texas would not play them in any sport.

One more reason to hate those sons of bitches in Austin.

I've been reading that Texas, Tech, OU, OSU and Colorado all have said they won't play the Aggies anymore if the Aggies bail on them. There is a difference between being mad when a party backs out of an agreement and acting chicken bleep. The Pac 16 only works with 16 top quality schools and a number of the schools don't put Utah in that category.

These places also report that unless the Aggies can bring Texas along to the SEC, much of the SEC East doesn't want just A&M. It appears while A&M is a great school in the opinion of about half of the SEC, they just don't bring enough by themselves to upset the whole balance of the current 12 team SEC. To get the conference formed, their were a lot of compromises made and the schools want more dollars and fans than just A&M to make new compromises.

The sources are on the internet and are not real news outlets nor written by real reporters. They are more reliable than the "Bleacher report," but still can't be counted on for three sources, etc., before they write. Take the information with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Those schools, in particular Austin U and Ok would not go the the SEC or the Big 10 is becuase they know they would not dominate year in and year out. The "quality" conference statements are merely a ruse to hide the real reason for going to the Pack16, more money, but still the ability to dominate.

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I say A&M should say goodbye to the Texas schools. Filling your schedule with LSU, Bama, Florida, TN and Ark would be downright tasty. Texas A&M actually has some power here and could find themselves out of the shadows of OK and TX with this move. Gig'em!

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I say A&M should say goodbye to the Texas schools. Filling your schedule with LSU, Bama, Florida, TN and Ark would be downright tasty. Texas A&M actually has some power here and could find themselves out of the shadows of OK and TX with this move. Gig'em!

That was what Arkansas thought. While their program is now in better shape financially, they haven't done much on the football field since they no longer get to show off their team at stadiums across Texas. A&M would not be in as bad a shape, but without playing UT, Tech, OU or OSU, they are going to need to build a whole new recruiting system. They are not going to get many recruits from the SEC states so they will have to convince those from Texas that letting their parents see them at half of the games is enough.

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I say A&M should say goodbye to the Texas schools. Filling your schedule with LSU, Bama, Florida, TN and Ark would be downright tasty. Texas A&M actually has some power here and could find themselves out of the shadows of OK and TX with this move. Gig'em!

If I was the Aggs I would announce on Tuesday right before UT does their deal, that they are going to the SEC and that if UT doesn't follow that they will no longer be scheduling UT in any games in the future.

That was what Arkansas thought. While their program is now in better shape financially, they haven't done much on the football field since they no longer get to show off their team at stadiums across Texas. A&M would not be in as bad a shape, but without playing UT, Tech, OU or OSU, they are going to need to build a whole new recruiting system. They are not going to get many recruits from the SEC states so they will have to convince those from Texas that letting their parents see them at half of the games is enough.

What would you say that the Hogs did so much better on the football field in the SWC as opposed to what they have done in the SEC? I would argue that they have done equally as well in a much tougher conference top to bottom. In fact the year the basketball team won the NCAA title we were in the SEC.

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Plus, Texas in no way wants a reason for the sec to come into Texas and recruit every year...and for aTm to be the only one with that sec affiliation to sell.

That's the pertinent part of the post.

I read this yesterday from Geoff Ketchum:

"One thing floating is that A&M would be blackballed by all state schools +OU/OSU if they go SEC. Nobody would play them in any sport."

"Per source: The cold shoulder that A&M would receive would make Arkansas' cold shoulder from the state in the 90's look like a "BJ","

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I'm not sure why there's all this UT hatred going on. Must be a bunch of closet A&M fans.

* Texas isn't afraid to go to the Big 10 and compete. They would instantly have the best football, baseball, and men's basketball teams. The Big 10 hasn't lived up to their reputation since the late 90's.

* The SEC West is deep but no deeper than the Big 12 South. The SEC East is weak other than Florida. A&M can continue to be mediocre in the SEC but have more money.

* Being in the SEC won't give A&M much of a recruiting boost if they can't get more wins. As long as Texas is winning they will continue to have their pick.

* It doesn't matter how things turn out: Texas will do well and A&M will continue to be mediocre.

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The TU hatred has been well documented on the board. They would not "instantly" have the best programs. Ohio St is at least equal to TU. Your statement about the SEC is ludicrous. Im not an ATM fan, but I prefer them to the Whorens. Judging by your post, Id say your a closet TU homer.

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What would you say that the Hogs did so much better on the football field in the SWC as opposed to what they have done in the SEC? I would argue that they have done equally as well in a much tougher conference top to bottom. In fact the year the basketball team won the NCAA title we were in the SEC.

Arkansas has been in the SEC since 1990. Began football play in 1992.

"The Hogs did account for an NCAA basketball title in 1994 and a runner-up finish the following year under Nolan Richardson. But they really haven't been worth a flip in the sport since. In the last 10 years, the Hogs have won a grand total of one NCAA tournament game. Now, Arkansas is known for winning titles in cross country and indoor and outdoor track.

How about football? The Hogs have made three appearances in the SEC championship game - 1995, 2002 and 2006. The Hogs finished second in the SEC West in 2002 but Alabama was kept home because of NCAA probation. The Hogs are 0-3 in those title games, being outscored 102-34. Can you say not ready for prime time?

Arkansas hasn't been a total embarrassment during its SEC football run - nor has it really brought much to the table. No BCS appearances. Mostly, mediocrity. In 18 seasons, Arkansas has only posted a winning divisional record four times, based on actual results and excluding games later forfeited."

The last 20 years that the Hogs were in the SWC:

1991 6 6

1990 3 8

1989 10 2

1988 10 2

1987 9 4

1986 9 3

1985 10 2

1984 7 4 1

1983 6 5

1982 9 2 1

1981 8 4

1980 7 5

1979 10 2

1978 9 2 1

1977 11 1

1976 5 5 1

1975 10 2

1974 6 4 1

1973 5 5 1

1972 6 5

1971 8 3 1

17 winning seasons, including 13 in a row at one point. During that 21 year period, the Hogs won or shared 4 SWC titles.

Why did Arkansas jump at the chance to play at Jerryworld last year? Because it gave them a game in Texas. They cut off their nose to spite their face by joining the SEC and giving up half of their games in the state of Texas each year.

aTm is looking the same mistake in the face. Those that believe otherwise are naive. aTm is not going to land the out of state recruits. They NEED to play games in this state to attract Texas kids, or they are going to be another Mississippi State.

They're rough tough real stuff, though. Will be playing in a really tough conference. They're not chicken, those aTm warriors. They'll be filling their slingshots with rocks now instead of ball bearings, but at least they're not afraid to compete with one hand tied behind their backs.

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* Texas isn't afraid to go to the Big 10 and compete. They would instantly have the best football, baseball, and men's basketball teams. The Big 10 hasn't lived up to their reputation since the late 90's.

Michigan State has had 6 Final Fours in the last 12 years. You must be joking.

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I'm not sure why there's all this UT hatred going on. Must be a bunch of closet A&M fans.

* Texas isn't afraid to go to the Big 10 and compete. They would instantly have the best football, baseball, and men's basketball teams. The Big 10 hasn't lived up to their reputation since the late 90's.

* The SEC West is deep but no deeper than the Big 12 South. The SEC East is weak other than Florida. A&M can continue to be mediocre in the SEC but have more money.

* Being in the SEC won't give A&M much of a recruiting boost if they can't get more wins. As long as Texas is winning they will continue to have their pick.

* It doesn't matter how things turn out: Texas will do well and A&M will continue to be mediocre.

The "hatred" of UT is simply: they're douchebags. Even those of us no ties whatsoever to A&M recognize that.

* Texas is afraid to compete, and the Big Ten has nothing to do with it. Texas' all-time winning percentage in the NCAA Tournament is 33-31, .519. That's lower than nine of the current Big Ten schools. Only Penn State and Northwestern have worse NCAA Tournament records than Texas. The Longhorns can't even with the Big 12. They'd be hollow duckfarts in the Big Ten.

* The SEC is the toughest football conference, and that's why Texas would never go there. In the 12 years of BCS football, the SEC has won half of the championships - Tennessee, 1998; LSU, 2003 & 2007; Florida, 2006 & 2008; Alabama, 2009. The SEC's television and bowl money far surpasses that of the Big 12; thus, A&M would be making more money.

* A&M would be able to sell closer road games to parents of recruits than they had in the Big 12 or would have in the Pac-10. And, no one really cares what Texas does. For all of their recruiting prowess, they've only delivered three conference titles in the Big 12 - half the number as OU. Their football team, like their basketball team, folds under pressure enough to keep them from piling up even conference titles. Anyone remember losses their losses to A&M in 2006 and 2007 to deliver Big 12 South crowns to OU? Nice job for a team that annually outrecruits A&M...to not be able to beat them when it's for all the marbles. Clutch.

* Texas will remain douchebags no matter which conference they join. Texas A&M will remain a school we can ignore.

The bottom line on Texas is they are Class A, Numbero Uno Douchebags. They like to pretend it's pre-1975. Since 1975, they're 17-18 against Texas A&M. Big deal.

The truth is, and always will be, Texas is overrated. They deserve to be in the Pac-10 with the West Coast sissy football douchesbags. I hope they go there. They've got a better chance of keeping their skirts clean there than if they stay in the Big 12 or jump to the Big Ten or SEC, where they'd be nothing more than weekly road kill.

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