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Disgusting Display Of Favoritism By The Big 12...


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I don't think anyone is really arguing that Alabama and Texas do not deserve to be in the title game - I think it's safe to say that we all agree there are about 5 or 6 teams who deserve to be in the title game.





Boise State

Florida (the only worthy 1-loss team)

A playoff would be a great way to settle all this, otherwise I'm very glad there is controversy with the polls and rankings!!

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If this had happened and TCU ended up in the BCS Title game, we would be further away from getting a playoff because the BCS brass could point to the system and say, "see...everyone has a shot". What happened this weekend was absolutely the best possible scenario for those who want a playoff.

No, what would have been best for those of us who want a playoff is if Nebraska had won and Cincinnati jumped TCU to play in the title game.


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No, what would have been best for those of us who want a playoff is if Nebraska had won and Cincinnati jumped TCU to play in the title game.


I understand what you're saying, but what if TCU slipped into the title game? Then the system "works".

In my opinion, the more undefeated teams (and thus, the more undefeated teams left OUT), the more support for having a playoff to determine the winner. FIVE teams are undefeated. This is a MESS. I know you all hate Texas and that is fine, but Texas winning- especially the haphazard way they won- only makes a bigger mess of everything... and only strengthens TCU's case.

As a side note, I find it hilarious UNT alums will tee off on Texas then turn around and fellate TCU, who is allegedly a peer institution with whom we (someday hope to) compete for recruits.

Edited by Eagle1855
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Explain your logic. (and you can include me in the group of "those of us who want a playoff"... I'm actually on your side).

In my opinion, the more undefeated teams (and thus, the more undefeated teams left OUT), the more support for having a playoff to determine the winner. FIVE teams are undefeated. This is a MESS. I know you all hate Texas and that is fine, but Texas winning- especially the haphazard way they won- only makes a bigger mess of everything... and only strengthens TCU's case.

As a side note, I find it hilarious UNT alums will tee off on Texas then turn around and fellate TCU, who is allegedly a peer institution with whom we (someday hope to) compete for recruits.

I think we've teed off on texas, OU, Ohios state, USC and LSU while supporting the Boise's, Utahs, Marshalls and Tulanes of the world fairly evenly.

But I see your point. The most undefeated teams left out would bring a great arguement for the system to be blown up. I was just thinking if a BCS conference team like Cincinnati jumped over a non bcs team the rage would be even greater.


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RUDY: The ball went past the LOS - Colt did not. Horse Collar was as legit as you can get when calling a horse collar. His legs did bend under him.

No one mentioned the very first possession for Nebraska saw them not get a 4th down conversion, then get a booth review and a favorable spot after - prolonging a drive and getting a field goal. The calls went both ways, as they do with most games.

You all who think Texas doesn't deserve to be in the NC:

Bama opponents:

89-67 including 6-5 CHATTANOOGA

Texas opponents:

83-74 did not play a D 1-AA school

Boise opponents:

71-86 including 6-5 UC DAVIS

TCU opponents:

70-74 including 7-4 TX ST

Cincy opponents:

70-73 including 2-9 SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ST

It's obvious the non auto-bid conference undefeateds played an easier schedule. You can't argue that.

You can argue that they don't have the opportunity because they aren't in a tougher conference... and they will get their chance:


Iowa vs Boise


Fla vs Cincy


Ga Tech vs TCU

I will bet money that at least 2 of the 3 (Cincy/Boise/TCU) will lose their bowl games. Im not saying they absolutely can't go 3-0, but chances are it will be otherwise, and lines makers will probably agree with me.

It's penis envy that makes everyone on this board lose objectivity when talking about UT and non-AQ National Championship contenders. Comments of "1988 all over again" back this up. There is always a conspiracy to this board. It's laughable and definitely lowers this fanbases college football IQ to other college football fans. It also shows how out of touch UNT fans are with winning and the grand scheme of college football. Talk to a TCU alumn. They will tell you the system sucks, but the 2 teams in the NC deserve to be there. I know - I live with 2 of them, and they are happy as can be able to get a shot at a team like Fla, Iowa, or Ga Tech, or Oregon and the prospect of an undefeated season.

All the records just indicate Texas played a bunch of average teams while Boise played one really goodt team a bunch of cupcakes. Neither one is more deserving than the other, but if I had to choose i'd go with the win over Oregon over a win vs Nebraska .

I'm not saying Texas doesn't deserve to be in the National Championship game. My arguement is that more than just 2 teams deserve a shot. In baskeball 65 teams have a shot , in baseball 32 ( i think) have a shot. With 120 teams more than just 2 deserve a shot because more than 2 are deserving a just that , a shot. We can debate this all day long , but until a playoff is in place nothing will be solved

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But I see your point. The most undefeated teams left out would bring a great arguement for the system to be blown up. I was just thinking if a BCS conference team like Cincinnati jumped over a non bcs team the rage would be even greater.


Agreed, and I see your point, which is why I had changed my initial post (though too late... ha).

My fear is, what if TCU gets in? Does that validate the BCS? Maybe, maybe not... but I think it makes the case for a playoff more challenging. I'm glad it all went the way it did as we've got a real mess on our hands. Even better if TCU and Boise State have to play each other. Total disaster.

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Of course Frogs fans aren't happy UT won. They wanted them to lose to get an opportunity for a NC, but probably didn't even expect it to be that close - and most probably say that Texas won legitimately. The Frog Fans I know, do. I wanted TCU to get a shot, but realistically didn't expect them to.

I personally don't know that the 2 best teams are in the championship game at this point, but can't argue with the logic, and even now have a tough time telling you who the best 2 are, but Texas makes a pretty good case. There are 5 undefeated teams now. Anyone of the 5 teams deserve to be in that game.

I don't understand the Yankees comment... it doesn't apply.

I did see the '88 game on film and still think something went on with the fumble calls and maybe (a lot less conclusive on the touchdown), but think it's crazy to keep referencing it like it's the sole reason for keeping UNT down 20+ years later.

The Refs might not have been great in the game last night, but I think the replay booth got all of the calls right. If anyone thinks that horse collar isn't legitimate, then it's obvious your '88 game fueled hatred for UT blinds your judgment. Nebraska was stupid to go prevent at the end of the game, and probably should have been able to make a stop when Texas' starting field position was their own 1/2 yard line. Texas' clock management at the end was some of the worst I have ever seen in any football game. The Icing the kicker timeout was a bad call. Lawrence is too good of a kicker to give that much time to calm down.

Edited by MeanMag
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Nebraska lost the game by themselves. They just shot themselves in the foot in that last drive and they deserved to lose. Good/great teams always find ways to win and Texas did that. The right call was made in that there was still 1 second left on the clock. It would have been nice to see Texas lose but whose to say TCU would have played Bama? The thinking for many people was that it was a very good chance that Cincy would have passed TCU because they had the tougher schedule and are in a BCS conference. There is favoritism in every sport, every league etc. Get over it.

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I did see the '88 game on film....

Film does it no justice compared to the live version. It was something else.

The reference to the Yankees stems from the fact that, like Texas and Ohio State making a mockery out of competitive college football, the Yankees have also been outspending everyone else for their success for decades.


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How obvious was it that the big 12 was NOT going to lose the chance for one of it's teams to play for the mythical national title game and the money that goes along with it? Texas scores 3 times on three penalty-aided drives: A B.S. pass interference call in the endzone, a B.S. pass interference on the sidelines in which the ball lands over by the bench and completely uncatchable, and a B.S. horsecollar call to set them up for the winning t.d.

The non bcs programs (TCU and Boise) get screwed once again.


This is one of the many arguments that I have had against the BCS....there is SO MUCH MONEY involved that it leads to cheating. I actually have been a little surprised that the NCAA group itself who imposes penalties on schools for the smallest of all things, actually hasn't stepped up more against the BCS because of cheating. Several years ago, when WVA was trying to make it to the NC game, they played Pitt and that game it was obvious the Big East was calling things against Pitt to keep their chances alive. Pitt ended up winning the game not much was made about it. But just think of this, two weeks ago when New Mexico hosted TCU, they stood to make 2 million more if they LOST to TCU as opposed to beating TCU. That is sad.

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I just don't see it this way.

...pass interference is so inconsistantly called throughout football (at all levels) that it is hard to pinpoint calls we may not agree with as conspiracies.

...the horsecollar tackle was clear, I'm not sure how that's a BS call.

All that being said, I don't believe that a Texas loss would have accomplished the goal of having a non BCS in the title. Most computer simulations showing a Texas loss shot Cincy, a BCS school up past TCU due to strength of schedule... ...so the fix was in. Even with a Texas Loss, Cincy was going to get the bid before TCU or Boise.

The best thing TCU can do for itself is to rape Iowa, I mean beat 'em like a red headed step-child. ...then they get a good rank next year and run the table.

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...pass interference is so inconsistantly called throughout football (at all levels) that it is hard to pinpoint calls we may not agree with as conspiracies.

Unless it happens in our games.

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No one mentioned the very first possession for Nebraska saw them not get a 4th down conversion, then get a booth review and a favorable spot after - prolonging a drive and getting a field goal. The calls went both ways, as they do with most games.

If you watch, it was a horrible spot, Im actually shocked that the refs moved the ball forward to where it should have been placed.

You all who think Texas doesn't deserve to be in the NC:

Bama opponents:

89-67 including 6-5 CHATTANOOGA

Texas opponents:

83-74 did not play a D 1-AA school

Boise opponents:

71-86 including 6-5 UC DAVIS

TCU opponents:

70-74 including 7-4 TX ST

Cincy opponents:

70-73 including 2-9 SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ST

The Bama reference or a Florida reference is moot. Bama won the SEC and despite their weak OOC, The SEC is by far a stronger conference this year.

Boise plays whoever they can schedule. Yes they play in the WAC, The schedule the big boys in OOC when they can find someone to play them. Most BcS teams are now "kitty cats" and too chicken "s" to play them. They have shown year in and year out that they can beat ANYONE.

TCU plays in the MWC which is on the verge of being a BcS conference. They crushed Utah which is a very solid team and upset Bama (last year?) and crushed BYU who beat Oklahoma, which was still a decent team this year. And they pretty much crushed EVERY team they played.

Cincy won the Big East which is a BcS conference.

The ONLY reason TU is in the BcS championship is because they play in the Big 12, and by name, the Big 12 is a good conference. Truth is that the Big 12 sucks this year. If the Big 12 had any other decent teams this year, TU's true colors would have shown up and there is no way in hell they are undefeated. Are they the most deserving team, to be in the BcS Title game, no. Are they one of the 2 best teams, LOL, um no.

It's penis envy that makes everyone on this board lose objectivity when talking about UT and non-AQ National Championship contenders. Comments of "1988 all over again" back this up. There is always a conspiracy to this board. It's laughable and definitely lowers this fanbases college football IQ to other college football fans. It also shows how out of touch UNT fans are with winning and the grand scheme of college football. Talk to a TCU alumn. They will tell you the system sucks, but the 2 teams in the NC deserve to be there. I know - I live with 2 of them, and they are happy as can be able to get a shot at a team like Fla, Iowa, or Ga Tech, or Oregon and the prospect of an undefeated season.

Nice show of class there. Of course I've come to expect nothing less of someone defending TU. No, the references to the 1988 game are helping to serve as reminders that the powers that be would rather die than allow, or even demand, that a game be called fairly. and equally. Also the hatred of TU, OK, SC, etc is beause of the douchebag fans. The type of fan who has ZERO allegiance to a school (didnt even take a one hour PE class), but claims the school as "their own" and has a wardrobe full of that teams colors, and will talk shit about another school because its not "their" school. They will actually assault fans of other schools (happened to me). People who claime to like that school because its from their own state and say that we should support them because that school represents the state, yet show NO respect for other schools in that state.

Example #1, someone who only has an associate's degree form Richland College, who has never even set foot on Tu's campus, walks around sporting TU crap with that retarded logo plastered on his truck, hates ATM, tells you that you should cheer for TU because they are from Texas and the only real college football team in the state (despite TCU being undefeated), and says thay support all Texas college teams, but had no clue that Houston was actually playing for the CUSA Championship yesterday.

Example #2, someone who managed only a semester at San Marcos, before dropping out because he couldnt hack it, hangs out with his buddies on Saturdays at a sports bar, wearing so much TU brown he looks like the damn band, tells his buddies, "Im a real fan, I TRY to make a game every year." He thinks he is more of a fan that someone from a "smaller" school" who will attend every home game of their alma mater and would gladly make a trip of 5 or more hours to watch them play, and sit through a 77-10 defeat.

Hope that clears it up for you a little.

Edited by Rudy
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If you watch, it was a horrible spot, Im actually shocked that the refs moved the ball forward to where it should have been placed.

The Bama reference or a Florida reference is moot. Bama won the SEC and despite their weak OOC, The SEC is by far a stronger conference this year.

Boise plays whoever they can schedule. Yes they play in the WAC, The schedule the big boys in OOC when they can find someone to play them. Most BcS teams are now "kitty cats" and too chicken "s" to play them. They have shown year in and year out that they can beat ANYONE.

TCU plays in the MWC which is on the verge of being a BcS conference. They crushed Utah which is a very solid team and upset Bama (last year?) and crushed BYU who beat Oklahoma, which was still a decent team this year. And they pretty much crushed EVERY team they played.

Cincy won the Big East which is a BcS conference.

The ONLY reason TU is in the BcS championship is because they play in the Big 12, and by name, the Big 12 is a good conference. Truth is that the Big 12 sucks this year. If the Big 12 had any other decent teams this year, TU's true colors would have shown up and there is no way in hell they are undefeated. Are they the most deserving team, to be in the BcS Title game, no. Are they one of the 2 best teams, LOL, um no.

Nice show of class there. Of course I've come to expect nothing less of someone defending TU. No, the references to the 1988 game are helping to serve as reminders that the powers that be would rather die than allow, or even demand, that a game be called fairly. and equally. Also the hatred of TU, OK, SC, etc is beause of the douchebag fans. The type of fan who has ZERO allegiance to a school (didnt even take a one hour PE class), but claims the school as "their own" and has a wardrobe full of that teams colors, and will talk shit about another school because its not "their" school. They will actually assault fans of other schools (happened to me). People who claime to like that school because its from their own state and say that we should support them because that school represents the state, yet show NO respect for other schools in that state.

Example #1, someone who only has an associate's degree form Richland College, who has never even set foot on Tu's campus, walks around sporting TU crap with that retarded logo plastered on his truck, hates ATM, tells you that you should cheer for TU because they are from Texas and the only real college football team in the state (despite TCU being undefeated), and says thay support all Texas college teams, but had no clue that Houston was actually playing for the CUSA Championship yesterday.

Example #2, someone who managed only a semester at San Marcos, before dropping out because he couldnt hack it, hangs out with his buddies on Saturdays at a sports bar, wearing so much TU brown he looks like the damn band, tells his buddies, "Im a real fan, I TRY to make a game every year." He thinks he is more of a fan that someone from a "smaller" school" who will attend every home game of their alma mater and would gladly make a trip of 5 or more hours to watch them play, and sit through a 77-10 defeat.

Hope that clears it up for you a little.

There's a case to be made in favor of TCU vs. Texas.

This is not it.

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Without wading through all the feces, I'll just say that i was rooting as hard against the Horns as anyone, but to look for conspiracy in that game is borderline insanity. Texas outgained Nebraska at almost double the yardage, and the Huskers still had to WORK to Dodge the game away by kicking out of bounds, giving up a big play to the WR everyone knows the ball is going to, and committing an obvious and stupid penalty.

Colt throws it out of bounds, and even me with my very slanted opinion just waited for the ball to be reset with one second it was so obvious. Bad clock management by the silver fox, but obviously a second left. Then, Texas has the anti-Knott... a good clutch kicker. Like it or not, they earned it.

Not saying TCU or Cincy or Boise wouldn't take them. But this was no conspiracy. I'm more concerned how we're gonna win the f'n Belt next year myself.

Edited by CaribbeanGreen
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Without wading through all the feces, I'll just say that i was rooting as hard against the Horns as anyone, but to look for conspiracy in that game is borderline insanity. Texas outgained Nebraska at almost double the yardage, and the Huskers still had to WORK to Dodge the game away by kicking out of bounds, giving up a big play to the WR everyone knows the ball is going to, and committing an obvious and stupid penalty.

Colt throws it out of bounds, and even me with my very slanted opinion just waited for the ball to be reset with one second it was so obvious. Bad clock management by the silver fox, but obviously a second left. Then, Texas has the anti-Knott... a good clutch kicker. Like it or not, they earned it.

Not saying TCU or Cincy or Boise wouldn't take them. But this was no conspiracy. I'm more concerned how we're gonna win the f'n Belt next year myself.

I think it sucks that LongJim and my bedroom partner have to waste time apologizing for their win. The problem is the BCS, not the Longhorns.

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