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Are We Broke?


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Are we so cash strapped from the new stadium that we can't afford the $500,000 to buy out Dodge?

No he's saving up for next year. TD will be fired after we lose to WKU on the road next year. DeLoach will take over as interim , then RV will make a big splash at the end of the season with a big hire as we head into the new stadium. I'm about 99% sure this will happen.If not I'll take my lumps

Edited by NT03
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No he's saving up for next year. TD will be fired after we lose to WKU on the road next year. DeLoach will take over as interim , then RV will make a big splash at the end of the season we a big hire as we head into the new stadium. I'm about 99% sure this will happen.If not I'll take my lumps

I ain't never gonna take no lumps.

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Are we so cash strapped from the new stadium that we can't afford the $500,000 to buy out Dodge?

You'd possibly need to give the assistants severance as well. In addition, it would likely cost an additional half-million (or much more) for the new coach and his staff.

Also, we don't know whether any big donors threatened to withdraw or reduce committment if Dodge leaves or not. There are too many factors that we are not aware of to know the total financial impact of firing Dodge.

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You'd possibly need to give the assistants severance as well. In addition, it would likely cost an additional half-million (or much more) for the new coach and his staff.

Also, we don't know whether any big donors threatened to withdraw or reduce committment if Dodge leaves or not. There are too many factors that we are not aware of to know the total financial impact of firing Dodge.

If it is necessary at this time next year, the cost will be much less.

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Are we so cash strapped from the new stadium that we can't afford the $500,000 to buy out Dodge?

Why does everyone keep bringing up the money angle? Number 1, if the decision is between keeping a coach with no hope of improvement or sending $500,000 over the next two years then most financial analysis I dare state would strongly favor paying the coach off. The cost of decreased revenue and donations and lost momentum would be much greater than the cost of buying out the coach's contract. Number 2, in light of a minimum $78m expenditure for the stadium, the cost is hardly material. Number 3, RV stated publicly this was not a factor.

Do you really think that NT would be stupid enough to sabotage a season just before the opening of a new stadium for half a mil? Just maybe, the powers to be think that the best chance of turning the tide next year is giving Dodge one more year. A conclusion that many disagree with but it is obviously the reason that Dodge is still here. No, NT can't buy their way out of the problem ala SMU, were supporters ponyed up $2m annually to hire a coach. But on the other hand, NT is probably as financial able to compete as they have ever been. I would guess that when NT does hire another football head coach that the salary will be more than adequate to compete with the Belt.

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Why does everyone keep bringing up the money angle? Number 1, if the decision is between keeping a coach with no hope of improvement or sending $500,000 over the next two years then most financial analysis I dare state would strongly favor paying the coach off. The cost of decreased revenue and donations and lost momentum would be much greater than the cost of buying out the coach's contract. Number 2, in light of a minimum $78m expenditure for the stadium, the cost is hardly material. Number 3, RV stated publicly this was not a factor.

Do you really think that NT would be stupid enough to sabotage a season just before the opening of a new stadium for half a mil? Just maybe, the powers to be think that the best chance of turning the tide next year is giving Dodge one more year. A conclusion that many disagree with but it is obviously the reason that Dodge is still here. No, NT can't buy their way out of the problem ala SMU, were supporters ponyed up $2m annually to hire a coach. But on the other hand, NT is probably as financial able to compete as they have ever been. I would guess that when NT does hire another football head coach that the salary will be more than adequate to compete with the Belt.

If we're not cash strapped, is there any reason that we couldn't hire a special teams coach (no, not to replace anyone; an additional coaching position just to coach special teams)?

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If it is necessary at this time next year, the cost will be much less.

I don't think that's true.

It's only true if we don't use the reassignment clause and any other leverage we have to negotiate a lower payout, AND if Dodge declined to take another job coaching as a coordinator or at a high school somewhere that would reduce the buyout.

I think that if we fire him next year, we'll likely have to pay the entire balance of his 5th year salary. If we'd fired him this year, I think we'd have been able to get out for slightly more than that, unless Dodge just decided to do whatever job they assigned him for the next two years rather than going somewhere to rebuild his coaching reputation.

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I don't know if I've ever seen a field goal try attempted in which the defense didn't get some kind of push, have ya'll? I'm thinking it's somewhat normal to expect a 2, 3, or even a 4 yard push up the middle at times.


I have wondered if some conversation has occurred like, "has anybody here blocked for punts or place kicks before?"

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Yes, there is a NCAA limit on how many coaches a school can have. I assume NT is at that limit.

Considering all the claims that we have no money, I certainly wouldn't make that assumption. A quick check/comparison shows that UNT currently has a football coaching staff of 12 while Texas lists 14, plus two graduate assistants on their football staff directory.

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Considering all the claims that we have no money, I certainly wouldn't make that assumption. A quick check/comparison shows that UNT currently has a football coaching staff of 12 while Texas lists 14, plus two graduate assistants on their football staff directory.

Unless it has changed recently, the NCAA fb division limit for coaches is 11. Head coach, eight assistants and 2 restricted earnings coaches (graduate assistants). There is a difference in staff and coaches, the strength and conditioning coach at NT for instance is not considered a football coach. Neither are people with titles like football operations director. I am sure UT and other money is no object universities have a boatload of personnel with operational titles aiding the team. The NCAA does try to strictly control the quantity of coaches. However, not the fact that UT and some other universities have assistant coaches earning more than the entire NT coaching staff.

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Here is the rule you guys can quit guessing.

In addition to these scheduling requirements, Division I-A institutions must also provide an average of 90 percent of the permissible maximum grants-in-aid in football per year over a rolling two-year average. Currently, the maximum number of grants-in-aid in Division I-A football is 85 full scholarships. Thus, a Division I-A institution must award an average of 76.5 scholarships over a rolling two-year period. In contrast, Division I-AA institutions are not required to provide any scholarships to their football student-athletes to remain a Division I-AA institution. This stark contrast illustrates the emphasis Division I-A institutions place on the level of competition in football.

Each institution may employ a maximum of 12 coaches in Division I-A football. According to NCAA Bylaw 11.7.2, this limit includes one head coach, nine assistant coaches and 2 graduate assistant coaches.

Edited by KingDL1
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I must be somewhat alone here, but I am glad Dodge is back. This year was the 1st time in a while that I saw improvement. The record doesn't show it, but things seem to be looking up....at least to me. Even in most of the games we lost we were in the game. In recent years we might be 2-10, but with losses that were just beatings. Our D and O did better this year, and all I can ask for is improvement at this point. For those who did not watch the games I understand the desire to see Dodge go, but for the long term fans that are usually on the boards that watch all the games I am surprised that I am alone in seeing the improvement over the last several years. Also any coach should get 4 years. He must have a chance for his recruits to become seniors before a decision is made.

One more thing....If I am remembering correctly UNT lost some scholarships, so had fewer to work with. And who are we going to get to replace him that we could actually get excited about?

This is my 2 cents that might not be worth 1.

Edited by 0footballfan0
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I must be somewhat alone here, but I am glad Dodge is back. This year was the 1st time in a while that I saw improvement. The record doesn't show it, but things seem to be looking up....at least to me. Even in most of the games we lost we were in the game. In recent years we might be 2-10, but with losses that were just beatings. Our D and O did better this year, and all I can ask for is improvement at this point. For those who did not watch the games I understand the desire to see Dodge go, but for the long term fans that are usually on the boards that watch all the games I am surprised that I am alone in seeing the improvement over the last several years. Also any coach should get 4 years. He must have a chance for his recruits to become seniors before a decision is made.

One more thing....If I am remembering correctly UNT lost some scholarships, so had fewer to work with. And who are we going to get to replace him that we could actually get excited about?

This is my 2 cents that might not be worth 1.

I do not think it has to do with not seeing improvement, but more in the way of seeing the same mistakes occurring worse at the end of the year than at the start, we had Ohio won but WR dropped 2 TD passes, ULL, Army, FAU, FIU playcalling went conservative with a lead. MTSU/Arky State fell behind quick and ran same plays over and over again, really not much different than DD's run right, run left, run center calling, Dodge now goes zone read right, zone read left, bubble screen ... rinse and repeat.

If it was not the same mistakes over and over again then the improvement would be fine but alas to late and it is time to get behind TD and hope he can win a few games early next year or else he would be gone by start if November.

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