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Chanting Obscenities?


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The students did the same thing back in the mid 90's when we played A&M at Texas Stadium. They started chanting F*** A&M! but the Aggies had more folks there than UNT and they started booing, until that's all you could hear.

I was there without my wife and kids last night, and sat on the student side because they stood for the whole freaking game and got loud. Maybe they won't pick up the obscenity chant for another decade, but I was encouraged by how many stuck it out to the end in that weather.

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i was very very proud of our students and their committment to this team. soemthing special is on the verge of happening around here. Dont lose the point of this thread though. it has nothing to do with that. this has to do with representing our university with class and no i completely disagree, just because they stood in the rain and support this team DOES NOT mean that they can say or do whatever they want to.

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i was very very proud of our students and their committment to this team. soemthing special is on the verge of happening around here. Dont lose the point of this thread though. it has nothing to do with that. this has to do with representing our university with class and no i completely disagree, just because they stood in the rain and support this team DOES NOT mean that they can say or do whatever they want to.

i was embarrassed by the obscenities and the number of middle fingers seen last night can only be compared to the number of shockers flashed at a petty theft show. that said, i think our fans learned a valuable lesson today after cheering "we want riley" following tune's pick. by the end of the game, i think tune's performance showed them that it's much more important to cheer support for your team rather than cheer against a play that didn't go our way. at least, i hope this was a lesson learned.

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The committment was good last night... but, yes, the students do need a "line" defined for them that they should not cross...

I find myself getting fired up too and having to censor myself.... BUT, if you sit your family by the student section, I think you are setting yourself up for being upset. students are students... not saying its right, but the risk factor is much higher learning some new vocabulary....

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Why defiantly?

Students are always defiant against the man!

If foul language is the concern that we take away from this game, then I'm cool with that.

I have to agree with weather and what not, your right its nice to see that dirty chanting is our biggest concern.

Edited by KingDL1
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I'm glad this topic is being discussed. I too ended up on the student side because I was too wet to want to walk over to the alumni side. I was worried that even though there were a lot more tailgating than I had thought considering the weather that still a lot wouldn't come to the game. So, I was very encouraged by the turn out on the student side.

But like many have said there were times when I was embarrassed to be over there. When students begin challenging the opposing team to 'come up here you pu $$ y' I feel it's gone too far. What I thought was a large amount of people flashing the Diamond Dallas Page sign I quickly figured out was a nice guesture to I believe #64.

Edited by eppy4life
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Don't know what game you attended, but the "Alumni side" as some have called it was not sitting on their hands all night and were doing their full share of cheering...just not the obscene variety. And, there was plenty of standing...as you might can tell from some earlier thread posting. Anytime the students want to compare attendance and loyalty with those on the Alumni side who have sat through 20-30+ years of UNT football (good and not so good) I am most happy to discuss that with them...or anyone who thinks the "Alumni side" does not get "into the game".

Come to games for 30+ years...and more for some...then we'll talk about how to support a team.

By the way...I did not hear the obscene language and I am very glad about that...I am proud of the student side turnout in some bad weather...so, I give them a big "THANK YOU"...let's just see them come back the rest of the season in even greater force.

PS...isn't it good that one can "debate" how to act at a game instead of "why doesn't anyone support the team" for a change? Think about that Mean Green fans...in my book, That's very good news.

GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING AT UNT FOOTBALL GAMES...both on the field and in the stands.


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I almost always sit on the student side. Even though I have season tickets in Sec. D, I have friends that are still students and others that don't have season tickets but come to a game or two, so we all sit (stand) together in the student side somewhere.

I can say that I did hear the "F Ohio" chant and "We want Riley." Both were unacceptable. Riley was obviously hurt, and you just don't do the other one. However, I did NOT hear any of the other cussing or chants that the others are describing here. I'm not saying it didn't happen (I'm sure it did), but at least it appears to be isolated in nature.

Overall, I think the students (and fans overall) deserve a pat on the back for coming out in that weather and really being in to the game. We've come a long way since I started school at North Texas in 2002, and I'm more proud of our fanbase than I've ever been.

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Don't know what game you attended, but the "Alumni side" as some have called it was not sitting on their hands all night and were doing their full share of cheering...just not the obscene variety. And, there was plenty of standing...as you might can tell from some earlier thread posting.

True. Even though there weren't many of us there, most people were standing at the appropriate times, making noise on Ohio 3rd downs and such. If we had that much enthusiasm when it was dry and there were 20K of us, that place would be really rockin' (well, as much as possible considering that the game is occurring in another zip code).

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Behaivor can be easily modified.... Attendance and passion, those are a little harder.

As a visiting Marshall fan at Kansas state, I had a 70+ yr old woman flip me the bird after we won at their house...

Got to love the passion of college football!

Section D, row 22, seats 9-12... Standing nearly all game long, rain or shine... Say something.

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