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South Fla Fans Discuss Canales


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"It must suck to have your offensive coordinator resign to take a high school job" -comment at the bottom

Indeed it does


Yes, it does suck.

In reality?

I'm not going to lie. It made me very happy. I don't like to see anyone put out of a job, but I wanted to see a new OC even before last season began. For him to get a job he chose to take is, from my perspective, a win-win situation. Even if it was at a high school.

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Yes, it does suck.

In reality?

I'm not going to lie. It made me very happy. I don't like to see anyone put out of a job, but I wanted to see a new OC even before last season began. For him to get a job he chose to take is, from my perspective, a win-win situation. Even if it was at a high school.

I have wondered from the start if it had been strongly suggested to Todd Ford that he should start looking for a new job with maybe some incentive. At my company the brokers are never fired officially but asked in private for their resignation, and always it is announced as John Doe broker has decided to leave our company to pursue new opportunities in blank.

Do you think Canales is thinking at the end of next season, there might be a HC position available somewhere?

I am sure it is possible, but I would not count on it unless this was RV's hire. I am under the impression Canales is TD's hire if he takes the job. If I am AD and I get rid of a HC, I clean house, start with a fresh slate, let the new HC come in and pick his people.

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I have wondered from the start if it had been strongly suggested to Todd Ford that he should start looking for a new job with maybe some incentive. At my company the brokers are never fired officially but asked in private for their resignation, and always it is announced as John Doe broker has decided to leave our company to pursue new opportunities in blank.

I am sure it is possible, but I would not count on it unless this was RV's hire. I am under the impression Canales is TD's hire if he takes the job. If I am AD and I get rid of a HC, I clean house, start with a fresh slate, let the new HC come in and pick his people.

I disagree. I feel he sees an opportunity to be head coach in waiting if another 2 to 3 win season starts to evolve, although I still contend that Jeff Bowers is on RV's speed dial. With Canales the more interesting question is if "Papa's Boy's" lack of production and turnovers and brittleness prove to be the detriment they have been to this team, will the OC have the authority to pull or reassign "Pick Six"?

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I'm as excited about the potential hire as the next guy - Canales brings legit big time experience, has been around the block a time or two, and had success with successful people. Still, my primary concern (and reason for thwarting giddiness) is what the heck this job really IS?? The past three seasons, I've looked at the NT OC position as the most insignificant coaching position possible - Ford didn't call plays, it wasn't "his" offense, and the assumption has been that the offense is Dodge's baby top to bottom - that's one of the reasons we hired the man. This is why I seldom held Todd Ford responsible for anything- I'm not sure he had any semblance of decision making power in order to make even a small impact.

Question is, does this change if we hire Canales? If he's allowed to have real input and make real decisions, I have a slightly higher level of optimism about next season.... but does that happen without a drastic sea change in fundamental philosophy and power structure at the AC? If that change happens, who mandates it? Is it an edict from above, or does it imply that Dodge has somehow been humbled and accepted outside help as a requirement for meeting ultimatums?

Edited by CaribbeanGreen
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Yes, it changes the dynamics a good bit I would imagine. I would look for Canales to call plays and have a big input into the game planning process, sets, player rotations, etc. I would have to believe that TD would not want to hire the guy unless he was looking to be more of a CEO head coach and let both DeLoach and Canales run their shops under his overall direction as the HC.

Can't wait to get the "official" announcement. Good things are happening for the Mean green Nation. Believe it!


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I'm as excited about the potential hire as the next guy - Canales brings legit big time experience, has been around the block a time or two, and had success with successful people. Still, my primary concern (and reason for thwarting giddiness) is what the heck this job really IS?? The past three seasons, I've looked at the NT OC position as the most insignificant coaching position possible - Ford didn't call plays, it wasn't "his" offense, and the assumption has been that the offense is Dodge's baby top to bottom - that's one of the reasons we hired the man. This is why I seldom held Todd Ford responsible for anything- I'm not sure he had any semblance of decision making power in order to make even a small impact.

Question is, does this change if we hire Canales? If he's allowed to have real input and make real decisions, I have a slightly higher level of optimism about next season.... but does that happen without a drastic sea change in fundamental philosophy and power structure at the AC? If that change happens, who mandates it? Is it an edict from above, or does it imply that Dodge has somehow been humbled and accepted outside help as a requirement for meeting ultimatums?

I'm still leaning towards Canales being brought here as a backup plan. If Dodge hits 6 losses, we have an interim coach for the rest of the season. If what you said is true about the OC position being insignificant here, then Canales will have little to do with what happens in game situations, but he will be getting to know the team in the process. Of course, this may be wishful thinking on my part and give way to much credit to the powers that be.

But I would like to see us with options on the way forward.

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Question is, does this change if we hire Canales? If he's allowed to have real input and make real decisions, I have a slightly higher level of optimism about next season.... but does that happen without a drastic sea change in fundamental philosophy and power structure at the AC? If that change happens, who mandates it? Is it an edict from above, or does it imply that Dodge has somehow been humbled and accepted outside help as a requirement for meeting ultimatums?

Personally, I don't see how there can't be some differences of opinions on how the offense should be run. And I think that's exactly what Dodge needs...someone with a different perspective that offers experience and advice on how to correct some of the problems we've experienced on the offensive side of the ball. I don't really care who made the decision to hire Canales but I'd prefer to think that Todd Dodge has come to the realization that he could use some help. Every great leader is surrounded by great minds working to accomplish the same goals.

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