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Rot in Hell, American Hero.

Still a scum bag that got one girl killed, didn't try to save her. My God, yeah some kind of hero! Covered up and compromised the crime scene at another death involving his nephew if I remember right.

Just a POS through and through.

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Still a scum bag that got one girl killed, didn't try to save her. My God, yeah some kind of hero! Covered up and compromised the crime scene at another death involving his nephew if I remember right.

Just a POS through and through.

Takes one to know one Tony!!!

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Takes one to know one Tony!!!

I never drove a young lady in to a river while I was drunk, did not attempt to save her, left her for dead, called my lawyer only worried about saving my own ass, and then reported it authorities hours later. So no I have never killed anyone, but thanks for comparing me to that creep.

Edited by KingDL1
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AT least now we can get Michael Jackson out of the news. Gee, we trade a pedophile for a guy who let a young girl drown in the big news headlines of the day. Oh, my.........

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I'm not defending Sen. Kennedy in any way, however I'm still waiting to see those WMD's that over 4K of our troops have died over.

I am still waiting to see the no vote by Clinton, Kennedy, Pelosi, et al on sending troops to Iraq and funding the battles. Of course what about the many more soldiers that JKF and LBJ sent to a wasteland to die?

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Too bad he did not die in jail for killing Mary Jo Kopechne, I guess she did not count.

--He is no favorite of mine ....but.. how many Americans died in Iraq hunting WMD that did not exist.... which is exactly what the UN inspectors had said was true.

-- This is not about politics but what about people getting killed in ?war? for a reason that did not exist. No 9-11 connection either. Why did we invade..?terrorists??,,, name what Iraq had done to us or Europe... The Libyan, Syrian, Algerian, Saudi Arabian (Ben Laden) list is long. The people evil Saddam killed were mostly Islamic crazies that wanted to overthrow him just as they had done in Iran (ie. our enemies also).

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I'm not defending Sen. Kennedy in any way, however I'm still waiting to see those WMD's that over 4K of our troops have died over.

I guess you missed the whole UN inspectors not being allowed in Iraq in direct violation of UN, or the WMDs that were found.

But I am glad Bush gets pulled into this, concrete facts with Teddy to abstract argument about Bush. Wow how interesting!

A voted for military action vs criminal man slaughter.

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I guess you missed the whole UN inspectors not being allowed in Iraq in direct violation of UN, or the WMDs that were found.

But I am glad Bush gets pulled into this, concrete facts with Teddy to abstract argument about Bush. Wow how interesting!

A voted for military action vs criminal man slaughter.

---You missed the fact that they were there.... and Hans Blix wanted more time... We invaded anyway.. and our only source was "Curveball" (a Iraq citizen in Germany that disliked Saddam) which the German government said had no credibility.

-- I opposed the invasion because war kills people and there was no justification for it.... Not any political reason although it may look like it. I liked his father very much but this one was incompetant and a "glory hog".... it didn't work out for him very well.

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--He is no favorite of mine ....but.. how many Americans died in Iraq hunting WMD that did not exist.... which is exactly what the UN inspectors had said was true.

-- This is not about politics but what about people getting killed in ?war? for a reason that did not exist. No 9-11 connection either. Why did we invade..?terrorists??,,, name what Iraq had done to us or Europe... The Libyan, Syrian, Algerian, Saudi Arabian (Ben Laden) list is long. The people evil Saddam killed were mostly Islamic crazies that wanted to overthrow him just as they had done in Iran (ie. our enemies also).

You may need to check your facts on why we went to Iraq and who voted for it, mostly I am not sure what this has to do with Teddy being a complete douchebag who killed a young lady and tried to cover up another death. What logic, so can I kill someone wrongfully and get off saying, Hey look at all the people killed in a military action?

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Takes one to know one Tony!!!

So do you have anything to ofer this board, or are you so starved for attention that you just attack people out of the blue for no reason?

I'm not defending Sen. Kennedy in any way, however I'm still waiting to see those WMD's that over 4K of our troops have died over.

Did those WMD's cause Teddy to drink, let that girl die, or give him cancer? No? So why are we bringing it up?

This is not about politics

So why bring it up?

Look, Im no fan of Kennedy, and I certainly wouldnt wish cancer on him, but just becuase one of the icons of the Democratic Party has died is no reason to deflect a thread into the very type of talk which got this forum shut down once already.

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Well, it's only been posted 100 times that we did find WMDs, but if it makes you feel better, continue to live your delusion.

Mustard gas and sarin? How in hell was he going to get it over to the US? gezzzz.


Saddam also said the U.S. "used the 9/11 attack as a justification to attack Iraq" and "lost sight of the cause of 9/11."

The U.S. "was not Iraq's enemy," just its policies, Saddam explained.

Asked about WMDs, Saddam insisted: "We destroyed them. We told you."

"By God, if I had such weapons, I would have used them in the fight against the U.S," he added.

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Mustard gas and sarin? How in hell was he going to get it over to the US? gezzzz.

Asked about WMDs, Saddam insisted: "We destroyed them. We told you."

1. Probably with those pesky suicide attackers putting it into a backpack and setting it off in a public place.

2. He wasnt supposed to have any to destroy.

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Damn, man. Let's get personal, why don't we?


I'm not the one who called a recently deceased politician a POS. The hypocracty on this board (BY BOTH SIDES, me included) is the reason this forum was shut down earlier.

It's evident to almost all on this forum, where everyone stands policically. This was a thread dedicated to the death of one of the countries best known politicians. And one of the first resonses call the man a POS. If that is not worthy of being called a POS then nothing is.

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So do you have anything to ofer this board, or are you so starved for attention that you just attack people out of the blue for no reason?

Did those WMD's cause Teddy to drink, let that girl die, or give him cancer? No? So why are we bringing it up?

So why bring it up?

Look, Im no fan of Kennedy, and I certainly wouldnt wish cancer on him, but just becuase one of the icons of the Democratic Party has died is no reason to deflect a thread into the very type of talk which got this forum shut down once already.

Rudy, you have a point. I will remember this when Bush dies...I can call him a POS for sending 4000 American troops home in bodybags, Bankrupting the country, and having the rest of the world hate us. You are right. The thread was hijacked.

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I'm not the one who called a recently deceased politician a POS. The hypocracty on this board (BY BOTH SIDES, me included) is the reason this forum was shut down earlier.

It's evident to almost all on this forum, where everyone stands policically. This was a thread dedicated to the death of one of the countries best known politicians. And one of the first resonses call the man a POS. If that is not worthy of being called a POS then nothing is.

Did you call out UNT90 when he slammed Jackson right after he died? No.

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