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Let's talk about the improvement in year three.

1)We weren't blown out as often. True. We also played the weakest non-conference schedule that any NT team has faced in years and years. One true bodybag game and the rest were easily winnable...and we didn't. DD would have killed for the schedule Dodge just sleepwalked through.

2)We are so close to six or more wins. No. We are actually closer to zero wins. If you accept that with the ball bouncing our way a few times we could be bowl contenders then you have to also accept that if Ball State weren't MUCH worse than last year and WKU weren't, well WKU, we would be winless. I'll judge a team on the breaks they make for themselves and not the woulda, shoulda or couldas. And how many teams in America couldn't make the "if not for this play or that play" argument?

3)We are still young. Who put the youngsters on the field? Who decided to stubbornly sit or convert all of his tight ends only to realize his own folly? Who refused to use a fullback with prototypical size and then wondered why 3rd and 4th and 1 were epic feats the last few years? Doesn't every coach in America inherit someone else's guys and try to institute his own system? Not all of them, though, are arrogant enogh to sit all of the old guys to play youngsters for three straight years. Listen very carefully...TODD DODGE HAS A YOUNG TEAM BY DESIGN AND/OR BECAUSE THE PLAYERS HE RECRUITS DONT STICK OR CANT PLAY. Also, Riley is a redshirt freshman. One who has been in this offense for years upon years. His mistakes aren't the typical "speed of the game" mistakes either. Carrying the ball like a loaf of bread and throwing ducks into double coverage come down to one thing. Too much trust in his abilities brought on by being able to out-athlete teams in high school. He never learned the do's and dont's of ball security playing colleyville heritage and grapevine high school. Hmmmm, now who could have overlooked or refused to coach him up on the little things? Could it be the guy who coached him in high school AND college?

4)For those that say we are a year away answer me this. Will having a year older team prevent running the option out of your own end zone? Will a new stadium put us under center on short yardage? Will Riley putting on weight and getting stronger keep him from looking to the sideline in dismay AFTER a timeout? What magic potion will add a passing game to the middle of the field or vertically? What will another year do if the coach can't coach? That's the bottom line, nobody that wants him gone is judging on record only. We recognize that "improvement" is only possible if your coach is capable of recognizing and adapting enough to turn losses to wins.

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Great post Emmitt... I love it when people say , we'll our team will be older next year and have another year in the system. Well you know what , that can be said about every single player returning on every single team in the country. Some people are so blind they don't consider that other teams also practice and improve on a year to year basis

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LOL that's why he attends all their home games and makes sure to keep us updated on how they are doing?

You need to check your sources. And you are mixing Pen Yen Fan up with Emmitt. PYF has a hard on for June Jones. I think Emmitt is pissed that June has SMUt passing us. As are most of us.

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I walked out of the stadium to go to my truck late in the third quarter to get something to drink and turned on the radio to hear Hank and George talk about how frustrated all the fans are and even themselves about how June Jones made SMU bowl eligible and a compete for the CUSA title this year. They said it was frustrating to watch this go on 30 mins from Denton and see how TCU has an outside shot at the BCS title game.

Keep in mind both schools are in the metroplex, are private schools, and compete with UNT for recruiting.

Edited by UNT_playmaker
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