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Green Gang: Re-Alignment Talk Anyone ?


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We should be flooding the comment section on this blog. It's seriously about the dumbest strategy I've heard from this athletics department.

This is the same athletic department that organized the stadium vote, and got it passed. This is the same athletic department that has turned the NT stadium into a reality. If you puke, I hope you do it into a fan so it blows back in your face. NT is in NO, I repeat NO position to do anything but wait. NT has very little to offer a larger conference other than the proximity of the school to Dallas and Fort Worth. NT's alumni, myself include want Cristal champagne on a Pabst blue ribbon budget. In my opinion this is seriously the dumbest thing you've ever posted and that's saying something, because you have posted some pretty dumb things.

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This is the same athletic department that organized the stadium vote, and got it passed. This is the same athletic department that has turned the NT stadium into a reality. If you puke, I hope you do it into a fan so it blows back in your face. NT is in NO, I repeat NO position to do anything but wait. NT has very little to offer a larger conference other than the proximity of the school to Dallas and Fort Worth. NT's alumni, myself include want Cristal champagne on a Pabst blue ribbon budget. In my opinion this is seriously the dumbest thing you've ever posted and that's saying something, because you have posted some pretty dumb things.

Yep, sitting and waiting is always, ALWAYS, the best strategy.

After all, it's got us this far.

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I'm sorry, but Green Bat's comment really got my blood boiling....

Sir, the AD did NOT organize the student vote. They did NOT get the students to pass the vote. They couldn't organize any kind of campaign, and it took, what?, 6 YEARS before they could get the damn idea in front of the students?

The student voted passed because of the hard work of STUDENTS, the donations of people on THIS message board, and the personal campaigning of 4 or 5 specific student government members.

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Ring, ring (new Big12 calling)....

(UNT voice mail)... UNT Athletics...nobody is here right now...Please leave a message, we'll get back to you, GMG!...

- Click (dial tone)-.


Silence, you! The AD knows what they are doing. Besides, we have NOTHING to offer so why even bother!? You should be grateful we even have real football on Saturday.

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We need to be doing everything we can to get out of the Sun Belt. It is a worthless conference with no rivalries. Maybe I'm alone here, but I never get excited to see Middle Tennessee roll into town. If we had moved to the WAC, there would be some interesting teams coming through every couple of years. I can only hope CUSA or the WAC comes through with an invite. If not, we're heading nowhere fast.

I love the Mean Green, and when you hit your knees tonight, ask God to love 'em too.

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If you were the AD, what sort of phone calls would you be making?

If *I* were the AD?

I'd still be calling Wright Waters at 3:00 a.m. every day, disguising my voice. Every day, I'd be telling him that if he doesn't learn to count to one and properly break a tie, I'll do all sorts of awful things to his family.

But then again, I'm the sort that sometimes holds a grudge.

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Every school right now not in the PAC10, SEC, or Big10 is on the open market wanting a move-up. It is a feeding-frenzy for the fans and media to watch take place. Everyone just wants to know that every effort and ploy was attempted by their school! B)

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If you were the AD, what sort of phone calls would you be making?

I'd be calling every AD of every school in every conference I had an interest in. I'd also be calling the sports director of every news station, radio sports talk show hosts, newspaper bloggers, student newspaper editor covering every school in every conference I had an interest in.

Then I'd call the quarterback of every school in every conference I had an interest in. Then I'd call his mom (if she was hot).

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I'd be getting my website blogger to talk about how the athletics department is working for the best interest of the program, or turning over every rock, or anything, ANYTHING other than "the only thing we can do is sit and wait."

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