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Saturday's Weather


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Many have mentioned they left, or their spouse/girlfriend wanted to leave early because of the cold weather. How cold was it?

I think this says a lot about our fan base. If the weather is not perfect, people complain and leave. Where is the dedication?

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Guest JohnDenver

48 degrees in the 4th quarter.

It was a pretty steep drop from kickoff to end. My wife had t-shirt, sweater and sweatshirt. Then I went and got her the blanket from the truck.. and it was still pretty damn cold.

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Many have mentioned they left, or their spouse/girlfriend wanted to leave early because of the cold weather. How cold was it?

I think this says a lot about our fan base. If the weather is not perfect, people complain and leave. Where is the dedication?

I was in a short sleeve shirt and shorts and was warm at the tailgate, so I am sure there were a lot of folks like me that didn't know it was going to get cool. I put pants on and brought a pull over, so I was better prepared, but even with that I was still pretty chilly.

But when you give up 30 points in a quarter in which it started 13-0 in your favor - I am quite sure that lead to many of them leaving.

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Seriously... It gets a little chilly, and our fans show their complete lack of dedication and half-assed support. Walking away from the game? What's that all about? You people make me SICK! A true blue fan makes the trip up to Denton and stays to the end, through thick and thin. Stuff like this says a lot about our fan base.

Besides, it wasn't really even that cold!

Was it?

I mean, *I* wasn't there, so somebody needs to tell me. But still... OUTRAGE!!!!

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The afternoon had been bright and warm and fooled some people into thinking that was the way to dress for the game. The lady sitting in front of us had on a thin short sleeved blouse. I knew she was in trouble. I offered to go to the car and get a blanket for her but she declined. By the start of the second quarter she had on her husband's jacket. I went to the car at the half to get blankets for my wife and grandson. I got one for her, too but they were gone by the time I got back. It was cooler than I expected but we have been to enough games that we go ready for just about anything.

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Not THAT cold...but, I will say I was Chilly and I had a lightweight jacket. I think the breeze had something to do with it...my bride left early and took a nap in the car...buggers to her for that.....I agree with the post about folks not being properly prepared for the drop in temps from the afternoon to the evening. But, still...it's football in the fall in Texas...it is supposed to be a bit chilly. Bring a coat next time...just in case. Leave it in the car and go get it if you need it. Problem solved!

But, to all the beautiful co-eds...don't "cover up" until you really have too..... :lol:


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I actually started feeling very ill and had to leave after the first posession in the 3rd quarter. It was either the flu and cold temperatures, or the fact that FAU was on a 37-6 run at that point that caused my tonsils to swell up the size of golf balls.

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Not THAT cold...but, I will say I was Chilly and I had a lightweight jacket. I think the breeze had something to do with it...my bride left early and took a nap in the car...buggers to her for that.....I agree with the post about folks not being properly prepared for the drop in temps from the afternoon to the evening. But, still...it's football in the fall in Texas...it is supposed to be a bit chilly. Bring a coat next time...just in case. Leave it in the car and go get it if you need it. Problem solved!

But, to all the beautiful co-eds...don't "cover up" until you really have too..... :lol:



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Seriously... It gets a little chilly, and our fans show their complete lack of dedication and half-assed support. Walking away from the game? What's that all about? You people make me SICK! A true blue fan makes the trip up to Denton and stays to the end, through thick and thin. Stuff like this says a lot about our fan base.

Besides, it wasn't really even that cold!

Was it?

I mean, *I* wasn't there, so somebody needs to tell me. But still... OUTRAGE!!!!

Since you felt the need to take a shot at me, I'll respond. I live in Houston and am currently looking for a job, so having the ability to drive up to Denton for a game is an expense I'm not willing to take on at this time because I have other needs that must be taken care of. A quick glance at the forecast would tell people what to expect and the temp dropping in to the 50's causing people to leave is laughable.

Don't come on here taking shots at me when you don't even have a clue about the facts going on in my life. Do I like not being able to come in for the games this year? Absolutely not. I sit at home and wait for text messages from my sister or nephew to update me on the game because there isn't any coverage down here, but all other years I attend every game I can.

I guess I should start up some lame blog so that I can beat everyone to death with meaningless statistics and claim to be some sort of NT/D1 football expert.

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Since you felt the need to take a shot at me, I'll respond. I live in Houston and am currently looking for a job, so having the ability to drive up to Denton for a game is an expense I'm not willing to take on at this time because I have other needs that must be taken care of. A quick glance at the forecast would tell people what to expect and the temp dropping in to the 50's causing people to leave is laughable.

Don't come on here taking shots at me when you don't even have a clue about the facts going on in my life. Do I like not being able to come in for the games this year? Absolutely not. I sit at home and wait for text messages from my sister or nephew to update me on the game because there isn't any coverage down here, but all other years I attend every game I can.

I guess I should start up some lame blog so that I can beat everyone to death with meaningless statistics and claim to be some sort of NT/D1 football expert.

Well, there's a yearly hosting fee, so I'd wait until you get back on your feet.

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Since you felt the need to take a shot at me, I'll respond. I live in Houston and am currently looking for a job, so having the ability to drive up to Denton for a game is an expense I'm not willing to take on at this time because I have other needs that must be taken care of. A quick glance at the forecast would tell people what to expect and the temp dropping in to the 50's causing people to leave is laughable.

Don't come on here taking shots at me when you don't even have a clue about the facts going on in my life. Do I like not being able to come in for the games this year? Absolutely not. I sit at home and wait for text messages from my sister or nephew to update me on the game because there isn't any coverage down here, but all other years I attend every game I can.

I guess I should start up some lame blog so that I can beat everyone to death with meaningless statistics and claim to be some sort of NT/D1 football expert.

I took a shot at you just like you took a shot at a friend of mine who fits into the blanket condemnation you threw out there by starting this thread.

Unlike you, I didn't call anyone a bad fan or question their dedication. Anyone who shows up and buys tickets (even if they're wearing UT apparel, the poor confused bastards) gets a thumbs up from me. If they want to leave early because it's raining or because it's 30 degrees cooler than it was when they showed up or because they're scared of the dark or WHATEVER... At least they showed up.

I made a joke at your expense because you were calling out people who were actually there. You've got your reasons for not coming. The point was that maybe you should stop a moment and consider that if there's a legitimate reason for you to not come to games, maybe there's a legitimate reason they didn't feel like sitting through the chill. It's inappropriate for me to tell you how you ought to spend your money just like it's out of line for you to condemn ticket holders for not wanting to sit through weather they found unpleasant. You've got your reasons, they've got theirs. If you don't want me to make a joke, then don't call out people for leaving a game you didn't show up for.

I don't know what's going on in your life, just like you don't know what's going on in mine, and just like neither of us knows anything about anyone who hasn't chosen to confide it in us. I didn't call you a bad fan, I teased you about not knowing first-hand what you were condemning other people over. You're free to not show up for whatever reason you choose. But when you take a shot at others when you yourself didn't show up (for whatever reason), I find that ridiculous. And I will ridicule it. Without any hesitation or guilt or remorse.

As for the website... I don't know when or where we've ever said we're experts on any topic, least of all football. I've got my opinions, Quoner has his opinions, and just like every other jackass in the free world, we can post them on the internet. We've always said we're amazed at how many people bother to read anything we write, much less enjoy it as much as they tell us they do. I also love how you constantly rip us for our humor and our opinions... But you've repeatedly used a term WE COINED ON THE WEBSITE. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's not like we write very often these days, anyway.

If you don't like my/our sense of humor, if you don't share my opinion on something, if you don't agree with something I write and research... Fine. I don't claim to be an expert. I'm just another random idiot jackass with a keyboard. Just like you. Just like everyone here.

You don't like me, I get it. Get the hell over it already. And don't get righteous and indignant because you think your excuse for not coming to a game is worthwhile, but someone else's reason for leaving after they showed up isn't.

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