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My Top Ten Football Pet Peeves


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As the football season nears, I thought I'd start some football talk with a collection of things that generally humor me, make me irate or, as in #5, make me sad. Please feel free to share your lists too.

#10. Announcers stating, “I don’t know who this pass interference call is on...they were bumping and grinding all the way down the field.”

#9. Announcers stating, “It’s third down and the running back is on the sideline getting a blow.” (This one always makes me chuckle though.)

#8. Denison HS football announcer, “That’s a 15-yard roughing penalty again the defense.”

#7. The time-out, called right as the ball is snapped for the winning field goal attempt. (I don’t mind “icing” the kicker, but this new method is a bit annoying.)

#6. Fans that have to call someone on their cell phone and then wave to them on the TV....ugh, I especially hate this in baseball games...soooo annoying. Attention whores!!

#5. How quickly the season seems to end (even 1-11 is better than no football at all).

#4. The college playoff vs. bowl game argument.

#3. Craig Miller’s continued bashing of the university that has given him the opportunity to be where he is today.

#2. The rolling of eyes and snickering whenever you chime in to an ongoing college football conversation with anything relating to UNT football.

#1. Sam Smith calling North Texas players by the wrong names and proclaiming, “There’s another intercept by the defense!”

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Announcers yelling "REVERSE!" when no reverse took place. Brent Musberger is the worst perpetrator.

Hint to all you multi-million-dollar ESPN/ABC/CBS announcers - a reverse is when a play first establishes a lateral direction, THEN is reversed by handing the ball off a SECOND time (unless the initial lateral motion is established by a bootleg).

A fake hand off followed by an end-around by a wide receiver is NOT a reverse.

Edited by UNTflyer
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And what makes Musberger sound like an even bigger tool is that if the end-around runner hands off for a real reverse, he yells "DOUBLE reverse!"

[Kevin Nelon as Musburger]...here on SEE-BEE-EEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...[/Kevin Nelon as Musburger]

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There's got to be a football equivalent to my #1 baseball pet peeve, but I can't think of what it is. In baseball, it's a team down three runs with no runners on base, and the announcers will say that the guy in the dugout, behind the guy on deck, represents the tying run. In football, I think it's when a team is down 21 with two minutes left in the fourth quarter. The announcers will say something along the lines of, "Now if they score here, get the onside kick, convert the two-point try, and line up for another onside kick, they'll be right back in this game."

Stating the obviously improbable is what I guess is comes down to.

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During, say a 21-7 game, when a team scores a touchdown to make it 21-14...and the announcer indciates "they have closed to within 7". No, they are exactly 7 points down. Not 6.5, not 6 and three-fourths.

Well in the case its easy to calculate, but what happens when its 65-17, like a normal game. I need the 6.5 estimates.

I also have to say one of my biggest pet peeves of irritation is when people at the UNT game cheer louder when they announce the score to another game being played, than our own. Its great to know USC lost to Stanford, but does it really need to be cheered about at the game. Wait, I may have just talked myself out of my pet peeve.

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Mine is the "One-inch line". Would someone please show me where the "one-inch" line is painted.

In baseball it is the ball that hits on the warning track and bounces over the fence.

It is a double. It is not a "ground rule double".

"Ground rules" are specific to their park.

A ball that bounces over the fence is a double EVERYWHERE.

But, the "one-inch line" is the worst.

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Mine is the "One-inch line". Would someone please show me where the "one-inch" line is painted.

In baseball it is the ball that hits on the warning track and bounces over the fence.

It is a double. It is not a "ground rule double".

"Ground rules" are specific to their park.

A ball that bounces over the fence is a double EVERYWHERE.

But, the "one-inch line" is the worst.

I've heard a lot of people say that the length of an "inch" is overstated to where nobody is sure how long one is.

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Or the most meaningless, worthless stat kept in football, time of possession. Really, what the heck does that really mean, that you didn't do anything that stopped the clock while you had the ball? Wouldn't a stat stating how many offensive plays were run by each team be a better indicator of how much time each team controlled the ball?

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