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From Vito


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Actually, I think the longer it takes, the better it is for Dodge. The position has to stay open for 30 days, so the longer there is no announcement, the longer we go without being able to hire a new coach and the more likely we will just have to stick with what we have.

I think the whole 30 day law in this case would be just a technicality, and non issue.

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Jub Jub was just talking on the radio with Craig this morning about how the info he was being told was that Dodge would be back for next season.

I heard that this morning as well. Sounded to me like Jub still wanted Dodge on board.

Jub's defenses and excuses were, of course, all related to off the field stuff. It's old. Every college coach in America deals with off the field stuff. Mack Brown had yet another player arrested for DWI this weekend. Tennessee had three or four involved in a robbery. Everyone has injuries on top of all of those things. And, yet, some coaches find way to win in spite of all the falderall off the field.

The fact of the matter is that there are some coaches who can handle the off the field stuff without it messing up the product on the field. Todd Dodge cannot. It seems that he must plod along, doing one thing at a time. First we'll do this, then we'll do that...maybe we'll win, maybe we won't. But, we care.

And, that's the other thing that's overblown. The vast majority of college coaches care for their players. It's not like we stumbled upon some sort of anomaly in Dodge. Coaches are just about 100% churchgoers with families that take good pictures and have neat, clean lives. There are very few exceptions. So, believing that this should even be factored in is nothing more than an excuse for the poor on the field product.

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It is a technicality that prevents a new coach from recruiting and running practices as well as other duties of the position. It is an issue the prevents them from doing the job.

Not sure how you figured this, they have lots of possibilities in how to over come said problem. Like name the new coach as interim coach until the end of the 30 day period. There are ways around just about anything.

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Not sure how you figured this, they have lots of possibilities in how to over come said problem. Like name the new coach as interim coach until the end of the 30 day period. There are ways around just about anything.

Typically an interim coach is already on staff. They would need to hire from within since all of these positions are filled, or have not been on the books for 30 days either. Besides, I don't think that we need to try to work the system and get ourselves in trouble, we have plenty of that already.

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I have had a chance to see at least 90% of the last games. I have enjoyed the same diappointments and positive moments like the rest of you. The Army game was a bad to me as the Rice game. I would love to see Dodge come back and continuing to turn it around. I could easily rant for hours on why, but I will save you the long winded text and limit the amount of ammunition some of you love to use against me and the green cool-aide brigade! Nothing gets the attention of a man like the last 3 years. I think Todd knows he is not bullet proff. This has humbled him and really got him working hard to get the answers, just like getting DeLoach back. Depending on where Coach Dodge is on this thing, at minimum we keep him as an offensive coordinator or quarterback coach and get Jeff Bowers in to call the shots. Riley should move to WR where he can be a trmemndous double or triple threat.

I say keep Dodge for another year, one way or another. Nobody would be more committed to our/his program. But........I want to win when it comes to SMU and the new stadium. I wear my hard hat proudly!!!! I believe!

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I have had a chance to see at least 90% of the last games. I have enjoyed the same diappointments and positive moments like the rest of you. The Army game was a bad to me as the Rice game. I would love to see Dodge come back and continuing to turn it around. I could easily rant for hours on why, but I will save you the long winded text and limit the amount of ammunition some of you love to use against me and the green cool-aide brigade! Nothing gets the attention of a man like the last 3 years. I think Todd knows he is not bullet proff. This has humbled him and really got him working hard to get the answers, just like getting DeLoach back. Depending on where Coach Dodge is on this thing, at minimum we keep him as an offensive coordinator or quarterback coach and get Jeff Bowers in to call the shots. Riley should move to WR where he can be a trmemndous double or triple threat.

I say keep Dodge for another year, one way or another. Nobody would be more committed to our/his program. But........I want to win when it comes to SMU and the new stadium. I wear my hard hat proudly!!!! I believe!

Wouldn't take me that long on why not. The record speaks for itself.

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You are also assuming Dodge doesn't continue to tank. I don't think it is unrealistic for any coach to post a minimum 6 wins in one season in his fourth year. However, Dodge hasn't hit 6 total wins after three years. Given his past performance, my confidence level in such a dramatic improvement is not very high.

It is good Dr. B is in the meetings with RV and TD concerning his continued TD's position as HC. I think she is interested in football and VERY interested in raising money for the new stadium and the University...make no mistake about it...this is about raising money for the stadium and the University FIRST. You can not raise money with the current product and a 5-30 record. I went to some friends to watch the UT / Aggie college game (yes I am Texas X) and a friend of mine who went to law school at Texas and has had season tickets for too many years to count said that Texas sold 80,000 season tickets...this is up from the 40,000 pre Mack Brown....and the reason for this is they are winning and people want to watch the games and be a part of the winning atmosphere and game day experience. It would seem to me that you just can't keep TD as head coach with this record...he just does seem to make good decisions to me....also, he puts in RD as QB who has been the cause of many losses in my opinion when it seems obvious the 2nd and redshirt qb's run the team much better...TD should lose his job for this fact alone.

UNT has been the laughing stock of college football for about as long as I can remember...after Fry left....C Nelson was good but UNt ran him off and DD won some sunbelt titles agains very weak teams...that has changed, but still we played failrly well....so maybe 5-6 years out of the last 35 yrs we have put a fair team on the field.....otherwise...a joke.

Notice that the season tickets for the club level are $350 seat with $25,000 donation...how well are these going to sell with a 5-30 team...I'm suspecting that the same ones saying he will do well next season were the same ones saying he wouold do well this season when we discussed this last year. The evidence doesn't support keeping him as HC for another year...write off the 900,000 bucks paid for a 5-30 record, stop trying to win by finding the weakest teams in Div 1 (BCS) and get past this bottom dweller attitude about UNT football...expect and demand more from our football program like Boise State (who we use to beat on a regular basis) and TCU, etc.

UNT expects you and others to "step up to the plate" and pay to play....more money to watch unt football and ....thats OK...we expect to pay more for a better game and stadium....but UNT is going to have to demand more and expect to pay more for a winning program....everyone else is, so why would UNT think they are the exception?

RV has a tough decision to make...I like TD like others...don't think RD is QB material...too many mistakes..not seen by Tune and the redshirt Thompson. I think RD as QB is TD's wish and probably cost us several games. What I do know is 5 yrs is too long for a pathetic football program and I think we have the talent to be a much better team, so I have to think thisis mostly coaching...or lack of coaching by TD.


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RV has a tough decision to make...I like TD like others...don't think RD is QB material...too many mistakes..not seen by Tune and the redshirt Thompson. I think RD as QB is TD's wish and probably cost us several games. What I do know is 5 yrs is too long for a pathetic football program and I think we have the talent to be a much better team, so I have to think thisis mostly coaching...or lack of coaching by TD.

Too soon to tell.

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It is good Dr. B is in the meetings with RV and TD concerning his continued TD's position as HC. I think she is interested in football and VERY interested in raising money for the new stadium and the University...make no mistake about it...this is about raising money for the stadium and the University FIRST. You can not raise money with the current product and a 5-30 record. I went to some friends to watch the UT / Aggie college game (yes I am Texas X) and a friend of mine who went to law school at Texas and has had season tickets for too many years to count said that Texas sold 80,000 season tickets...this is up from the 40,000 pre Mack Brown....and the reason for this is they are winning and people want to watch the games and be a part of the winning atmosphere and game day experience. It would seem to me that you just can't keep TD as head coach with this record...he just does seem to make good decisions to me....also, he puts in RD as QB who has been the cause of many losses in my opinion when it seems obvious the 2nd and redshirt qb's run the team much better...TD should lose his job for this fact alone.

UNT has been the laughing stock of college football for about as long as I can remember...after Fry left....C Nelson was good but UNt ran him off and DD won some sunbelt titles agains very weak teams...that has changed, but still we played failrly well....so maybe 5-6 years out of the last 35 yrs we have put a fair team on the field.....otherwise...a joke.

Notice that the season tickets for the club level are $350 seat with $25,000 donation...how well are these going to sell with a 5-30 team...I'm suspecting that the same ones saying he will do well next season were the same ones saying he wouold do well this season when we discussed this last year. The evidence doesn't support keeping him as HC for another year...write off the 900,000 bucks paid for a 5-30 record, stop trying to win by finding the weakest teams in Div 1 (BCS) and get past this bottom dweller attitude about UNT football...expect and demand more from our football program like Boise State (who we use to beat on a regular basis) and TCU, etc.

UNT expects you and others to "step up to the plate" and pay to play....more money to watch unt football and ....thats OK...we expect to pay more for a better game and stadium....but UNT is going to have to demand more and expect to pay more for a winning program....everyone else is, so why would UNT think they are the exception?

RV has a tough decision to make...I like TD like others...don't think RD is QB material...too many mistakes..not seen by Tune and the redshirt Thompson. I think RD as QB is TD's wish and probably cost us several games. What I do know is 5 yrs is too long for a pathetic football program and I think we have the talent to be a much better team, so I have to think thisis mostly coaching...or lack of coaching by TD.


Amen!...my Harris County bretheren. Anyone care to see what U of H has done WITHOUT a New Stadium?

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