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If Rv Retains Dodge

Pen Yan Fan

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Obviously, RV should be judged based on his performance and nothing is more important to an AD than the football program. RV has largely escaped criticism throughout his career despite a lot of wrong turns mixed in with his successes. A successful stadium campaign will probably give him job security despite the Dodge hire. I do question what the heck, RV is doing with the Dodge decision. This meeting with the President to determine Dodge's fate seemed to be a smoke screen, but for what?

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If RV retains Dodge for next season and TD goes on to another 2 or 3 win season, what should happen to RV? Shouldn't there be some type of check on him for making the wrong decision twice?

Every football program makes bad coaching decisions....just hard to know, but RV has done so much for this program...the AC and the stadium are MAJOR parts of building a football program..recruiting, etc. Having facilities at a 36,000 student university makes all the difference in the world in giving us an OPPORTUNITY to be successful....this was not the case 30 years ago, but it is now. So while RV should be judged on his decisions, it is TD who should really be judged on his decisions...and let me tell you, they have been very poor. RV gets a pretty big pass from me....like us all, he has no crystal ball.

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The AD's job is much bigger and much more involved than just the football team's won/loss record. I realize that is hard for many to understand, but it is...that being said, football is the "bell cow" sport and an AD is often judged by the school's success in football. RV has had to live with his decision to hire TD, and the jury is still out (in my opinion) on whether TD can turn the program into a winning one given the resources he has to work with in the current "environment". I think TD should get one more year to turn the program, and I think RV can then be judged on the football program's success or failure in moving in a positive direction. However, I, for one, do not want my AD evaluated solely on one program's performance with regard to w/l's on the field.

So, to me RV has been and hopefully will continue to be one of the best AD's UNT has had for several years to come...and he will give TD one more opportunity to show that the football team can turn the corner.

I do not envy RV at this time and I wish him all the best in the world as he ponders this very important question.


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The AD's job is much bigger and much more involved than just the football team's won/loss record. I realize that is hard for many to understand, but it is...that being said, football is the "bell cow" sport and an AD is often judged by the school's success in football. RV has had to live with his decision to hire TD, and the jury is still out (in my opinion) on whether TD can turn the program into a winning one given the resources he has to work with in the current "environment". I think TD should get one more year to turn the program, and I think RV can then be judged on the football program's success or failure in moving in a positive direction. However, I, for one, do not want my AD evaluated solely on one program's performance with regard to w/l's on the field.

So, to me RV has been and hopefully will continue to be one of the best AD's UNT has had for several years to come...and he will give TD one more opportunity to show that the football team can turn the corner.

I do not envy RV at this time and I wish him all the best in the world as he ponders this very important question.


I think the jury is in on whether Dodge can turn this thing around, but the cousel doesn't like the verdict...or, the cost of the defense of the case.

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The AD's job is much bigger and much more involved than just the football team's won/loss record. I realize that is hard for many to understand, but it is...that being said, football is the "bell cow" sport and an AD is often judged by the school's success in football. RV has had to live with his decision to hire TD, and the jury is still out (in my opinion) on whether TD can turn the program into a winning one given the resources he has to work with in the current "environment". I think TD should get one more year to turn the program, and I think RV can then be judged on the football program's success or failure in moving in a positive direction. However, I, for one, do not want my AD evaluated solely on one program's performance with regard to w/l's on the field.

So, to me RV has been and hopefully will continue to be one of the best AD's UNT has had for several years to come...and he will give TD one more opportunity to show that the football team can turn the corner.

I do not envy RV at this time and I wish him all the best in the world as he ponders this very important question.


So you are coming to the darkside? :P

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So you are coming to the darkside? :P

Nope, just trying to take a rational approach to all the "chatter" here on GMG.com. It's a very tough decision and not as "cut and dried" as some on the board would make it out to be. RV is in one of those "danged if you do and danged if you don't positions". Fire TD and you make some folks happy, keep him and you make others happy, but either way you go you will get a storm of folks responding.

I have made my support for both RV and TD fairly clear here on GMG.com and in public, so I stay with that position. I see no reason to join the dark side...even though that Darth Vader outfit is pretty cool!


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