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A Couple Of Roster Notes

Brett Vito

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It's unfortunate that these guys aren't going to be eligible.

But, trying to find the bright side... At least they weren't already on scholarship. Their academic issues will not hurt our APR score, because they never got here.

I wonder who the LB and two DE's are? Could they be Ryan Foster at LB with Joseph Nailor and Bryan Murray at DE?

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Thin at WR- yes and no. I am very glad to hear Rucker will be back.

Can he catch up, and jump into the mix? I sure hope so.

A big WR at 6-6, with good speed, Rucker was showing signs of

becoming a starter before the off the field issues stopped his progress.

One player I am following is WR/OU transfer Tyler Stradford.

I read there will be an announcement soon from the NCAA, regarding

Tyler's status for the 09 season. Tyler is a major talent, with either

the short pass or with deep ball routes.

If Tyler can play this season, he will be a huge asset to this

football team. Especailly since no team in the SBC has seen Tyler

play. Very fast, athletic, and could break a game wide open.

I am glad to hear the staff will keep track of the recruits going

to JUCO's. I hope these players can be successful in Junior college.

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If that is all we lose heading into the season, and we have all the juco's eligible that ain't too bad. History says there are some current players trying to knock out some summer school classes for eligibility. Let's hope they get it done.

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Isn't Mayberry the only HS WR we signed? This will leave us awfully thin at WR when our Jucos graduate in a couple of years.

Darius Carey was signed as a WR. We only lose two JUCOs: Jamaal Jackson and Outlaw. Assuming everyone stays we will have eight wide receivers.

Upon further review...we may also give a scholarship to JUCO Bennie Jones who would be gone by the time Mayberry is eligible. Breece Johnson will graduate with Jackson and Outlaw.

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Hmm... Something familiar about Dodge recruiting a 6'0" 225 pound white linebacker.

I just hope this guy's blood sugar is more stable than the last one we brought in here. :P

More familiar than the white reciever wearing green and white not hanging on to the football?

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More familiar than the white reciever wearing green and white not hanging on to the football?

And they have helmet stickers too!!!

I'm disappointed that Mayberry didn't qualify too. He gave us an early verbal and stuck by it although I believe he had some other interest (don't recall if he had any other offers). I hope he can take care of business and join us in the future. Gotta love that quality education the DISD gives.

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