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Loss Of National Audience...


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I have been thinking all week just as well that Riley is injured because it would have not been good for him to play at Bama anyways.

However, I just heard from a friend living in Kentucky that North Texas is the SEC TV game of the week. Most of the SEC conference will watch this game. He was excited to see Riley in action. When I told him that he wasn't playing he immediately was less interested in the game.

In hindsight, what impact would have been for our program to show the high caliber talent we have and can recruit?

I'll hang up and listen...

Edited by andrewrozell
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I can assure you that most in that area will be watching Alabama if they are Alabama fans or even SEC, but won't be watching because of Riley or North Texas. That's just the reality. Living here in Tennessee I will definitely be watching and wishing Riley was playing so I could see him again. Most around here don't even know who Riley is... yet. ;)

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From what I have read on the "Bama" boards, and comments from Coach Saban, the first goal of the Bama

defense will be to stop the North Texas run game, and to stop Cam Montgomery. Forget Dunbar- he is nothing.

Second- Bama considers Nathan "NT" Tune, a second string back up QB, no talent, non experienced QB,

as easy prey for the Bama defense. Bama is not worried at all about the North Texas dink and

dunk passing game, or what Nathan Tune will bring to the offense. Bama considers our OL "little".

Bama sees Nathan as the number one weakness with the North Texas offense. Bama will blitz, blitz and

blitz on every offensive series, and their goal is to take Nathan out, any way they can, good or bad. Bama

believes their DL players and LB's will run over our "little" OL, and hammer Nathan Tune.

Bama does not know Nathan Tune! Bama does not know the desire our players have! It is not the size of the

dog, but the size of the fight in the dog, that will win this game for North Texas.

Nathan is a tough QB, that knows what he is doing, and knows what he is up against! Nathan grew up

on challenges, and the Bama game is another challenge that will motivate Nathan!

Nathan is not alone! There will be 10 other North Texas players with him, all with the same goal, beat Bama!

If Bama comes after Nathan with the blitzing- the blitzing will leave holes in the Bama defense somewhere!

Nathan and the offense will take advantage of Bama's aggressive play. North Texas will hit explosive plays because

of the Bama's blitzing game plan. Hit these plays, and the Bama defense will drop off. If the Bama defense does not drop off, then hit'em again with another big play. The dink and dunk game is perfect to "equal" the playing

field against a team like Bama. Nathan and his offensive team mates, will play tough, hard, and smart football!

These SEC bullies can be beat. I think North Texas has Bama right where North Texas wants them!

In a real dog fight! North Texas 23 Ala-damn-bama 22

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From what I have read on the "Bama" boards, and comments from Coach Saban, the first goal of the Bama

defense will be to stop the North Texas run game, and to stop Cam Montgomery. Forget Dunbar- he is nothing.

Second- Bama considers Nathan "NT" Tune, a second string back up QB, no talent, non experienced QB,

as easy prey for the Bama defense. Bama is not worried at all about the North Texas dink and

dunk passing game, or what Nathan Tune will bring to the offense. Bama considers our OL "little".

Bama sees Nathan as the number one weakness with the North Texas offense. Bama will blitz, blitz and

blitz on every offensive series, and their goal is to take Nathan out, any way they can, good or bad. Bama

believes their DL players and LB's will run over our "little" OL, and hammer Nathan Tune.

Bama does not know Nathan Tune! Bama does not know the desire our players have! It is not the size of the

dog, but the size of the fight in the dog, that will win this game for North Texas.

Nathan is a tough QB, that knows what he is doing, and knows what he is up against! Nathan grew up

on challenges, and the Bama game is another challenge that will motivate Nathan!

Nathan is not alone! There will be 10 other North Texas players with him, all with the same goal, beat Bama!

If Bama comes after Nathan with the blitzing- the blitzing will leave holes in the Bama defense somewhere!

Nathan and the offense will take advantage of Bama's aggressive play. North Texas will hit explosive plays because

of the Bama's blitzing game plan. Hit these plays, and the Bama defense will drop off. If the Bama defense does not drop off, then hit'em again with another big play. The dink and dunk game is perfect to "equal" the playing

field against a team like Bama. Nathan and his offensive team mates, will play tough, hard, and smart football!

These SEC bullies can be beat. I think North Texas has Bama right where North Texas wants them!

In a real dog fight! North Texas 23 Ala-damn-bama 22


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"His mate Onga had finally pushed him too far, and now,

Thag was hip-deep in mammoth dung, as they said in the Thunka

Grunka clan.

He’d returned from the latest hunting expedition flush with success. His new regime

of taking risks — but not crazy risks like trying to kill a cave lion with a deadfall,

using yourself as bait, as the demented

(and now late) Fungo had tried to do — was

working well.

He was becoming much more respected in the tribe and word

was even spreading within the clan. This new prestige

made it even more difficult to find Onga

receiving special “medicine” from the shaman, Weasel-Scratch-Face-Brother on the day of their homecoming.

Ever since the Great Storm, Thag

was convinced that Weasel was only out for his own power — and in the case of Onga and the other fertile women of the tribe — pleasure.

So, he’d naturally lost

his temper.

He had managed to not actually physically assault the medicine man; but his self-restraint only went so far, and

Thag had called Weasel-Scratch-Face-Brother a

“festering carbuncle” and used some phrases that in the Thunka Grunka clan were definitely

taboo, especially when applied to a

holy man.

Thag wished it were only mammoth dung he was hip deep in — as a punishment

for his disrespect and “potty mouth”, the elders had told Thag

to expand the tribe’s latrine.

It would take a week for his sense of smell to recover, and in the meanwhile, Fungo’s

idiot brother, Jungo, was leading the next hunting party. Thag just hoped they all

didn’t get


He poked at the earth with his digging stick, dislodging a large stone, which landed in the sewage beneath him,

splashing him copiously."

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From what I have read on the "Bama" boards, and comments from Coach Saban, the first goal of the Bama

defense will be to stop the North Texas run game, and to stop Cam Montgomery. Forget Dunbar- he is nothing.

Second- Bama considers Nathan "NT" Tune, a second string back up QB, no talent, non experienced QB,

as easy prey for the Bama defense. Bama is not worried at all about the North Texas dink and

dunk passing game, or what Nathan Tune will bring to the offense. Bama considers our OL "little".

Bama sees Nathan as the number one weakness with the North Texas offense. Bama will blitz, blitz and

blitz on every offensive series, and their goal is to take Nathan out, any way they can, good or bad. Bama

believes their DL players and LB's will run over our "little" OL, and hammer Nathan Tune.

Bama does not know Nathan Tune! Bama does not know the desire our players have! It is not the size of the

dog, but the size of the fight in the dog, that will win this game for North Texas.

Nathan is a tough QB, that knows what he is doing, and knows what he is up against! Nathan grew up

on challenges, and the Bama game is another challenge that will motivate Nathan!

Nathan is not alone! There will be 10 other North Texas players with him, all with the same goal, beat Bama!

If Bama comes after Nathan with the blitzing- the blitzing will leave holes in the Bama defense somewhere!

Nathan and the offense will take advantage of Bama's aggressive play. North Texas will hit explosive plays because

of the Bama's blitzing game plan. Hit these plays, and the Bama defense will drop off. If the Bama defense does not drop off, then hit'em again with another big play. The dink and dunk game is perfect to "equal" the playing

field against a team like Bama. Nathan and his offensive team mates, will play tough, hard, and smart football!

These SEC bullies can be beat. I think North Texas has Bama right where North Texas wants them!

In a real dog fight! North Texas 23 Ala-damn-bama 22

You need theme music for this post. I wish you could embed some Buffalo Springfield in this.

This also reminded me of last season when ESPN had Lou Holtz give a half time speech. Minus that weird, quasi-lisp he has.

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