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This from Ann Curry of the "Today" show on NBC. She is supposed to be a journalist on the show. And left leaners wonder why FOX gets such good ratings. You will never hear one of these Government Media shills ever question a Democrat Senator about the connection of eco terrorism to the democratic party. Why? Because it is freaking stupid.


This is not a cable news channel, this is an obviously extremely left slanted attacked on the one of the most across-the-isle republicans in the senate.

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I think we all understand that FOX leans right and NBC leans left. If you don't like one or the other, then dont watch it! That's what I do.

Neither side likes why the "other" station portrays stories the way they do. They're obviously bias. So posting some ridiculously biased story from FOX or NBC and expecting arguments to ensue will only trigger the same handful of people to respond.

Wasnt there some new hooch that claimed to have boinked Tiger Woods recently?

That's a better topic, and not from a biased news station!

Go Mean Green!

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I turned over to channel 5 this morning to check the local weather and caught the McCain interview. It didn't surprise me one bit. Threats of violence by republicans? Hilarious. Did Barry's buddy Bill Ayers suddenly change parties because he wrote the book on violence against this country.

This is all a distraction by the libs and who knows how much of it is fabricated? They are taking it up the rear end public relations wise because they know they have done something very wrong that the American public does not want. Yesterday it was learned that after spending a year and millions/billions of tax payer money to push their marxist agenda they in fact flubbed the bill leaving out coverage for children and must now go back and rework it again. That simply solidified how totally incompetent government run health care will be in the future. So the only way to ease the their pain from this PR nightmare right now is to distract and the White House media lap dogs are more than willing to oblige.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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I turned over to channel 5 this morning to check the local weather and caught the McCain interview. It didn't surprise me one bit. Threats of violence by republicans? Hilarious. Did Barry's buddy Bill Ayers suddenly change parties because he wrote the book on violence against this country.

This is all a distraction by the libs and who knows how much of it is fabricated? They are taking it up the rear end public relations wise because they know they have done something very wrong that the American public does not want. Yesterday it was learned that after spending a year and millions/billions of tax payer money to push their marxist agenda they in fact flubbed the bill leaving out coverage for children and must now go back and rework it again. That simply solidified how totally incompetent government run health care will be in the future. So the only way to ease the their pain from this PR nightmare right now is to distract and the White House media lap dogs are more than willing to oblige.


Notice the Democrats are real quiet about what their minions and vocal minority (extremists) did during the Bush Years, G-8 Summits, Gay Rights Rallies, Immigration Rallies, Crawford Ranch protests, etc... Where is the press about Rep. Cantors office being shot up last week??

Hypocrites everyone of them, do they forget Stupak being called every name in the book by the Daily Kos gang ebfore he flip flopped on was bribed on the final bill.

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Notice the Democrats are real quiet about what their minions and vocal minority (extremists) did during the Bush Years, G-8 Summits, Gay Rights Rallies, Immigration Rallies, Crawford Ranch protests, etc... Where is the press about Rep. Cantors office being shot up last week??

Hypocrites everyone of them, do they forget Stupak being called every name in the book by the Daily Kos gang ebfore he flip flopped on was bribed on the final bill.


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I think we all understand that FOX leans right and NBC leans left. If you don't like one or the other, then dont watch it! That's what I do.

Neither side likes why the "other" station portrays stories the way they do. They're obviously bias. So posting some ridiculously biased story from FOX or NBC and expecting arguments to ensue will only trigger the same handful of people to respond.

Wasnt there some new hooch that claimed to have boinked Tiger Woods recently?

That's a better topic, and not from a biased news station!

Go Mean Green!

Yes, but the problem is that NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC and the like attempt to label FOX as a "right wing outlet" while not admitting thier own left leaning agenda. Many on the left attempt to protray the above as "mainstream" while vilifying FOX as a republican party affiliated network. FOr straight news (No talk shows), Fox gives the left a far better shake than the above give conservatives.

And maybe this was my own attempt at a little instigation.

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laugh.gif That was the best joke I've heard all day. Thanks, I needed that!

Have you ever heard a FOX journalist ask a Democrat Senator what that senator's connections to a certain eco-terrorist group was, or if that senator thought the language of his party incited said eco-terrorist? No, why? Because they don't have an agenda to avoid conversation about the health care bill that effects EVERYONE.

That, and they aren't freaking stupid.

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Have you ever heard a FOX journalist ask a Democrat Senator what that senator's connections to a certain eco-terrorist group was, or if that senator thought the language of his party incited said eco-terrorist?

Eco-terrorist specifically? I don't know, don't really care. Have they accused a democrat senator of being linked to terrorism?

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Eco-terrorist specifically? I don't know, don't really care. Have they accused a democrat senator of being linked to terrorism? For sure.

1) That is a fact.

2) that is from Hannity and Colmbes, a right vs. left talk show. I'm talking about news programing on FOX, or the news segments on FOX and friends.

I didn't give you a Rachel Maddow or Chris Matthews example, so please don't throw this crap up here.

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1) That is a fact.

2) that is from Hannity and Colmbes, a right vs. left talk show. I'm talking about news programing on FOX, or the news segments on FOX and friends.

I didn't give you a Rachel Maddow or Chris Matthews example, so please don't throw this crap up here.

Just watched the original video clip. You're right in that she asked a bunch of dumb questions simply to try and score political points. McCain pwned her, treating her like a child playing at recess whom he could barely tolerate because he had grown-up things to do. Good to see a politician acting like an adult.

But I'd have to differ on a couple points that came up in the subsequent posts.

At some points, you've pointed out that Fox is kicking the stuffing out of the 'left' leaning programs because they are more fair, and that they are real journalists because they don't have an agenda. But then later make a distinction that you are differentiating between the "news programming" on Fox, and not the bloviating gas bags responsible for the majority of its ratings that compare to Maddow and Matthews on MSNBC (I'd actually have substituted Olbermann and Schultz; I literally get gas just watching them). Which is it? Fox is an agenda-less bastion of political journalism, and hence its ratings superiority, or that Fox is just like every other news outlet these days: It has an agenda and varying degrees of programming that articulate that agenda from different perspectives?

For me, there is no credibility left in any 'political journalism.' The 'news' has become a wholesale extension of the marketing/ads department. To call out one network as biased is like calling out just one of the New Kids on the Block as not really being a good singer.

And to the bolded part above: I was never able to take Hannity and Colmes as a serious attempt at a left vs right program. Reason: Colmes = mystery of missing albino squirrel solved. It was a visual/stylistic mis-match (completely intended I believe). Hannity went Ivan Drago on him nightly. It was brutal to watch.

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Just watched the original video clip. You're right in that she asked a bunch of dumb questions simply to try and score political points. McCain pwned her, treating her like a child playing at recess whom he could barely tolerate because he had grown-up things to do. Good to see a politician acting like an adult.

But I'd have to differ on a couple points that came up in the subsequent posts.

At some points, you've pointed out that Fox is kicking the stuffing out of the 'left' leaning programs because they are more fair, and that they are real journalists because they don't have an agenda. But then later make a distinction that you are differentiating between the "news programming" on Fox, and not the bloviating gas bags responsible for the majority of its ratings that compare to Maddow and Matthews on MSNBC (I'd actually have substituted Olbermann and Schultz; I literally get gas just watching them). Which is it? Fox is an agenda-less bastion of political journalism, and hence its ratings superiority, or that Fox is just like every other news media outlet these days: It has an agenda and varying degrees of programming that articulate that agenda from different perspectives?

For me, there is no credibility left in any 'political journalism.' The 'news' has become a wholesale extension of the marketing/ads department. To call out one network as biased is like calling out just one of the New Kids on the Block as not really being a good singer.

And to the bolded part above: I was never able to take Hannity and Colmes as a serious attempt at a left vs right program. Reason: Colmes = mystery of missing albino squirrel solved. It was a visual/stylistic mis-match (completely intended I believe). Hannity went Ivan Drago on him nightly. It was brutal to watch.

I never said it was because they were more fair. I said it was because of the type of "journalism" exhibited in the McCain clip. It drives many people away from the NBC, ABC, and the like.

If you were tuning in hoping to learn the reasons for the republican opposition to health care, all you got was a minute of crap about 15 incidents that were commtted by kooks. Why? Because that is what the democrat party wants to be asked of republicans this week. And who is asking those questions for the democrat party? A "journalist" for NBC. If that isn't sate run media, I don't know what is. Where were the questions about why the republicans opposed the bill? Non-existent.

This should really scare people. But it won't. Look for republicans, especially the tea party movement, to be further vilified by the press in the next week as the white house applies a full court press to quiet any dissent on the health care fiasco.

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And who is asking those questions for the democrat party? A "journalist" for NBC. If that isn't sate run media, I don't know what is. Where were the questions about why the republicans opposed the bill? Non-existent.

How can a network that is run by GE (poorly, I might add), which is a publicly traded company, be state media? To your other point, I never mentioned MSNBC as a bastion of unbiased media. The fact that they have shows like Maddow and Olbermann tells me their agenda, the same way Fox News having Hannity, O'Reilly, Glen Beck, etc tell me their agenda.

I go with Yahoo, NPR, BBC, Reuters, and the AP for most news.

Edited by ColoradoEagle
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There is so much propaganda that is thown out by all sides of the press it is difficult to determine what is truth. Do I believe all the folks that the democrats parade in front of the camera stating that they have been denied health care? heck no. If an illegal walks across our border and into an emergency room are they denied? heck no. Under our "old" system, in reality nobody was denied health care.

How about 'ol Joseph McCarthy? Look at the democratic machine demonizing him for saying that communists were imbedded in our government from the FDR administration. Yea, he was 100% correct. You could say he was BORKED.

How about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas? After one of his initial grillings by the Democrats his mother stated that she would never vote for another democrat as long as she lived.

Gulf of Tonkin Incident? Tapes indicate that no warship was ever fired upon. Result: about 56k dead in Nam.

As days and months go by it will be interesting to find out how congressmen were financially compensated for their votes. Well, that is on both sides. IMHO, congressmen should wear patches on their suits, much like NASCAR, to indicate who is sponsoring them, financially.


All I know is that under Bushs' last fiscal year the debt was about $450 Billion and now it is over $1 Trillion PLUS. All I know is that the government controls just about all aspects of this culture including Social Security which they say will be totally bankrupt in 20 years.....heck, it has been bankrupt for the last 30 years. It is nothing more than an additional tax to run the government so the govt. can print more money to pay retirees. Transportation....all subsidized. Agrigulture/Cattle....all subsidized. Auto Industry....Government Motor Company (GMC). Health Care (UNT90 may disagree because it does not go into effect for four more years....but just incase nothing happens)...govt. run. Banking...govt. run....just look at all the controls. Student loans, now govt run. Oil and gas....govt. controlled....

Are conservatives wrong in their assumptions of a greater centralized government? heck no....just look around. Any conservative attempt to de-centralize these programs are met with the standardized ad hominum attack. At least Al Sharpton was honest this last week when he stated that the American people voted for socialism and that is what "we" (the BHO admin) are giving them. This socialization of America has been going on for over 80 years with bigger in roads from the FDR, LBJ and now the BHO administrations. And that ain't propaganda.

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Health Care (UNT90 may disagree because it does not go into effect for four more years....but just incase nothing happens)...govt. run. Banking...govt. run....just look at all the controls. Student loans, now govt run. Oil and gas....govt. controlled....

Are conservatives wrong in their assumptions of a greater centralized government? heck no....just look around. Any conservative attempt to de-centralize these programs are met with the standardized ad hominum attack. At least Al Sharpton was honest this last week when he stated that the American people voted for socialism and that is what "we" (the BHO admin) are giving them. This socialization of America has been going on for over 80 years with bigger in roads from the FDR, LBJ and now the BHO administrations. And that ain't propaganda.

I don't really disagree. While there is four years to reverse this bill, that would require the republicans 1) taking control of the House (done deal on November), 2) taking control of the Presidency (2 1/2 years is a long time and Americans have notoriously short memories), and 3) taking a 60 seat majority in the Senate. This is where I have very little optiimism. It has been a very rare occasion that any party has had 60 seats in the Senate in the last 100 years. I do think the Senate turns over to the republicans this year, but not by nearly enough to obtain a super majority.

As for your last paragraph, dead on.

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