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This sort of stuff really saddens me. It just keeps coming.....It just tells folks that you need to "get involved" and you need to vote. You need to do what you can to support candidates who you personally have researched, read about, heard speak, know something about, know of their backgrounds, etc. A person seems inclined to "say anything" to get elected these days (what ever happened to personal integrity?), but if you can find enough info about the persons "actions" before running for election you might actually have the hope of supporting someone who will stand with you and your ideas of a "just and great" nation, state or locality.

In reality, it matters not which party you support as long as you know...actually know...what it is you think you are supporting. Way too many people run a great campaign, but the second they take the oath of office you can't even recognize them. Party is of no significance.

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If it's anything, the policy is aimed at overfishing - in other words, large-scale commercial fishing. It's not aimed at me and you and all of GMG that go out for an early morning fish and bring back maybe a cooler-full. It's aimed at the trawlers that go out and bring in tons of fish every time they bring the nets back. I'm fine with commercial fishing - but it's no good when there's nothing to go out and fish for. It's kind of like crop rotation and other farming techniques that keep people in agriculture from basically stripping soil of anything useful.

Here's the link:


Some of the hardcore groups like PETA do want us off the water. Tell your reps that this is a bunch of BS and that odds are, PETA and its ilk want to push something that controls mass commercial fishing into what you and I might do when we get up at 4am Saturday morning on the lake. The public input time is extended, make use of it.

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If it's anything, the policy is aimed at overfishing - in other words, large-scale commercial fishing. It's not aimed at me and you and all of GMG that go out for an early morning fish and bring back maybe a cooler-full. It's aimed at the trawlers that go out and bring in tons of fish every time they bring the nets back. I'm fine with commercial fishing - but it's no good when there's nothing to go out and fish for. It's kind of like crop rotation and other farming techniques that keep people in agriculture from basically stripping soil of anything useful.

Here's the link:


Some of the hardcore groups like PETA do want us off the water. Tell your reps that this is a bunch of BS and that odds are, PETA and its ilk want to push something that controls mass commercial fishing into what you and I might do when we get up at 4am Saturday morning on the lake. The public input time is extended, make use of it.

To me it's the "give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile" argument. I simply don't trust our federal government to do what is right, and things like this have a tendency to turn into a slippery slope.

...further, what constitutional right does this or any President have to create a whole new bureaucracy by Executive order?

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When I first read the story I was a little flabergasted about the audacity but after a little thought I really do not think that this will pass in full. However, we may see some restrictions on how much one can catch in American waterways but see a greater restriction off our coastlines, probably, because of some United Nations agreement.

I, like other conservatives, see a large powergrab by our government to become completely centralized.....a nice way of saying socialistic in nature. The more one throws all the "little stuff" against the wall.....like this fishing legislation.....some of these trite pieces of legislation may sneak through and pass.

The big question is "IF" the Republicans start winning seats in Congress and at one point take over the Presidency and both houses of Congress will they repeal all these pieces of legislation? Will a Republican majority begin to drastically cut federal spending in "ALL" areas or will they do nothing? They have basically done nothing in the past to repeal Democrat legislation and my fear is they will continue this m.o..

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I, like other conservatives, see a large powergrab by our government to become completely centralized.....a nice way of saying socialistic in nature. The more one throws all the "little stuff" against the wall.....like this fishing legislation.....some of these trite pieces of legislation may sneak through and pass.

The big question is "IF" the Republicans start winning seats in Congress and at one point take over the Presidency and both houses of Congress will they repeal all these pieces of legislation? Will a Republican majority begin to drastically cut federal spending in "ALL" areas or will they do nothing? They have basically done nothing in the past to repeal Democrat legislation and my fear is they will continue this m.o..

...and that, my friends, is the $64,000 question.

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