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Source: Decision Made

Brett Vito

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Point well made, Green P1.

(And Got5OnIt, you are right also...perspective has no place on this board...I would insert smile face here if I could even stand for one minute the emoticons)



We're obviously beyond any sense of normality here (and I would expect the same on any other fan site). The whole Dodge see-saw job thing is just amplifying it all for the moment. :lol:

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So why the life lessons speech on a football message board????

Because the majority of the posters on here act like this is making us the laughing stock of D1 football when outside of the 20 or so consistent posters on here and the 4 or 5 people that read Vito's blog, the public could really care less.

The fact is that everyone is just speculating at this point, Vito, the fans, posters on here, etc... and nobody outside of the Athletic Department really knows what is going on.

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Because the majority of the posters on here act like this is making us the laughing stock of D1 football when outside of the 20 or so consistent posters on here and the 4 or 5 people that read Vito's blog, the public could really care less.

The fact is that everyone is just speculating at this point, Vito, the fans, posters on here, etc... and nobody outside of the Athletic Department really knows what is going on.

The AD may not even know what is going on. It may be that he and Todge had a talk about not knowing what is going on. Dr. B may be holding the keys and since her main focus isn't football, she probably doesn't see any problem with waiting a week to fire both of them.

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Because the majority of the posters on here act like this is making us the laughing stock of D1 football when outside of the 20 or so consistent posters on here and the 4 or 5 people that read Vito's blog, the public could really care less.

The fact is that everyone is just speculating at this point, Vito, the fans, posters on here, etc... and nobody outside of the Athletic Department really knows what is going on.

Some could rightfully argue that the AD doesn't know what is going on.

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Just curious, because I don't want to look it up, but how long was our Volleyball coach here and what was the record of said coach?

**nevermind - I looked it up. 10 years and a winning percentage of 41% and we let her go. Seriously, shouldn't we just be happy with a 41% winning percentage.

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999
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So Rick, you are saying that if you cared less than you do, you could bring invite more folks to come to the game? Try it...we need the fans, and you probably could use some blood pressure meds, my friend.

I am more worried about whether the way I perform my job will make me the laughing stock of the unemployment line than what others think about my football program.

The point about the pal from Utah is that MOST people in the world could give a rats a-- over ANY team in college football other than their own. The fact that he looks at our scores, and doesn't associate our 30th loss in the last three years with anything other than "man, they almost won that thing," shows the myopic view and perhaps disproportionate-to-what-really-matters focus some of us (including me at times) place on our team. Clearly I understand that it is FUNNER to be a passionate fan than the guy who has to wonder what he is going to do with his Fall Saturdays....I am one of you, with all due respect to the greatness of your fandom.

Maybe I am an uncompetitive, dispassionate lout, but I can tell you I have never once "laughed my ass off" when I hung up from speaking with friends who are fans of Cleveland or Oakland, or any of the occasionally horrible college programs that grace the competitive landscape. I wasn't laughing my ass off at my SMU friends for the last 25 years, or my Rice friends for most of the last 5 decades or so (I am fully aware of the good seasons these teams have had, as well as the bad).

Yes I care greatly for my team, but I REALLY care about putting food on the table for my family, providing my kids decent schools to attend and keeping my marriage happy (and don't let me forget God and country...sound the patriotic music here).



Your attempts to pale being so worked up over this in comparison to the "real" problems in life aside, I think you still miss the point.

People outside of the North Texas family DO pay attention to how much we lose year, after year, after year...ad nauseum. They DO ask questions like "are ya'll gonna fire Dodge yet?" They DO make snide comments like "What are you guys now, 1-10?" And more importantly, people who graduated from our fine alma mater DO reply to "hey, why don't you come to the game with me Saturday?" with "Why? They sucked when I was there and they still do." So saying that Rick should try to bring people to the games is extremely near sighted. He does, as do I, as do all of us. When our athletic department hamstrings our efforts by keeping a coach who is not only losing, but losing in new and inexplicable ways week after week...it is no longer worth it or prudent to "try" to build our fan base at the word of mouth level. We can't possibly fight against the tide of imperical proof.

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Your attempts to pale being so worked up over this in comparison to the "real" problems in life aside, I think you still miss the point.

People outside of the North Texas family DO pay attention to how much we lose year, after year, after year...ad nauseum. They DO ask questions like "are ya'll gonna fire Dodge yet?" They DO make snide comments like "What are you guys now, 1-10?" And more importantly, people who graduated from our fine alma mater DO reply to "hey, why don't you come to the game with me Saturday?" with "Why? They sucked when I was there and they still do." So saying that Rick should try to bring people to the games is extremely near sighted. He does, as do I, as do all of us. When our athletic department hamstrings our efforts by keeping a coach who is not only losing, but losing in new and inexplicable ways week after week...it is no longer worth it or prudent to "try" to build our fan base at the word of mouth level. We can't possibly fight against the tide of imperical proof.

Any PR is Good PR.... :lol: Just tell that to the Dallas Police forces union when the next cop gets busted for stepping over the line. Does that stuff make the Dallas Police the laughing stock of the world? I doubt it. I think the Dallas cops (and most any police forces for that matter) does a great job with limited resources in a pretty tough neighborhood like "Dallas". But, stuff happens...I do not ever recall standing around the water cooler at work and talking about how embarrassing it is to have a police force like Dallas has or how glad I am that I no longer live in Dallas because the cops are so embarrassing....I have also never heard anyone tell me they are so embarrassed for me to be a UNT grad because of the football team's w/l record. I get a "friendly jab" every once in awhile, but that is all in fun and I can give it back as well as take it. Things change given time....deal with it.

Some here like to call folks "apologists"...well, how about we call the "other side" the WHINNERS? Just saying...if you can't enjoy yourself by supporting your college team...win, lose or draw...maybe you really do need to re-think some of your priorities...just saying.....It is important to me as it is to anyone else here on this board that UNT improve its football program, and I will "share the pain" with everyone else who calls themselves a member of the Mean green Nation until the wins return, but I will not EVER be personally embarrassed by the record of any football team. Come now......

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Your attempts to pale being so worked up over this in comparison to the "real" problems in life aside, I think you still miss the point.

People outside of the North Texas family DO pay attention to how much we lose year, after year, after year...ad nauseum. They DO ask questions like "are ya'll gonna fire Dodge yet?" They DO make snide comments like "What are you guys now, 1-10?" And more importantly, people who graduated from our fine alma mater DO reply to "hey, why don't you come to the game with me Saturday?" with "Why? They sucked when I was there and they still do." So saying that Rick should try to bring people to the games is extremely near sighted. He does, as do I, as do all of us. When our athletic department hamstrings our efforts by keeping a coach who is not only losing, but losing in new and inexplicable ways week after week...it is no longer worth it or prudent to "try" to build our fan base at the word of mouth level. We can't possibly fight against the tide of imperical proof.

My experience has been the exact opposite. My friends (who live in DFW) pay very little attention to what UNT is doing because they simply do not care. These are huge college football fans that can name the top 25 rankings on any given week, yet all they could tell you about UNT is what they hear from me - or something in regards to the gay homecoming vote. While they don't know our exact record, they always safely assume that it's pretty bad. Even my friends that graduated from UNT don't follow what's happening with the football program - these are the same people who would attend the homecoming games every year, back when we were winning. Now that we're losing, they've lost all interest. And who can really blame them, it's rather embarrassing to have only won five games in three years. When I'm at a business meeting and the conversation turns to college football, I always dread the question of, "Which school did you go to?" And then the sympathetic smile and sudden change of conversation. I've taken friends to UNT football games before and they vowed never to go back because they were bored.

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I feel we stand to lose much more if we go the rout of trying to keep Dodge and replace a few of his coaches. I cant think of three respectable assistant coaches that will jump on our sinking ship, knowing that if this team posts another bad season, they will be gone, with the rest of the staff, and get to put the experience on their resume. I just dont feel the kind of assistant coaches we would want are going to want to join a staff that would have such a high probability of unemployment after next season.

That's not entirely true. The defensive coordinator that ULM brought in this year is being considered as a replacement for Weatherbie. Our offense can vouch for his ability to put together a capable defense. <_<

Anyway, if you look at what assistants are paid at Non-AQs, our coordinators don't do too badly. It would be a notch up for a good coordinator or position coach at another school.

But, again, we have to have the athletic director believing in what he's selling. He didn't do that in 2006. You have to go out into the marketplace and ask people. Making a phone call to someone 25 miles away or talking to someone who happens to be passing through on the way to Tulane isn't conducting a coaching search.

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My experience has been the exact opposite. My friends (who live in DFW) pay very little attention to what UNT is doing because they simply do not care. These are huge college football fans that can name the top 25 rankings on any given week, yet all they could tell you about UNT is what they hear from me - or something in regards to the gay homecoming vote. While they don't know our exact record, they always safely assume that it's pretty bad. Even my friends that graduated from UNT don't follow what's happening with the football program - these are the same people who would attend the homecoming games every year, back when we were winning. Now that we're losing, they've lost all interest. And who can really blame them, it's rather embarrassing to have only won five games in three years. When I'm at a business meeting and the conversation turns to college football, I always dread the question of, "Which school did you go to?" And then the sympathetic smile and sudden change of conversation. I've taken friends to UNT football games before and they vowed never to go back because they were bored.

It's like you took thoughts out of my head and wrote this for me

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... if you can't enjoy yourself by supporting your college team...win, lose or draw...maybe you really do need to re-think some of your priorities...

I think you know where you can put your concern for the priorities of other Mean Green fans. Following your alma mater should be enjoyable. It's not all that much fun to see the team do the same thing over and over and expect different results.

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I think you know where you can put your concern for the priorities of other Mean Green fans. Following your alma mater should be enjoyable. It's not all that much fun to see the team do the same thing over and over and expect different results.

Where? <_<:unsure:

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I am more worried about whether the way I perform my job will make me the laughing stock of the unemployment line than what others think about my football program.

Scott, this is the football board, where fans come to share their interests about football, and mainly North Texas football be it positive or negative at times. The job message board is HERE, although I'm not sure if there's access to counseling there or not. Surely someone over there, or possibly even your current HR department, can help you try and figure out the difference between the two subjects: favorite past-time/hobbies and life responsiblities.


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