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Interest Waning?


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How many were excited after the first two games and have now found things other than UNT football to occupy your sports mind? I hate to admit it but I'm one of those.

What used to be strong opinions (right or wrong) have been reduced to nothing more than occasional thoughts. Enthusiasm has turned to frustration and now to something resembling a sense of hopelessness. Fortunately, I didn't have high expectations for this season but I'm at a point right now where I find myself questioning why I am spending/wasting so much time on a losing cause. What good does it do to argue about who should be starting QB or whether or not Dodge should keep his job. I am a proud UNT alumnus and I will continue to attend the games, it just seems to be more of a chore now than anything else. I guess I'm trying to say it's just not that much fun being a Mean Green fan right now. I find myself watching our leads dissipate and knowing/expecting that we're going to find a way to lose. And, I HATE that feeling. Honestly, the only aspect I've REALLY enjoyed the last couple of years has been recruiting. I fear even that joy is slowly slipping away from me as the recruiting front has been a bit quiet lately. I don't imagine our record is going to sway many 3-star prospects to sign LOIs. I still like what we've got on paper for next year but...damnit....next year seems so far away. And, what if next year is a repeat of this year? I know...we could still win out and end up with a winning record in '09 but, somehow, I feel much more confident I'll win the lottery this week.

Anyway, attack me and call me a bad fan if you must. I just wanted to get that off my chest.

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We've come a long ways, we're absolutely competitive, but my die hardness is taking a real kick to the nuts...More and more, I watch, expecting them to somehow throw it all away, and inevitably they do...But all it takes is one time they don't, and we'll be right back on track...23,000 fans for a 1-4 team...Homecoming or not, great turnout... If we can put a couple of wins together, the Army game could easily draw 25,000...

Bottomline, my interest has not waned, but my faith in winning has...

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My excitement for this season certainly has waned after Saturday's loss, but I'm still going to mentally stick around as far as the program is concerned. New stadium and better talent are what's keeping me going, but I do find myself shifting my thoughts to b-ball. If we beat Troy I will start jumping up and down again with enthusiasm, but if we get blown out, don't think I'll be making the trek to Denton other than for the Army game.

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How many were excited after the first two games and have now found things other than UNT football to occupy your sports mind? I hate to admit it but I'm one of those.

What used to be strong opinions (right or wrong) have been reduced to nothing more than occasional thoughts. Enthusiasm has turned to frustration and now to something resembling a sense of hopelessness. Fortunately, I didn't have high expectations for this season but I'm at a point right now where I find myself questioning why I am spending/wasting so much time on a losing cause. What good does it do to argue about who should be starting QB or whether or not Dodge should keep his job. I am a proud UNT alumnus and I will continue to attend the games, it just seems to be more of a chore now than anything else. I guess I'm trying to say it's just not that much fun being a Mean Green fan right now. I find myself watching our leads dissipate and knowing/expecting that we're going to find a way to lose. And, I HATE that feeling. Honestly, the only aspect I've REALLY enjoyed the last couple of years has been recruiting. I fear even that joy is slowly slipping away from me as the recruiting front has been a bit quiet lately. I don't imagine our record is going to sway many 3-star prospects to sign LOIs. I still like what we've got on paper for next year but...damnit....next year seems so far away. And, what if next year is a repeat of this year? I know...we could still win out and end up with a winning record in '09 but, somehow, I feel much more confident I'll win the lottery this week.

Anyway, attack me and call me a bad fan if you must. I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Very well said, not meant to really be offensive so you will not hear any negative comments from me. I will say I do agree in part. I have a few away game tickets if anyone is interested, as more than likely I will not be attending the games. Also, your post reminded me that the last time I saw UNT win a game (live) was SMU 06. While I have not found other sources of entrainment for UNT games, I do think the excitement level is below average.

Also, on a side note. To everyone involved with the Mean Green Club. While it was nice to have a chance to win a trip to Hawaii, right now with the way our team is playing, how about we raffle tickets to stand on the sideline or be in the press box. Maybe sit on patio, or have a roped off area on the alumni side that is standing only.

Just a few thoughts cause Hawaii is nice, but having a more enjoyable experience at the game for a little money is better.

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How many were excited after the first two games and have now found things other than UNT football to occupy your sports mind? I hate to admit it but I'm one of those.

Me. Plus my friends, who were hard to convince to go to gamss in the first place, are completely out of the picture now it seems.

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Also, on a side note. To everyone involved with the Mean Green Club. While it was nice to have a chance to win a trip to Hawaii, right now with the way our team is playing, how about we raffle tickets to stand on the sideline or be in the press box. Maybe sit on patio, or have a roped off area on the alumni side that is standing only.

I think this is a good idea. My husband was on the sideline for most of a quarter last year (he was picked for the Texas Lottery promotion) and really enjoyed it. He thought watching the game from on the field was a great experience. I know I was jealous.


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Guest GrayEagleOne

My interest wanes as the losses mount up. I don't want it to but I think it's just natural. If your son was a boxer and had lost as many as we've lost over the last five years, wouldn't you get tired of seeing him get beaten up?

I will say that the years under Dodge have been a little more exciting, but the losses more numerous and losing drains everyone's interest. For me, I was fortunate to be around for the Odus Mitchell, Hayden Fry, (early) Rod Rust era and even the Corky Nelson era had its moments. I can see how the graduates of the last couple of years can be very discouraged at this stage. All I can say is hang in there, things will improve.

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Nope...no "waning interest" here. You can jump off the Mean Green wagon if you want...Not me.

I hope folks will still turn out to support the MEAN GREEN in person. When times are tough one generally finds out the true character of ones friends and allies. I think the Mean green can use all the support it can muster these days...I want to be there to do what I can to show the true spirit of the fans of the Mean Green.

That being said, I can certainly understand why some folks are getting a bit "tired" and may be somewhat less enthusiastic about attending games at the moment. Call me crazy, but the outcome of the game...well, it is just a game....is only a part of the reason that i support...and will continue to support the Mean Green. Just me.....

GO MEAN GREEN>>>>>thanks to all who support the Mean Green...waning or not...I know you love the Mean Green!

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Nope...no "waning interest" here. You can jump off the Mean Green wagon if you want...Not me.

I hope folks will still turn out to support the MEAN GREEN in person. When times are tough one generally finds out the true character of ones friends and allies. I think the Mean green can use all the support it can muster these days...I want to be there to do what I can to show the true spirit of the fans of the Mean Green.

That being said, I can certainly understand why some folks are getting a bit "tired" and may be somewhat less enthusiastic about attending games at the moment. Call me crazy, but the outcome of the game...well, it is just a game....is only a part of the reason that i support...and will continue to support the Mean Green. Just me.....

GO MEAN GREEN>>>>>thanks to all who support the Mean Green...waning or not...I know you love the Mean Green!

Glad to oblige. Do you prefer that spelled with a C or a K?

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Call me crazy, but the outcome of the game...well, it is just a game....is only a part of the reason that i support...and will continue to support the Mean Green. Just me.....

Wow, that's quite a perspective you have there. Maybe we should use it as our advertising slogan next year? I can envision it now...a billboard on the west side of I-35 N (with the construction cranes of the new stadium in the background) with this caption -

UNT Football - It's just a game!

and, in a smaller font, but directly under that....(Who cares about the outcome?)

Or maybe we can use it in our recruiting efforts? When prospects ask coaches about our W-L record for the last three seasons, "Hell son, it's just a game...who really cares if we win or lose..."

However, I do understand what you mean and I am not giving up nor will I refuse to support the program. But I absolutely hate this feeling of hopelessness that has overcome me. Yes, the games are more competitive this year and I still hope above all hopes that we'll win a few more games. It just hit me like a ton of bricks on Saturday when we, once again had a lead in the 4th quarter, and I knew we'd somehow find a way to lose it. I honestly don't know where this program is headed, but I know I don't want to suffer through another one-win season and more speculation about the stability of this coaching staff. And, I fear that any change in leadership will just lead to more "give it five years" and "he doesn't have his players yet" talk. I just don't know if I can take another 3-5 years of that.

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Wow, that's quite a perspective you have there. Maybe we should use it as our advertising slogan next year? I can envision it now...a billboard on the west side of I-35 N (with the construction cranes of the new stadium in the background) with this caption -

UNT Football - It's just a game!

and, in a smaller font, but directly under that....(Who cares about the outcome?)

Or maybe we can use it in our recruiting efforts? When prospects ask coaches about our W-L record for the last three seasons, "Hell son, it's just a game...who really cares if we win or lose..."

However, I do understand what you mean and I am not giving up nor will I refuse to support the program. But I absolutely hate this feeling of hopelessness that has overcome me. Yes, the games are more competitive this year and I still hope above all hopes that we'll win a few more games. It just hit me like a ton of bricks on Saturday when we, once again had a lead in the 4th quarter, and I knew we'd somehow find a way to lose it. I honestly don't know where this program is headed, but I know I don't want to suffer through another one-win season and more speculation about the stability of this coaching staff. And, I fear that any change in leadership will just lead to more "give it five years" and "he doesn't have his players yet" talk. I just don't know if I can take another 3-5 years of that.

You know, I wrote about how this unbearable despair can engulf any North Texas fan at any time, but never thought it would get you. Just promise not to leave the car running in the garage.

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Glad to oblige. Do you prefer that spelled with a C or a K?

You need help spelling "crazy"???? Ok, I'll get someone to lead you back to the Alzheimer's unit this afternoon. :lol: I can always count on SilverEagle. Nice there, sparky.


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You know, I wrote about how this unbearable despair can engulf any North Texas fan at any time, but never thought it would get you. Just promise not to leave the car running in the garage.

I guess we all have our breaking points. Given the situation, suicide by exhaust fumes, might seem appropriate, but it just doesn't seem valiant enough for me...now, if you see me sharpening my ninja sword and drinking sake, while donning a Mean Green bandana with my #11 gameday jersery...you might want to call the authorities. Falling on my sword seems to be the more noble way to go.

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Actually, my interest is INCREASING. When the siren is going off you better take interest. KRAM's 'test of faith' concept interests me too, see because the outcome of it is a tiny group of supporters, the ones who are PROUD that they stuck it out through the long winter that maybe never ends. I have a better idea, how about - no long winter. I'd rather be PROUD about a school that takes on a task and gets it DONE. This aimless wandering they started out on a few years ago is an enduring testament to failure and ineptitude. Is that what you want that Eagle to stand for???? It won't stop until they get committed to the program - or kill it.

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