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Great David Cross Quote

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Yes. I guess, I don't know that there was a specific moment, but you know, seeing how the hypocrisy... that's not even the right word... the complete convenient amnesia of what, and for people both on the left and right, what position they had just taken with Bush, whether they were pro-Bush or anti-Bush. And then when Obama got in office, they had just switched.

People who were calling Bush "fascist" and "Hitler" are upset because people are calling Obama "fascist" and "Hitler," when they're both wrong. And people on the right who were saying, "You can't criticize the President during war time..." The bleeping second (Obama) took his hand off that Bible, people were going "this guy is the worst guy ever, we need to veto him." He had hardly been in office for five hours. It's just like, you just spent eight years doing the opposite of what you are talking about, and what so upsets you. And that's both left and right.

In my lifetime, Obama is the most optimistic (president). I mean, Clinton, there was optimism there, but not even close to the level that people had with Obama. And then, you know, within, I guess it was three or four months maybe, you're like, "Oh right, he's a politician. All that stuff he was saying, oh he said that to get elected. Ah, I got it, I got it, I got it." At that point, you know, that's where I came to that feeling. There wasn't any like a-ha moment.

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This guy needs to spend a lot less time talking politics and a lot more time talking to George Michael...

Heey brother.

That's exactly the direction I wanted this to go. The world needs more AD.

Edited by Quoner
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