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A month ago, I compiled Part I of the Demcare bribe list as Harry Reid rushed before Thanksgiving to secure his first cloture vote on the government health care takeover. (Quick re-cap: $300 million Louisiana Purchase for Landrieu; $300 million California doctor payments; AARP goodies; abortion and union lobby concessions.)

Here’s Part II of the Cash for Cloture bribe list all in one handy place (hat tip again to my friend ChristinaKB for the apt phrase she first coined on November 21 for the Demcare wheeling and dealing).

GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell alluded to all this backroom dealing on the floor early this morning before the cloture vote, but lamely refused to name names on the Senate floor.

Screw Senate collegiality. Let the sun shine in.


  • Upvote 1

What this story is not telling us.....and.....we may never know the full extent of the other deals that the senators will benefit from the various kickbacks, bribes and sell outs. It is like Al Gore advocating against global warming so his ownerships in "green" firms will profit. It is like individuals speaking for um-teen thousand or a million per engagement and saying they will donate that money to "charity"...... their own "four-oh-something" tax exempt charitable organization so they "do not" have to pay income tax on the money they receive. Then, like true Americans, draw that same money out and pay themselves a "tax-exempt" salary from their "charity."

When will Ceaser cross the Rubicon?


...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...


This is such a bad bill, I don't even know where to begin. I think the most glaring violation of the Constitution is the clauses of the bill that require U.S. citizens to purchase health insurance. Never has the federal government been granted the power to force us to purchase anything.

Second, the clear intent is to make health insurance so outrageously unprofitable that insurance companies go out of business and citizens have no choice but to run to the government for their coverage.

Third, and boy isn't this rich??? Members of Congress, and those who retire from it, are EXEMPT from this new law!!!

I for one believe this has gone beyond a bad law - this is an egregious violation of the Constitution, an unpardonable sin against the rights of citizens and states, and the most blatant, in your face move towards a socialist state this nation has seen since FDR instituted Social Security and tried to stack the Supreme Court.

Posted (edited)

This is such a bad bill, I don't even know where to begin. I think the most glaring violation of the Constitution is the clauses of the bill that require U.S. citizens to purchase health insurance. Never has the federal government been granted the power to force us to purchase anything.

Second, the clear intent is to make health insurance so outrageously unprofitable that insurance companies go out of business and citizens have no choice but to run to the government for their coverage.

Third, and boy isn't this rich??? Members of Congress, and those who retire from it, are EXEMPT from this new law!!!

I for one believe this has gone beyond a bad law - this is an egregious violation of the Constitution, an unpardonable sin against the rights of citizens and states, and the most blatant, in your face move towards a socialist state this nation has seen since FDR instituted Social Security and tried to stack the Supreme Court.

Do you see this being challenged in the Supreme Court on the grounds of being unconstitutional?

Edited by UNTFan23

Do you see this being challenged in the Supreme Court on the grounds of being unconstitutional?

I don't know. In order to sue, one usually needs to be harmed. One cannot be harmed by this until it goes into effect. Since it won't go into effect until AFTER the next presidential election (convenient, huh? especially since they are claiming this is needed so badly we must pass it NOW), we may not see a lawsuit 2014, and it probably wouldn't reach the Court until 2020 or even beyond. Who knows what the Court will look like then?

There's a better chance of a new Congress repealing this law rather than the Supreme Court declaring it unconstitutional.

Posted (edited)

Yup, that's why this is so bad because of the slippery slope it will take us down. Every socialized healthcare nation that currently exists has spent untold amount of money and a large portion of their time trying to fix it since inception. We will do the same, for decades.

A caller asked Mark Levin the other day about the chances of this being fought in the courts? His response was that it would be difficult to defeat now in court because of the liberal statist judges that sit in them now? I'm with flyer, this will have to be fought out in congress after the 2010 and 2012 bloodlettings.


Edited by FirefightnRick
  • Upvote 1

...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...

Armed rebellion by all citizens that are against this health bill and the backdoor Chicago politics that will get it passed is the only way. Alas, the masses are weak when it comes time to defend our constitution.

Health Care Reform. The first step towards a socialized America. What a shame.

Posted (edited)

Armed rebellion by all citizens that are against this health bill and the backdoor Chicago politics that will get it passed is the only way. Alas, the masses are weak when it comes time to defend our constitution.

Health Care Reform. The first step towards a socialized America. What a shame.

Screw the rest of them, just have Texas secede from the union.

Edited by KingDL1

While I believe there is a good chance Republicans win back a majority in congress in 2010 and that there is a better than average shot that Obama is a one termer, it is going to take the same majorities for Republicans that Democrats now enjoy to repeal this thing. I don't see it happening. I'm not sure the courts as they are stacked right now would have the balls to strike this down to be honest, and after Obama gets another appointee or two, it'll be done.

If this bill passes, I don't think it is ever turned around. We can't live to fight another day. This thing has to be stopped now, some how, some way. Day by day, that looks less likely, but I don't believe there is any way after it passes it is repealed or struck down by the courts.


Secession is not the answer.

Armed rebellion is not the answer.

Send money to opponents of members of Congress running for reelection in November. Vote. Write letters to Congress, even if they represent another district or state.

Also, if Congress takes it too far... Article V of the Constitution has a provision for the people to strip power from Congress and propose their own amendments. It's never been used - the Constitutional Convention. But there is a real danger to a convention. Since one has never been convened, no one is certain if the scope can be limited. I imagine that it can.

Secession? It's too horrible to even consider.


There is a growing "Tenth Amendment" movement currently in this nation. The idea that some of what Congress is doing is "unconstitutional" is gaining more and more momentum as the days pass. Just keep looking for this "movement" to crop up in newspaper and radio reports. At the moment you will only hear about it on certain radio and TV channels as some of the press would like to see this "go away". I am thinking that it will only grow and will, indeed, grow to the extent that more of the press and media will not be able to ignore it much longer. I think this is a legitimate challenge to the ever growing "power" of the federal government to want to try to regulate each and every part of our daily lives. The 10th amendment was written for a very valid reason...seems we are seeing just why the 10th was enacted in the first place...part of the Bill of Rights, you know....

Stay tuned...should be interesting to those who really follow this sort of thing.


The list of "KNOWN" payoffs.


The Tenth Admendment is "supose to prevent" the federal government from forcing states to into federal management. (1) Why should the citizens of Texas help fund 100% of Nebraska's Medicare/Medicade forever? (2) Why should the citizens of Texas help fund John Murtha's airport in Penn.......oh wait a minute........that was just pork a few years ago. We Americans have become so desensitized to "PORK projects" that fund special interest groups in other states that some believe this is normal. This is "unconstitutional." I would like to see what member of congress has the cajones to petition the Supreme Court on this illegality. Unfortunately, I do not think this will even make it to the USSC.


Do you see this being challenged in the Supreme Court on the grounds of being unconstitutional?

I think with the current make up of this Supreme Court, this piece o crap would be killed in a 5-4 vote. Problem is, the road to the Supreme Court is an 8 year journey through the lower court systems. By the time this issue is heard by the Supreme Court, the damage will have been done.

This is not a Health Care bill, this is a tax increase. Plain and simple.

Count on the Dems losing the Senate and the House next election. Problem is, the damage will be done. Gotta love that Hope and Change.


I really doubt the Democrats lose the Senate - too many of the seats up will be safe.

I don't know... I don't think any of the seats will be "safe" after this. Harry Reid is out, Chris Dodd is out, just to name two big names.

Dems are going to get hurt...


Glad I could help.

I am business major what do I know about spelling?

You forgot a Republican, which explains the spelling error and the reason being made the butt end of a joke made your day.


I honestly believe that made your day. And if so, what a crappy, boring day.


Nicely done. Want to give me a call late at night and talk more about it quietly as to not wake the other boys at the station?

Truce, or is this the beginning of the end?

  • Downvote 1

You forgot a Republican, which explains the spelling error and the reason being made the butt end of a joke made your day.

Yeah great stuff there, I realize I can not compete with a guy that has a 200 IQ, maybe one of the smartest guys alive. I am in awe!

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