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I know, I know, it's pretty radical stuff I'm suggesting, but it just might work in being able to lower taxes and reduce the debt at the same time.



Posted (edited)

With the debt out of control, unemployement at new highs, stimulus packages, congressional payoffs to pass bills and future admendments, health care estimated taking up to one-sixth of our gnp ......

....my question.....

where has all the liberal democratic supporters of these measures melted away to on the gmg board?? the dems did state, quite clearly, that they were going to pass these measures.......

how do ya'll feel now about these measures??? do ya'll still support them or are you having second/third/fourth thoughts about the consequences they will impose or have imposed??

How soon we all forget. Both Presidents, Bush and Obama were throwing everything but the kitchen sink into the fight to prevent us from having a total economic meltdown. Many of the measures taken by the Fed and the two administrations came from years of study of the Great Depression. Other measures had to be done on the fly and with little time to deliberate. How easy it must be for you to sit there and second guess and finger point when hard working men and women had to make tough decisions in real time to prevent the unthinkable. Mistakes were made by both administrations. Mistakes will always be made in a time of crisis. Still there is mounting evidence to support that what could have been a nightmare scenario is going to end up being a horrible recession. I sure hope that is the case.

You don't like the debt produced by the stimulus? Well maybe your outrage would have been more useful over the decades that we accumulated massive amounts of debt in this Country leaving us in the unfortunate position of having to borrow every cent of the much needed stimulus money. The money helped to break the back of the negative psychology feed-back loop we were experiencing. I promise you had the Republicans been in control of government at that time a stimulus of some form but similar scale would have been passed. For once being in the minority was an enviable place to be. You could vote nay knowing it would still pass and if the economy improves the crisis would soon be forgotten by the short term memories of the American voter. You then fill their heads with how spend happy the Dem's are! The economy gets worse? Well no party gets to stay in control when the economy gets worse. It was win win and had the roles been reversed the Dem's, I am sad to say, would have done the same thing.

As to your other points they make no sense. What has been passed by this administration? In regards to what you are calling "pay-offs" that is your government sir. Both parties have done this dating back to the beginning of our Republic and it is perfectly legal for them to do so.

I will get off my soapbox now. I hope everyone here has a great weekend and MLK day.

and of course

Go Mean Green

Edited by HoustonEagle

How soon we all forget. Both Presidents, Bush and Obama were throwing everything but the kitchen sink into the fight to prevent us from having a total economic meltdown. Many of the measures taken by the Fed and the two administrations came from years of study of the Great Depression. Other measures had to be done on the fly and with little time to deliberate. How easy it must be for you to sit there and second guess and finger point when hard working men and women had to make tough decisions in real time to prevent the unthinkable. Mistakes were made by both administrations. Mistakes will always be made in a time of crisis. Still there is mounting evidence to support that what could have been a nightmare scenario is going to end up being a horrible recession. I sure hope that is the case.

You don't like the debt produced by the stimulus? Well maybe your outrage would have been more useful over the decades that we accumulated massive amounts of debt in this Country leaving us in the unfortunate position of having to borrow every sent of the much needed stimulus money. The money helped to break the back of the negative psychology feed-back loop we were experiencing. I promise you had the Republicans been in control of government at that time a stimulus of some form but similar scale would have been passed. For once being in the minority was an enviable place to be. You could vote nay knowing it would still pass and if the economy improves the crisis would soon be forgotten by the short term memories of the American voter. You then fill their heads with how spend happy the Dem's are! The economy gets worse? Well no party gets to stay in control when the economy gets worse. It was win win and had the roles been reversed the Dem's, I am sad to say, would have done the same thing.

As to your other points they make no sense. What has been passed by this administration? In regards to what you are calling "pay-offs" that is your government sir. Both parties have done this dating back to the beginning of our Republic and it is perfectly legal for them to do so.

I will get off my soapbox now. I hope everyone here has a great weekend and MLK day.

and of course

Go Mean Green

Well said...nice rant


HE, my intent was to determine who supported BHO prior to the election and how many of those still supported him after one year.

The reason why we got out of the great depression (i guess you are speaking of FDR) was wwII and not the policies that he and his cabinet implemented. I am not going to debate a "what if" senario but many economists agree that wwII brought us out of the depression and not his socialist big government policies. Who can you blame? the democratic majority? so what happens when the republicans take over? they don't eliminate these programs to make government smaller. The same can be said with any legislation that the republicans make to enlarge government. The democrats do not do anything to eliminate programs to make government smaller. Push ahead to LBJ's Great Society. The democrats make government larger.....when the republicans take over they continue the programs with no inititive to make government smaller by eliminating programs. The government keeps getting more intrusive. Whatever one party increases the other party keeps status quo. Do you think that "if" health care and cap and trade passes before this years elections and "if" the republicans take over the house and senate they will do anything to void these two pieces of legislation? I say no.

my point is that the United States is headed to the train station called Socialism (some say we are 80% there)......if you take the democratic train we will arive at noon. if you take the republican train we will arive 5pm. In the last election Obama was Socialist Heavy......McCain was Socialist Light.

The will of the people have been over ridden by the elected elite who knows better than the people what we need.

This just is not a bush or obama blame game....it goes back futher than that.....and to think otherwise .... well.....just stick your head back in the sand.


Can we all agree that all parties, politicians and politics are shady and not trustworthy?

They are all flawed. The only problem is; they're part of the democratic process, and nobody has come up with anything better. This is just my opinion, of course.

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