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Posted (edited)


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will roll the dice on a top priority this week, bringing a contentious climate change bill to the floor despite strong misgivings from her rank-and-file and an outspoken chairman who remains a major impediment.


Breaking Down the Costs of Waxman-Markey Global Warming Legislation

All of these costs accrue in the first 25 years of a 90-year program that, as calculated by climatologists, will lower temperatures by only hundredths of a degree in 2050 and no more than two-tenths of a degree at the end of the century.

Call your represenative today and tell them to vote NO!

Cap and trade will drive up the cost of everything as the government tries to manage our economy, farming, and industries - all in the name of environmentalism and global warming. The environmentalists are purposely and intentionally making society poorer through their policies, deficits and massive spending.


Edited by FirefightnRick

We had all better hope that this piece of very mis-guided legislation goes down in flames....I don't even think her own party supports this piece of PURE JUNK. If this passes every single citizen will feel the very negative effects. This should perhaps be subtitled the "helping to raise unemployment bill". If it does for some crazy reason pass and then get through and actually become law there will be many thousands of newly unemployed as a direct result and every one still lucky enough to have a job will see their taxes and living expenses soar. Some estimates are that this will cause average home electric rates to (at a minimum) double! How's that for helping the "middle class" and the "working poor"? Seems one of Obama's great campaign promises was that he was going to make life so much better for the "average" citizen. I'm still waiting to see anything along those lines even start to emerge from this administration.


This so called Cap and Trade bill is all smoke and mirrors. KRAM you are right it will cost everyone.

What this administration will accomplish by the predictable loss of jobs is to have more people dependent

upon the government. Dependency = Power


I received this in my email today, pretty interesting and lots of good information

The Adminiatration's 'Cap and Trade' energy bill is on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives today for a vote.

NO ONE knows for sure whether the Cap and Trade bill will pass.

EVERYONE seems to agree that the Cap and Trade bill will impose additional costs on American households.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that a Cap and Trade system would cost a typical American household $1,600 per year, on average.


This commentator goes further, claiming that under a Cap and Trade system, electricity rates will "necessarily skyrocket":

Many, including the Administration, claim that Cap and Trade is necessary to avert global warming caused by human activity:


Others claim that the theory of man-made global warming is "junk science":


Here are a couple additional news stories on the Cap and Trade bill:



Despite what you may be used to, I'm not going to presume to tell you what YOUR opinion should be on Cap and Trade. I'm going to presume, instead, that you have the brains to make up your mind for yourself on that. You are not a ROBOT. You are a CITIZEN.

What I AM going to ask you to do is to CALL YOUR CONGRESSPERSON and SHARE YOUR OPINION, whatever that opinion may be.

Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121


It looks like it will probably pass.

House Democrats narrowly won a key test vote Friday on sweeping legislation to combat global warming and usher in a new era of cleaner energy :rolleyes: . . . .

The vote was 217-205 to advance the White House-backed legislation to the floor, and 30 Democrats defected, a reflection of the controversy the bill sparked.



The bill in my understanding authorizes the EPA to regulate anything that emits carbon.

If that is true that includes livestock, cars, power plants, industry and a great amount of other things as well. They then are going to impose taxes based on carbon production. These taxes get passed down to the consumer thus creating a higher price for us, the end consumer.

I am afraid that these higher prices will have a negative effect on the demand curve for certain industries and cause a drop in sales and usage in those products. This will in turn cause these industries to lessen the financial strain that the workforce imposes by cutting jobs or lowering wages. Perhaps this could cause even more manufacturing and industrial types of business to look for greener pastures in overseas, less regulated, markets which would cause even more job loss!

So what I am seeing is that this regulation that they are trying to pass will do nothing to help anyone, and it will only hurt the middle and lower class with higher prices and lost jobs. Isn't it the middle and lower classes that the politicians are always saying that they care about?

This makes no sense, and to try and pass this crap in the middle of a recession is asinine.


Such disgusting behavior by the Statists. If it weren't bad enough that everyone had around 72 hours to go over the more than 1,000 pages of this bill, then they drop a 300 page managers amendment on the doorstep of every member at 3 a.m. this morning? After the shit they all took from all of their constituents over not reading the entire Stimulus bill, then they turned around and did the same damn thing this week and today. Even though everyone was probably expecting to get out of there and start their holiday break for the 4th, John Boehner at least walked in and made everyone there read sit and listen to the rediculous power grabs that were written into the addition. If this things passes the senate, the U.S. government will control damn near everything. They haven't even been able to figure out every industry this will affect, all to prevent a possible minus 1 percent increase of global temperature increase by 2035. Simply amazing! By 2012, every home built must get 6% of it's energy from renewable resources, with increases up to 20% by 2024. The federal government can mandate not only what kind of car you may have to choose from but what kind of electric plugs can be in your house in order to recharge electric cars. The crap Boehner was reading was simply amazing. The reach and over powergrabbing by this bill is mind boggling.



Such disgusting behavior by the Statists. If it weren't bad enough that everyone had around 72 hours to go over the more than 1,000 pages of this bill, then they drop a 300 page managers amendment on the doorstep of every member at 3 a.m. this morning? After the shit they all took from all of their constituents over not reading the entire Stimulus bill, then they turned around and did the same damn thing this week and today. Even though everyone was probably expecting to get out of there and start their holiday break for the 4th, John Boehner at least walked in and made everyone there read sit and listen to the rediculous power grabs that were written into the addition. If this things passes the senate, the U.S. government will control damn near everything. They haven't even been able to figure out every industry this will affect, all to prevent a possible minus 1 percent increase of global temperature increase by 2035. Simply amazing! By 2012, every home built must get 6% of it's energy from renewable resources, with increases up to 20% by 2024. The federal government can mandate not only what kind of car you may have to choose from but what kind of electric plugs can be in your house in order to recharge electric cars. The crap Boehner was reading was simply amazing. The reach and over powergrabbing by this bill is mind boggling.


Don't worry this bill will single handedly be the death blow of the Democratic Party may they rest in peace. The eventual backlash of this stupid crap be the democrats worst nightmare.


Don't worry this bill will single handedly be the death blow of the Democratic Party may they rest in peace. The eventual backlash of this stupid crap be the democrats worst nightmare.

I agree this will dismantle the democratic party, now the Republicans just need to get back to their conservative roots. 2010 will start the landslide.

Posted (edited)


Obama, Pelosi, Gore and others attempted to persuade House Democrats that worries about rising utility rates were unfounded, pointing to favorable Congressional Budget Office and Environmental Protection Agency reports about the impact on consumers.

That's all well and fine, however, the concerned congressmen were apparantly not allowed to read all of the EPA's report.

Breaking late tonight, CEI has released the draft version of the censored study that the EPA doesn’t want you to see. You can read the entire 98-page document here.

Read the entire CEI report HERE.

The free market-based Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington obtained a set of internal e-mails exposing Team Obama’s willful and reckless disregard for data that undermine the illusion of “consensus.” In March, Alan Carlin, a senior research analyst at the Environmental Protection Agency, asked agency officials to distribute his analysis on the health effects of greenhouse gases. EPA has proposed a public health “endangerment finding” covering CO2 and five other gases that would trigger costly, extensive new regulations of motor vehicles. The open comment period on the ruling ended this week. But Carlin’s study didn’t fit the blame-human-activity narrative, so it didn’t make the cut.

On March 12, Carlin’s director, Al McGartland, forbade him from having “any direct communication” with anyone outside his office about his study. “There should be no meetings, emails, written statements, phone calls, etc.” On March 16, Carlin urged his superiors to forward his work to EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, which runs the agency’s climate change program. A day later, McGartland dismissed Carlin and showed his true, politicized colors:

“The time for such discussion of fundamental issues has passed for this round. The administrator and the administration has decided to move forward on endangerment, and your comments do not help the legal or policy case for this decision… I can only see one impact of your comments given where we are in the process, and that would be a very negative impact on our office.”

Contrary comments, in other words, would interfere with the “process” of ramming the EPA’s endangerment finding through. Truth-in-science took a backseat to protecting eco-bureaucrats from “a very negative impact.”

In another follow-up e-mail, McGartland warned Carlin to drop the subject altogether: “With the endangerment finding nearly final, you need to move on to other issues and subjects. I don’t want you to spend any additional EPA time on climate change. No papers, no research etc, at least until we see what EPA is going to do with Climate.”

But, of course, the e-mails show that EPA had already predetermined what it was going to do – “move forward on endangerment.”

What a scam, and we are going to all pay the price for it. Everyone of these individuals who voted to pass this thing, including 8 republicans, should be locked up for theft. The 168 Republicans and 44 Democrats who voted against this bill are heros, especially the Democrats, because Pelosi, Emanual and their ilk spent the entire day arm twisting, coercing and probably outright threatened potential voters with who knows what to squeeze this thing through. Simply look at how the EPA all but gagged one of their own if he spoke out about his findings that were being left out?

If your a Democrat you should be very proud of these people today because they were under the greatest stress to turn their backs on our country and they refused to bow to the pressure. Here's a list of 30 these individuals.

Altmire (PA)

Baird (WA)

Barrow (GA)

Boren (OK)

Bright (AL)

Carney (PA)

Childers (MS)

Dahlkemper (PA)

Davis (TN)

DeFazio (OR)

Doggett (TX)

Foster (IL)

Griffith (AL)

Halvorson (IL)

Harman (CA)

Hill (IN)

Holt (NJ)

Kucinich (OH)

Marshall (GA)

Matheson (UT)

Melancon (LA)

Minnick (ID)

Mitchell (AZ)

Nye (VA)

Rahall (WV)

Ross (AR)

Salazar (CO)

Shuler (NC)

Stark (CA)

Taylor (MS)


Edited by FirefightnRick

If your a Democrat you should be very proud of these people today because they were under the greatest stress to turn their backs on our country and they refused to bow to the pressure. Here's a list of 30 these individuals.


Kucinich is a surprising name to see on that list.


Kucinich is a surprising name to see on that list.

Here's the full 44. Please excuse the fact it doesn't have their states.












Davis (AL)

Davis (TN)


Donnelly (IN)

Edwards (TX)




Herseth Sandlin


Kirkpatrick (AZ)






















Wilson (OH)



If this thing passes, we will see unemplyment at 15% a year from the date it is signed into law. What manufacturing we have left will flee to more business-friendly countries. The Republican party SHOULD win a landslide in 2010, if they can ever figure out what they are (don't count on this happening-after all, if they had stood up to the politicalizing of global warming in the first place, we wouldn't be where we are at now).

The time has never been better for a truly conservative third party.

Posted (edited)

If this thing passes, we will see unemplyment at 15% a year from the date it is signed into law. What manufacturing we have left will flee to more business-friendly countries. The Republican party SHOULD win a landslide in 2010, if they can ever figure out what they are (don't count on this happening-after all, if they had stood up to the politicalizing of global warming in the first place, we wouldn't be where we are at now).

The time has never been better for a truly conservative third party.

You're right. And actual conservatism, as in, fiscal conservative measures in government. Not rampant hawkish measures, not ultra-religious social conservatism. Just stand-up smart spending and smart use of foreign policy tools and the military.

It's just a matter of actual conservatives stepping away from old "moral majority" and the right-side conspiracy theorists. But it's going to be harder than ever to create an actual 3rd party because many seem to be very polarized these days. You are either deep blue or blood red, and looked at funny by both sides if you're anywhere in the middle.

Also, I can't stand Pelosi.

Edited by meangreendork

You're right. And actual conservatism, as in, fiscal conservative measures in government. Not rampant hawkish measures, not ultra-religious social conservatism. Just stand-up smart spending and smart use of foreign policy tools and the military.

It's just a matter of actual conservatives stepping away from old "moral majority"

This is the definition of libertarianism.

To me, a true conservative is fiscally responsible, believes in America first in foreign policy (protecting the interest of this country before all others), morality guided by christian principles. A party that welcomes religion and does not vilify it. I'd much rather have the "moral majority" and what they stand for as a group than those on the far left. The below goals are taken directly from their website:

(1) TMMC will conduct an intensive "Voter Registration Campaign" through America's conservative churches, para-church ministries, pro-life and pro-family organizations.

(2) TMMC will conduct well organized "Get-Out-The-Vote Campaigns" in 2008.

(3) TMMC will engage in the massive recruitment and mobilization of social conservatives through television, radio, direct mail (U.S.P.S. and Internet) and public rallies.

(4) TMMC will encourage the promotion of continuous private and corporate prayer for America's moral renaissance based on 2 Chronicles 7:14.

How do we let such evilness continue in our society???

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