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Brett Vito Makes Bold Prediction That Todd Dodge Will Not Be Back


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Basically he sums it up with a top four.

1. The New Stadium

2. 5-30

3. Embarrassing loss after another

4. TCU/SMU Success

I dont really care if Dodge comes back or not, if he does, im interested in seeing his scheme for playing K-state and Rice at home, I really am. If Dodge goes, then I wonder how fast Bower will have an office side by side with RV in the Athletic Center.

Should be an interesting off season.

Edited by UNT_playmaker
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Hey Alex, thanks for the 2 day old blog that has already been discussed on here! Keep em coming bro ;) I don't think that you are the Hurricane Eagle, I think that you are the Incorrect/Yesterday's News Eagle, lol. Just kidding with ya man, it looks like it was a late night for you so I gotta give you a hard time :)

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I would hope UNT fans don't need the university to humor them.

Considering UNT only could scrape together $265K to pay Dodge, and you'd have to pay him and his staff so much in severence, what kind of coaching budget are you going to have for the new guy?

$200K? Tops? Who exactly is that going to bring in? an FCS coach? A no-name sunbelt assistant?

(Don't delude yourselves into thinking you can contribute money and that will make up a coaching salary. 1# UNT alums apparently can't even contribute to fund a stadium they have reportedly wanted for 30 years. 2# If this administration gets money, it is going to the stadium. As it should.)

You won't get a name. No one UNT can afford will recruit here better than Dodge, meaning the talent level will only decrease if you fire Dodge.

In other words, UNT would essentially keep their program at the level it is indefinitely in an effort to get petulant alumni to fork over their stadium contributions. That seems to be what isn't being said here.

The University seems to acknowledge that the program is building up the talent it needs to win long term under Dodge but is perhaps floating the idea that they might be willing to trade that in an effort to get recalcitrant alumni contributing to the stadium.

#Frankly I think the people who do care about UNT are going to give their money anyway. Pissed off as they may be over losing, they love their university too much not to. Those who make excuses will continue to make excuses why not to give. IMO, there is no reason to appease those people --- they aren't going to help you get the stadium built anyway.)

So even though this team may very well finish with a better record over the next 3 years than it did over the last 3 with a new coach due to the team now having at least 45 legit FBS players #unlike the 8 or so Dodge inherited), the fans are going to want to fire the new coach in 3 years too when his record is say an astounding 12-24 and we have about 15 legit FBS players left.

Talent builds programs. We were god awful last season ---possibly the worst team in FBS --- and Dodge and Co. still added a ton of really good talent this season. That is the sign of a good recruiting staff.

I don't need UNT to fire dodge to get my stadium donation. Especially if the guy who replaces him is just there to get stadium donations and has no shot of winning here at all because he can't recruit.

I don't need to sit through watching someone's assistant flirt with 500 and get schooled in recruiting for 3 years only so we can start another "5 year rebuilding program" once he exhausts the talent level again.

Building a successful program is all about building the talent level.

UNT has won 2 games and has been in another 6 games in the fourth quarter with a freshman, sophomore, and junior laden team.

Now I am the first to admit the coaching staff has a lot of things they need to improve upon this off-season to make those six losses into wins and get us competing with the top of the Sun Belt, but as just a general guidline smart people don't pull the plug on the program when it is just becoming competitive.

For a really bad school, which UNT was, you get your butt kicked by everyone for 1 or even 2 years while you emass and start young talent, then you compete as they start to develop, and finally in year 4 or so you start winning.

We were all thinking maybe Todd Dodge was some magic man who could change that constant after the Ball State game, but we were mislead by that MAC school. The Ball State team we beat was the lousy one of this year, not the great one from last year.

All year we have been hammering this staff because they aren't a title contender based off that first game. We need to really get some perspective.

Brett picked this team to win 3 games. It has won 2 and has a decent chance of possibly winning a 3rd against an injured ASU team that is playing freshmen and has mentally checked out.

Regardless of our optimistic opinions, this team is about what Brett thought they'd be.

Now by all means if you don't mind possibly losing roommates Riley Dodge and Lance Dunbar, sure, go ahead and blow up the program.

Riley I think most emotional folks might be ready to write off, despite the fact that as a redshirt freshman he is the 6th ranked passer in the Sun Belt and the higher rated freshman. 2 of the guys ahead of him will be gone after this season. He's decent already and he will only get better next year.

I think the guy has a chance to be a mobile Ty Detemer by time he is a senior. If you fire Dodge, Riley's gone, as is the incoming star QB prospect Hall.

Dunbar might stay and he might go. If he stays he will have to earn his PT in a new (probably pro set) offense under a new coach. He'll be running against 8 man fronts (meaning those 60 yard runs we've become accustomed to will often be 8 yard runs) and will probably lose PT to more physical backs like Mosley and Mathis who are better suited to that set. --- would he stay or would he transfer to a higher profile school?

Would you stay at UNT in his shoes or go somewhere like Tulsa with a similar scheme/concept but on a bigger stage or a BCS school?

Not only would firing Dodge be beyond stupid, it would effectively ground zero the program.

The next coach is not going to be as good of a recruiter, so next year will be a lost recruiting year without the stadium, so like Dodge, the new coach will get marginal help his first year.

I personally cannot imagine following UNT through another 4 year rebuilding program. The last 3 years have been hard enough. I don't want to go through 4 more (and probably 7 more) years like that.

I don't follow San Diego State for this reason. They give their coaches 3 years on what is clearly a 5 year job.

UNT is a 5 year job. It has been for years, and will be until 2015 or so when the larger athletic budget becomes useable.

It would be an immensely low class move by UNT to use Dodge to get their stadium and then never give him a chance to recruit to it. Especially after he took the job when the program had about 8 FBS players and gave UNT a family discount.

I guess it all depends on what crowd you are in. The win at all cost crowd who have their head in the sand thinking UNT is going to win with a coach who can't recruit or the I favor UNT being honorable to Dodge and not treating me like a child to get my stadium donation crowd.

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Seems like I have read that before somewhere by a Mr. T :unsure: , you make very good points , but a few rebuttals

I highly doubt Dunbar goes anywhere regardless , the same talk was made after J-Mo's freshman season

TD's recruiting doesn't seem to matter if he can't coach them. We had 5 x the amount of talent on the field vs Army and look what that got us

Some of the best coaches in the country don't have big salaries

Chris Ault , NEVADA $375,000

Turner Gill , BUFFALO $ 265,000

Larry Blankeney, TROY $ 300,000

Butch Jones , CMU $275,000

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Hey Alex, thanks for the 2 day old blog that has already been discussed on here! Keep em coming bro ;) I don't think that you are the Hurricane Eagle, I think that you are the Incorrect/Yesterday's News Eagle, lol. Just kidding with ya man, it looks like it was a late night for you so I gotta give you a hard time :)

Haha, thats okay man and yes it was a late night for me.

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Seems like I have read that before somewhere by a Mr. T :unsure: , you make very good points , but a few rebuttals

I highly doubt Dunbar goes anywhere regardless , the same talk was made after J-Mo's freshman season

TD's recruiting doesn't seem to matter if he can't coach them. We had 5 x the amount of talent on the field vs Army and look what that got us

Some of the best coaches in the country don't have big salaries

Chris Ault , NEVADA $375,000

Turner Gill , BUFFALO $ 265,000

Larry Blankeney, TROY $ 300,000

Butch Jones , CMU $275,000

Dunbar does not have the special needs as J-Mo, so don't think Dunbar is a lock to stay based on that comparison. '03, do you mean we are 5X more talented than Army? As for as the salaries you point out:

Chris Ault, Nevada, also draws another salary because he is the athletic director, and has been there for many years. I believed he retired for a year or so, then took the job back. Obviously does not want to be anywhere else.

Turner Gill: Buffalo got very lucky, nobody else wanted to take a chance on him.

Larry Blakeney: currently holds the only head coaching job in Div. 1 that he will ever have.

CMU: don't know enough about them to render an opinion.

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Dunbar does not have the special needs as J-Mo, so don't think Dunbar is a lock to stay based on that comparison. '03, do you mean we are 5X more talented than Army? As for as the salaries you point out:

Chris Ault, Nevada, also draws another salary because he is the athletic director, and has been there for many years. I believed he retired for a year or so, then took the job back. Obviously does not want to be anywhere else.

Turner Gill: Buffalo got very lucky, nobody else wanted to take a chance on him.

Larry Blakeney: currently holds the only head coaching job in Div. 1 that he will ever have.

CMU: don't know enough about them to render an opinion.

Yes , We had far more talent on the field than Army , wouldn't you agree ?

As for the coaches I mentioned , not saying that we could steal any of these away , just making a comparision on salaries. There are several coaches who want a shot at leading their own program and are willing to make a few hundred thousand $ in doing it

Ault , you right will not go anywhere

Gill , I'd take him over TD. The man can recruit

Blakeney , He would leave for Auburn if ever given the opp

Jones : cmu

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Yes, I agree we had better talent than Army as well we should given the priority that the academies put on sports. And yes, I think Gill would be a great coach. Buffalo has always paid their coach low, and is even now looking backing at cutting their athletic budge. Why we did not look at Gill is beyond me (there are many schools who obviously overlooked him), after all he did coach here as an assistant in the late 80's and is from Ft. Worth.

As for Blakeny, and I know you were doing it for salary comparison only, but he was involved in NCAA violations at Auburn. That is why he has never been seriously considered by any other Div 1 programs.

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Turner Gill: Buffalo got very lucky, nobody else wanted to take a chance on him.

Correction: got very lucky, had a white wife and none of the backwards ass, racist SEC schools would take a chance on him. If race wasn't an issue, he'd be Auburn's coach right now.

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