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Michael Jackson Is Dead

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An Emergency Room source at UCLA hospital said Jackson aides told medics he had collapsed after an injection of potent Demerol — similar to morphine.

A Jacko source said: “Shortly after taking the Demerol he started to experience slow shallow breathing. “His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped.

“His staff started mouth-to-mouth and an ambulance was called which got there in eight minutes “Butfound he was in full respiratory arrest, no breathing and no pulse. They started full CPR and rushed him to hospital.

“When he arrived they started resuscitation, giving him heart shocks and inserted a breathing tube and other supportive measures to try and save his life.

“He never regained consciousness.The family was told that he had passed.”

Edited by UNTflyer
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None of us know for SURE what he did on the legal front. There's alot of supposition, maybes, probablys, could bes, conjecture, whatever. That stuff might be true in some way, in no way, in every way - who knows for sure. He wasn't found guilty by the legal system - and we are supposed to be innocent until proven otherwise.

I wasn't a fan of his music at all. None of his songs would even enter my top 100 of all time(and honestly I prefer classical music to everything else anyways - go Beethoven ;) ). But there's no denying the impact he had on the music industry or millions of people - especially around the world. It'd be hard to find a bigger music star on every continent - look at how he was mobbed in Asia and Europe just in the last couple of years after he wasn't even relevant stateside anymore. The man was truly global. By recognizing that impact, it does NOT mean you are redeeming or condoning whatever suspect activity he may or may not have done at all.

I do hope Paul and/or Ringo can get all the Beatles songs back tho. ;)

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And OJ was innocent because the glove didn't fit.
And everyone is guilty because they stand accused, right? I'm just saying declaring someone automatically guilty because they're arrested is like....against everything our legal system stands for too. And I don't even give a crap about Jackson. Even if he never molested a child, he was obviously borderline insane.

Doesn't mean he wasn't a great artist or that people can't be upset over his death. I mean Ty Cobb was a racist bigot, who is rumored to have even killed a man. Doesn't mean he wasn't a great ball player.

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Michael Jackson was acquitted.

His accusers asked for money before pressing charges. Their reputation and credibility was very questionable.

I think Jackson was weird, had an f-ed up childhood and as a result was a man-boy - he never grew up, and was oddly more comfortable with kids than he was with adults. That doesn't make him a pedophile.

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And everyone is guilty because they stand accused, right? I'm just saying declaring someone automatically guilty because they're arrested is like....against everything our legal system stands for too. And I don't even give a crap about Jackson. Even if he never molested a child, he was obviously borderline insane.

Doesn't mean he wasn't a great artist or that people can't be upset over his death. I mean Ty Cobb was a racist bigot, who is rumored to have even killed a man. Doesn't mean he wasn't a great ball player.

You remember him as the King of Pop if you want, I'll remember him as the King of Pedophilia. Any man that says it is OK to share a bed with a boy, escorts Emanuel Lewis to an award show, pays families to allow him unfettered access to their young sons, and is twice accused of molestation by two boys who didn't know each other is a pedophile, plain and simple.

Sad thing is we will never know how many young boys lives were altered by this freak. But, hey, he wrote some songs, so lets mourn for him.

Like I said, Burn in hell, Mr. Jackson.

Let's see, numerous plastic surgeries, drug problems, personality disorders. Ya, he wasn't trying desperately to mental escape from anything.

Edited by UNT90
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Michael Jackson was acquitted.

His accusers asked for money before pressing charges. Their reputation and credibility was very questionable.

I think Jackson was weird, had an f-ed up childhood and as a result was a man-boy - he never grew up, and was oddly more comfortable with kids than he was with adults. That doesn't make him a pedophile.

Inaccurate. The first accuser's parents opted to take 28 million instead of putting their son through a very traumatic experience of a high publicity trial. The second child, almost ten years later, did not file a law suit against Jackson until after Jackson was found not guilty by a jury who was allowed to hear nothing about the first victim.

The money point is almost laughable, considering these parents were giving up their free ride by reporting the crime. They were very well taken care of by Jackson before the crimes were reported.

He's a celebrity, it's California, and it's a child's word against his. Gee, what will a California jury do?

But, hey, we all love our Michael Jackson music, so lets just close our eyes and pretend nothing happened.

If you really believe the highlighted sentence, please look at any literature available in the library or on the net about profiles of pedophiles. Seriously.

Edited by UNT90
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I actually thought of Michael Jackson as the best singer, dancer and entertainer we will ever see. My all time favorite performer, I am so saddened byhis shocking death. I am actually still in shock especially since he was going to have his comeback tour.

He had a very rough life going up and entertaining his fans and served as a pop icon and an ambassador of the United States to the entire world.

Wow his impact on the music industry is profound and he has the most loyal fans. He will be missed.

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Michael Jackson was acquitted.

His accusers asked for money before pressing charges. Their reputation and credibility was very questionable.

I think Jackson was weird, had an f-ed up childhood and as a result was a man-boy - he never grew up, and was oddly more comfortable with kids than he was with adults. That doesn't make him a pedophile.

This is the best post on this thread. It has been proven to be true that these people were con artists and they were after Michael Jacksons money and to damage his reputation.

He was not a pedophile. He was a humanitarian and that is how he is being remembered around the world.

Edited by UNT_playmaker
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I actually thought of Michael Jackson as the best singer

Wow I could never stand the guy, at all. I liked "Weird Al" Yankovic's parody's much better and thats not saying much.

I guess it is all a matter of opinion, I just never met a guy that liked him before, or at least admitted to liking him. But the best wow!

Break out in some thriller.

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This thread has taught me two things:

1)Michael Jackson's music was not loved by everyone. Nothing too shocking there.

2)All those guys I've been dying to plant dope on and then arrest are now in for a very bad day. After all, once I accuse them of a crime they are automatically guilty. If a jury doesn't see things my way I'll just sentence them to an eternity in hell!!!!

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This thread has taught me two things:

1)Michael Jackson's music was not loved by everyone. Nothing too shocking there.

2)All those guys I've been dying to plant dope on and then arrest are now in for a very bad day. After all, once I accuse them of a crime they are automatically guilty. If a jury doesn't see things my way I'll just sentence them to an eternity in hell!!!!

Please plant dope on the guilty ones, hell I thought that was how it was done anyway. Maybe that is just New York.

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This thread has taught me two things:

1)Michael Jackson's music was not loved by everyone. Nothing too shocking there.

2)All those guys I've been dying to plant dope on and then arrest are now in for a very bad day. After all, once I accuse them of a crime they are automatically guilty. If a jury doesn't see things my way I'll just sentence them to an eternity in hell!!!!

Would you drop your son off at Jackson's house for an overnight stay? I bet not. And you of all people should know juries get it right in these type of cases about 60% of the time.

Funny how some of the same people on here that will rail about OJ are so quick to just give Jackson a free pass. Gee, could it be because OJ's career was over and he wasn't giving us anymore entertainment value, so it's so much easier to accuse him than it is Jackson, who was still producing music when these allegations came out?

Human nature is a funny thing.

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